Although this is a great macro of the bee and the flower, in this challenge I was really looking for something more original and not so still life... perhaps a picture that tells a story, or suggests an action in the garden. Quite honestly, the reason that "bug macro shots" are being rated lower is because there are so many (as many anticipated there would be) and how do you compare one good in focus macro to another... To me, the insect shots are just TOO OBVIOUSLY in the garden. Because of the number of entries, I found myself being very stingy with points... First and foremost, creativity took the points, I only gave one 10 in the entire challenge, followed by 5 9's I think.
I think that in general, this is an awesome shot, just not for this particular challenge, as I said before because it seems so obvious to the title... Overall I am a fan of macro shots though, and the contrast and coloration on this one are great. - 3 |