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 This image was disqualified from the Education challenge.
The Bad Apple
The Bad Apple

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Education (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Location: My Bedroom
Date: Mar 13, 2006
Aperture: f5.6
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/13 seconds
Galleries: Humorous, Studio
Date Uploaded: Mar 14, 2006

Entry number 115

I had several initial ideas pop up but nothing solid came about. Then a friend told me about this idea of having an apple and a worm and it might be pretty cool. Plus it was somewhat universal and everyone could relate to it. So I got jazzed and started planning the shoot. At first I was planning of using a plain white background but realized using a complimentary background made the apple pop right out of the photo. So a green chalkboard it was - at least from my monitor as I am no where around or have access to a school.

The chalkboard was created from scratch using chalkdust text and green layer with dust and scratches and using dodge and burn. I hope it looks like the real thing.

This by far is the most digusting and most intensive shot I've ever set-up. I bought a box of rainbow worms from the pet store. I didn't realize that there were lots of different ones people use to feed their pets.

"Give me something that I would most likely find in an apple", I said to the guy working at the store. "Wow! Is this going to be an April Fool's gag? If it is, that's pretty sweet!".

Got home and unwrapped the items I bought (apple, PAM, worms, etc). I did a few test shots and after 30 minutes decided to do the actual shot.

I used a screwdriver to bore a hole and I had to shove the plump little worm into it (butt first). Yuck! Nasty! He wiggled and squirmed and it was just plain disgusting :) Anyway, he finally cooperated and I took my shots. Every now and then he would just coil up so I had to "tickle" him to make him "rise" so he didn't touch the edge of the apple. The books underneath are an architectural history book and a tour guide that I used for Japan. I decided to crop it out for anonymity purposes. You might ask why the heck did he buy PAM? I sprayed the apple with PAM to make it glisten. That's an Iron Chef trick for you ladies and gents ;)

Not much post processing. Pretty much straight out of the camera. Just adjusted levels and curves and cropped. Border width at 10 pixels. Saved for web.

Don't know why but I ended up shooting this in automatic modes. The last time I did, it bombed so let's hope this doesn't ;)


Uh oh! It's 8:44PM PST and I just ended up reshooting my entry. I sure hope I didn't make a mistake here. I added glasses the last minute and changed the book. It's still an architecture book though. I think the glasses add another dimension of texture to the image itself. Crossing my fingers here for a 6+ again ;)



Post Challenge Comment
Woohoo! Thanks everyone for another Yellow! Willy The Worm thanks you as well. Just in case you were wondering, Willy wasn't harmed in the making of this shoot. After a solid dose of buttery taste from using PAM on the apple, he lies in rest inside his container amongst his brothers inside my fridge until the next time he is called for another act.
Disqualification Details
Any attempts to alter the point totals in any way for any photograph will result in immediate loss of account and a ban from the site. Photographs by any participating parties may also be removed from past or current challenges.

Views since voting: 6947
Views during voting: 721
Comments: 73
Favorites: 6 (view)

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06/19/2007 07:23:32 PM
I absolutely love this pictures, the colors that pop, reflection in the glasses, the worm, etc. This shot is Great!
03/28/2006 10:31:20 PM
Eeeek!! Seeing that worm made me shiver... Cool photo!!
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03/28/2006 07:33:24 AM
Tickling the worm, huh Rikki? Hmmmm... now I see where you're getting these ribbons ... LOL
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03/28/2006 01:19:12 AM
Congrats Rikki! Just got back from vacation and saw that you won!
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03/24/2006 12:06:13 PM
You da MAN! :-)
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03/23/2006 11:01:54 PM
Congratulations Rikki. I think I need to know whatever you've been eating/drinking/taking. I'll take two. :)

And don't tell me worms ;)
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03/23/2006 09:35:19 PM
The incredible Rikki that is taking DPC by storm. Congratulations, my friend, you are giving everybody here a run for their money. Happy Yellow!
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03/23/2006 11:25:39 AM
This is a great photo, nice and crisp focus, the lighting is good and good use of both horizontal and vertical thirds!

For those who do not know, the worm actually never goes inside the apple, only comes out of it!!!. So If you have an appletree and don't want any worms, take care of it before the flowers turn into apples because at that time the insect lays its eggs.
Also if you see a hole in an apple it is probably ok to eat it because then you know the worm has already left.


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03/22/2006 04:36:49 PM
Congratulations on your ribbon! Well planned and executed... enjoy the fruits of your labor!
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03/22/2006 04:18:32 PM
Congrats on your ribbon!
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03/22/2006 12:00:58 PM
Congrats on the ribbon. That list is getting longer and longer.
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03/22/2006 11:10:10 AM
Oh wow! Congratulations, Rikki!
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03/22/2006 08:04:20 AM
Congratulations! I'm glad you ribboned. You definitely deserved it after reading that explanation.
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03/22/2006 06:19:57 AM
Congrats on the Gold Rikki!!!!!
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03/22/2006 04:34:11 AM
´grats dude :)
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03/22/2006 04:09:26 AM
Wonderful Picture, Rikki!! I must have missed this during the voting, but I would have gave it a 9. Congrats!!
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03/22/2006 03:25:10 AM
Nice shot! Good colors!
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03/22/2006 02:47:55 AM
Clever aintcha? Congrats on ribbon number four for 2006. It's gonna be a long year!
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03/22/2006 02:47:01 AM
I've got to hand it to you, Rikki - that's one creative brain you have in your head. The buildings you design must be awesome. ;-) Congratulations, again.


