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Challenge: Fear (Classic Editing)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix 2200
Location: Home
Date: Jul 7, 2002
Date Uploaded: Jul 7, 2002


Place: 24 out of 110
Avg (all users): 5.4134
Avg (commenters): 6.3684
Avg (participants): 5.6333
Avg (non-participants): 5.3109
Views since voting: 1299
Votes: 283
Comments: 41
Favorites: 0

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07/17/2002 09:27:00 AM
Thanks ezns and every1 else for the comments. much appreciated.
The dead space was put there on purpose in order to force you to look for something in it.
On reflection , a little more light on my sons face would of helped. I am pleased with the effect considering the constraints of a point and shoot camera and think it looks great in my gallery on Pbase, where the background is also black. Thanks again.
07/16/2002 07:10:00 PM
I thought this was going to be the winner,... Wonderful lighting .. great job!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/14/2002 11:05:00 PM
Neat photo. I like the use of empty space.
07/14/2002 10:20:00 PM
Good idea, but it seems a little dark on my monitor -- was the boy just lit by the candle? If so, maybe a little extra light shining on his face would help. I like all the other black space on the other side of the image. Leaves us straining to look for something in the dark just as the boy is.
07/14/2002 06:20:00 PM
nice work, spooky shadows would help
07/14/2002 03:47:00 AM
one of the better ideas for this subject, however needs to be a little sharper and would like to see just slightly more light on the face.
07/13/2002 08:48:00 PM
nice photo! good composition. the empty space on the left side creates room for the imaginary intruder, monster or whoever is "there". nice lighting also and a good expression on the boys face.
i don't know if it's just my eyes who stared too much on monitors but i see square patterns around the light. maybe it's bad jpeg compression or a limitation of the camera, no points lost for that.
i like this photo.
only trifle is the strange blot between the candle and the face. almost looks like i touched my monitor there, but it moves when i scroll the photo up and down ;-)
07/13/2002 03:40:00 PM
I see dead people
07/13/2002 01:45:00 AM
great lighting!
07/13/2002 12:38:00 AM
one can interpret a lot from this
07/12/2002 08:43:00 AM
just a wee bit brighter onthe face and it'd be so great. Very ghostly!
07/12/2002 12:38:00 AM
I like it but feel I want more. more light on childs face, perhaps some shadows where he thinks he sees something....good job though. cthenk
07/11/2002 11:33:00 PM
Good idea but I would have liked this better if the candle were placed on the left third instead of centered (tighter crop).
07/11/2002 09:09:00 PM
meets the challenge well. Well composed, great lighting.
07/11/2002 03:44:00 PM
Good interpretation of fear, but the bright candle is drawing my attention too much to the center of the picture.
07/11/2002 02:44:00 AM
a bit plain...
07/11/2002 02:40:00 AM
This one is growing on me as the week goes on... Bumping it up :)
07/11/2002 01:46:00 AM
Nicely done. Good color, I like the soft brown. Good skin tone and great expression.
07/11/2002 12:44:00 AM
nice image... not too fearful 3 sjgleah
07/10/2002 02:11:00 PM
I would rank this as an excelent picture in another catagory, It gives me the feeling of hope and life more than fear
07/10/2002 12:55:00 PM
subject 10 lighting 10 focus 10 composition 8 total 9
07/10/2002 11:31:00 AM
On second look, I realy like this picture even though the child's face is darker than I would prefer. My ten pick for this Challenge.
07/10/2002 10:59:00 AM
Nice atmosphere created in this photo...I like the subdued lighting
07/09/2002 11:13:00 PM
One of the best interpertations of this theme in the challenge. Good capture. Shey.
07/09/2002 10:48:00 PM
excellent... the dark emptiness on the left of the frame leave plenty of room for my imagination to wonder what's out there :) = 8 - jmsetzler
07/09/2002 10:47:00 PM
The darkness and slight illumination on the kid's face really sets a mood. I know it is supposed to be dark, and on my monitor it is okay, but some people's seem to be darker. If you get a lot of comments to that end, sometimes it helps to submit a picture that is a shade or two brighter than what you really like. It may lose a touch of the effect on some monitors, but it seems to insure that everyone can see the picture.
07/09/2002 10:38:00 PM
very good picture
07/09/2002 07:52:00 PM
Nice idea. Kid's expression could be better.
07/09/2002 06:46:00 PM
meeting challenge = 5. photo quality = 4 could have moved the candle just a bit closer to capture the expression - nice job. total = 9
07/09/2002 02:03:00 PM
nice expression, is the boy holding the candle? it might be better if his hand could be seen holding the candle..
07/09/2002 10:19:00 AM
Some folks might say this is too dark..they may be right. BUT..this is such a good idea..so perfect in execution UP TO THE DARK PART that I still have to place this a one of my top 10 this week....8...hokie
07/09/2002 04:10:00 AM
beautiful photo.....out of context to some extent thoguh
07/08/2002 11:57:00 PM
Wow, after seeing this one, I keep looking for something on the left side, you know, some creature or aparition = ) Great effect! One of the few that really stands out! - 9
07/08/2002 07:39:00 PM
Nice Concept!
07/08/2002 06:15:00 PM
Subtle, good shot for such low light (must be F707). Suspense nicely portraited. 8 Swash
07/08/2002 05:57:00 PM
Good photo but needs more exposure on the kids face as well as a crop in to remove the dead spaces.
07/08/2002 04:39:00 PM
Love the expression! Very dark, though
07/08/2002 02:54:00 PM
Way too dark.
07/08/2002 02:33:00 PM
Good one ,just a little tighter crop on the left.
07/08/2002 11:30:00 AM
cool! : )
07/08/2002 09:15:00 AM
you should have had a goblin mask or something on the other side. that would have been great.

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