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Challenge: Yellow III (Advanced Editing IV)
Collection: Challenges
Camera: Pentax *ist DL
Lens: Pentax SMC-M 135mm f/3.5
Location: Nashville
Date: Apr 2, 2006
Aperture: F5.6
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/90
Galleries: Portraiture, Macro
Date Uploaded: Apr 2, 2006

I took many,many shots for this challenge. After much effort and a few sleepless nights I came up with this. wow. Obviously I belong to the middling masses.

Finished as expected. Should have gone with my instincts and gone for the fun peep shot.
Live and learn

Place: 354 out of 404
Avg (all users): 4.5000
Avg (commenters): 5.4286
Avg (participants): 4.4454
Avg (non-participants): 4.6383
Views since voting: 1403
Views during voting: 227
Votes: 166
Comments: 16
Favorites: 0

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04/16/2006 09:46:24 PM
Eeeewww - bunny peeps. Beyond the fact that these are some of the grossest snacks known to man (right next to circus peant candy thingees), I would have loved to have seen another color - maybe brighter red onthe lips or something. That or maybe a desat on everything else but the peeps. Dark red lips with the yellow sugar crystals may have given the shot more wow.

I think your outtake shot would have done better and surely gotten some good commented laughs.
04/15/2006 11:47:47 PM
I actually bought some peeps but couldn't figure out what to do with them. I like the concept here, but would have preferred to see more of the peeps, like held more upright maybe. Love the spots of sugar on the lips, think it adds to the photo. The red fingernail suggestion might have been nice too, just to add a little more color.
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04/11/2006 03:03:34 PM
I'm finding this one really tough to comment on. I don't know what that yellow thing she's eating is, some sort of marshmallow? It looks interesting whatever it is!

But what distracts me more than anything is that it has a certain snapshot look about it. And, for me, what gives it that feel is the lighting. It really looks like you used on-camera flash here, I could be wrong, but that's the feeling I get.
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04/11/2006 09:41:36 AM
Easter Eater?

I don't know what those are, but they look like they are either really yummy or really nasty.

I like how the middle one has a little speck reminiscent of a small circle for the mouth. As if it's surprised/worried about the prospect of being the next one down the hatch...

I'm sorry to say this, but I honestly don't like the picture.

The lighting, the model's make-up (POWDER!), messy yellow stuff everywhere, uninteresting hands and general composition are disappointing to me.

Using a white background might have helped to hide some things (like the lip-hair, which I might add is NOT considered unattractive in every culture, it's quite a mark of beauty in the philippines and some other asian countries, but in those cases, they like it more off on the sides) and softened the harshness of this rather stark picture.

Further, balancing the light would have REALLY helped this. Generally speaking, using the flash as a primary light source is a BIG no-no.

I'm not trying to be harsh here, just specific.
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04/10/2006 10:35:38 PM
Maybe try this at one of those weird angles people seem to like, forming a diagonal across the frame? I'm not big on the pics of women eating things, but they generally seem to do OK on average. Like someone else already mentioned, maybe dress it up a bit with red lipstick, red nailpolish, and have her pulling a bit off the peep. By the way, I liked the outtake quite a bit!
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04/10/2006 02:31:41 PM
I like this idea...

A tighter crop and maybe the actual bite being taken out of the peep would have helped???

Nice shot though
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04/10/2006 12:20:56 PM
I am honestly trying to say what I see that may help, at least IMO, and I do like this, would have probably voted it a 6, but did not get to this one. First thing it does appear a LITTLE soft, not quite sharp enough, otherwise, anything else (as in maybe bright red fingernail polish??), is personal taste. Well done shot overall, under rated by voters, not a big surprise to me!! LOL

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04/10/2006 03:55:10 AM
This one cracked me up - very funny with just a hint of benevolent malice! Maybe the lighting is a little harsh and just maybe the focus a little soft but this is one fun image. Personally, I like it and think it should have done better.
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04/10/2006 01:25:54 AM
Eew, peeps, nasty.

Now that I have that out of the way, I think this should have done better than it did. This is why I am always entering pictures that I think should do better than they do, I suppose, but hey. *I* like it.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/07/2006 09:51:45 PM
I think cloning out the upper lip hair would've helped a lot, it's the first thing I saw.
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04/06/2006 07:27:25 PM
It is certainly yellow but there is not much else that draws me into this image. The clarity is a bit off (focus seems rather soft) and that might be because yellow is a pain in the tush to get good detail out of for some reason. The lighting seems a bit harsh, but there are no annoying shadows present so it works. I think the biggest thing for me is the composition doesn't have a high impact. I'm thinking the main problem is the hand holding the Peeps. Maybe if they were on a fork or something slender like a skewer so that the Peeps would be more central, there would be more negative space around them and then the addition of the models partial face would have an even higher impact, IMO. Also that bid of reddish-brown in the bottom right-hand corner (probably the model's hair?) is a bit distracting. I think - following the concept mentioned above - having that be all black background would help give more emphasis and focus on the two main subjects.. Peeps and mouth eating them. I gave a 4
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04/04/2006 11:21:28 AM
obviously lit with a very harsh, on camera flash, try using window light next time and maybe including some background detail
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04/03/2006 03:39:14 PM
i think with better lighting this would be fun. i also think it would be fun to just bite their heads off 'cause those are the best part anyway. :)
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04/03/2006 01:43:37 AM
Everyone's killin the peeps! lol
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04/03/2006 12:55:00 AM
Peeps! Poor bunny got eaten! OUCH! :)

Nice idea, not a bad overall composiiton but the hair on her shoulder is a bait distracting and teh colors seem a bit bland. A 6
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04/03/2006 12:24:48 AM
Ewwwwwww! not Easter Bunny peeps!
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