Message edited by author 2006-03-22 02:49:26.
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03/22/2006 01:38:31 AM
Congratulations - I picked this for the blue - sorry I didn't vote this time.
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03/22/2006 01:36:43 AM
you rock Rikki :-) Rocky Rikki :-)
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03/22/2006 01:31:36 AM
Supreme image, Rikki! You are da man and I am pond scum! An excellent, creative studio shot! And for the extra effort - totally paid off.
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03/22/2006 01:25:55 AM
Woohoo! Thanks everyone for the yellow! Willy The Worm thanks you as well. Just in case you were wondering, Willy wasn't harmed in the making of this shoot. After a solid dose of buttery taste from using PAM on the apple, he lies in rest inside his container amongst his brothers inside my fridge until the next time he is called for another act.

03/22/2006 12:58:14 AM
You think you're getting an "A" with that apple? Nice job and grats on the yellow!
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03/22/2006 12:56:35 AM
Rikki ! ! !
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03/22/2006 12:55:45 AM
Congrats on the ribbon, Rikki. Striking use of complementaries.
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03/22/2006 12:55:07 AM
congratulations on making the front page yet again! you just keep churning out these great images. *high fives*
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03/22/2006 12:49:05 AM
You have bad handwriting.....

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03/22/2006 12:36:27 AM
And wonderful shot, good thinking on the reshoot with the glasses. Wouldn't have the same effect without them :)
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03/22/2006 12:34:22 AM
Ehehehe...you fluffed the worm...
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03/22/2006 12:29:35 AM
Woohooo...this is fantastic...another ribbon for Rikki. Well done.
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03/22/2006 12:27:03 AM
I knew you would get a ribbon, I told you man....congrats !!

Great shot !
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03/22/2006 12:23:32 AM
Couch mate, you rock! I did not vote on this challenge, but this is a great shot! Congratulations!
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03/22/2006 12:22:01 AM
Congratulations, Rikki! :)
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03/22/2006 12:15:26 AM
holy super-saturation batman.. I have to squint to look at this. lol.

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03/22/2006 12:13:32 AM
darn you! ;D
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03/22/2006 12:09:22 AM
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
03/21/2006 11:45:24 PM
Wonderful work! Yeccccch. Great composition and presentation. Last minute 10 for you. Good luck!
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03/21/2006 07:49:55 PM
Great image and wonderful sense of humor. Was the worm ok?

edit to add: Is this a Scalvert entry?
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03/21/2006 07:48:46 PM
Great image! Good luck!
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03/20/2006 10:49:45 PM
Stunning focus. I like the reflections in the glasses. Amazing.
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03/20/2006 04:23:19 PM
This is great! The colors are fantastic.
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03/20/2006 04:13:22 PM
Beautiful high impact colors.
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03/20/2006 12:56:46 PM
very cool.
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03/20/2006 12:33:30 PM
Good Idea. When we can identify the bad apple the rest is easy. Good shot
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03/20/2006 11:45:19 AM
awesome shot! The reflections in the glass is a nice touch. The green and red really stand out!
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03/20/2006 03:55:49 AM
Very neat...would love to know how this was done.
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03/19/2006 01:42:11 PM
love this shot
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03/19/2006 06:53:54 AM
Wormderful shot - my fave in this challenge. Good colours, I like the composition and it's right on theme.
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03/18/2006 10:40:32 PM
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03/18/2006 03:24:14 PM
great imagery! love the worm!
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03/18/2006 01:37:06 PM
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03/17/2006 08:00:00 PM
This is great. Love the colors and lighting
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03/17/2006 01:12:00 PM
Great Picture, sure to score in the top 10
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03/17/2006 10:45:07 AM
Fab colour and nice detail. Composition is also quite nice. All in all its a nice image to look at, well done & good luck!
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03/17/2006 05:13:27 AM
cexcellent colors
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03/16/2006 04:13:22 PM
Clever twist on a classic theme.
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03/16/2006 04:04:14 PM
LOL - great colorful image - nice quality and good idea - nice work :)
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03/16/2006 03:37:14 PM
That's disqusting. Hah Hah hah. No really, it is! Hee Hee Hee. Thanks Great image. Were any worms harmed during the shooting of this image? 9
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03/16/2006 12:24:40 PM
I love this idea. The reflection in the glasses is very cool. The worm is also a nice touch. There is something off with the colors to my eye. A little too saturated. Nice job though.
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03/16/2006 11:26:03 AM
eww, but good colours
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03/16/2006 10:01:04 AM
Very amazing! Great composition, color and lighting. Has me wondering how it was done. Great job.
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03/16/2006 01:30:01 AM
EWWWW!!!!!!!! omg lol, just freaking gross....but other than that, very well done lol ;)
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03/15/2006 10:27:44 PM
Ewwwwww! Is that worm for real? I hate worms and eventhough there is a worm in it, I still like it though ;)
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03/15/2006 10:12:39 PM
Nicely done. The worm especially. The apple is so red and shiny so you must be the teacher's pet ;)
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03/15/2006 09:53:11 PM
Sharp image with great complimentary colors.
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03/15/2006 09:04:16 PM
love it great !!!
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03/15/2006 03:23:04 PM
Nice composition, color, elements, mealworm, reflections, and processing of chalkboard. Humorous, and could hardly be better.
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03/15/2006 12:51:45 PM
awesome and ewww at the same time, i love this one!
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03/15/2006 12:24:40 PM
I like the bug coming out of the apple and the title but overall the image strikes me as too busy with distracting background. I think in this case simpler would have worked better.
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03/15/2006 09:13:19 AM
Love the worm. LOL..One of my top pics!
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03/15/2006 02:51:09 AM
One of the best I've seen in this competition. Good luck.
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03/15/2006 12:10:57 AM
Awesome shot...love the vivid colours and that worm is just perfect.
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