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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Candid III (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 70-200mm f/4.0L USM
Location: Sevilla, Spain.
Date: Apr 9, 2006
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/320
Galleries: Candid, Traditional Art
Date Uploaded: Apr 10, 2006

I know this is a difficult photograph to understand outside my little world.

This is one of the participants in the Holly Week's processions in Sevilla, Spain.
They walk a quite long walk, some lasting more than 12 hours, following religious sculptures, some dated back to XV century and beyond, despicting Jesus' life events, in a personal introspective experience.

It's hard for me try to convey with words the moods and feelings involved, I still get a shiver when remembering. A real must see.

And no, it's not a Ku Klux Klan memorial I'd say it's right the opposite ;-)

Post processing is quite straight, rotating and cropping, desaturation (-30), brigthness (+15) & contrast (-10), Resize and sharpening.
I whish I could have used the dodge and burn tool in order to lighten the eyes up just a little.

For more information,
//es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semana_Santa_en_Sevilla (in spanish)

Place: 208 out of 396
Avg (all users): 5.1068
Avg (commenters): 5.1500
Avg (participants): 4.9314
Avg (non-participants): 5.2424
Views since voting: 2261
Views during voting: 436
Votes: 234
Comments: 37
Favorites: 1 (view)

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11/10/2006 12:05:36 AM
I don't think it's a sign of narrow mindedness to mistake this picture for a klan shot. I think any reasonable person in America would. It may be a sign of our ethnocentricity, but with such a potentially volatile subject matter for Americans, I don't think you should judge people and their reactions so harshly.

Message edited by author 2006-11-10 20:17:59.
04/21/2006 02:02:50 PM
I love this image. It's a shame that people jump to conclusions so quick. Bad on them. Can't look through a lense and be narrow minded, way to think outside the box. I didn't get a chance to vote on this picture, it would have been an 8 from me. Kudos!
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04/21/2006 01:33:02 PM
Pero que re-entrada Carlos! Los has dejado a la mitad con la boca abierta!
Cuando vi la foto no me imagine que eras tu que levabas tanto tiempo fuera, estuviste haciendo la mili ? ;)
Espero volver a ver fotos tuyas por aqui, esta transmitia mucho y si hubieras podido utilizar el dodge/burn se le hubiera sacado mucho partido a las texturas y sombras de los antifaces (probaste en b/n?)
PD. No les digas lo del Banderas que se le acaba la carrera en Holliwood :)
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04/19/2006 11:48:45 PM
Originally posted by angelfire:

This gave me a litle trouble. When I first saw it I thought low because it made me angry, then i thought it's doing it's job. It's a photograph of a moment to incite emotion. I conciously mark it down because of it's content. Simply because i don't agree with it doesn't mean it's a bad picture. However, I also don't know what is truely going on. It's a great shot in the whole, but we can't figure anything out about the story. All we have is our first impression, which I can tell you for me wasn't a good one. If it only had a little more to help tell the story.

I'm so glad I was wrong and even happier I gave you a six. I still stand by the fact that I wish I was able to see a lot more of what was going on.
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04/19/2006 09:13:58 PM
Very good photo. Nice framing. This was a sleeper in the event. Not only does it show something about a world I do not know, but it also shows something about me to me.
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04/19/2006 09:12:53 PM
It's too bad about the assumptions people made about this photo. But you know what they say about assumptions...
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04/19/2006 07:07:57 PM
To be honest a better title REALLY could have saved you in this case. 'Observing Spanish Faith' or 'The Eyes of the Spanish Holy Week'. I think you did a great job of keeping the whites from being blown out. You're right about the eyes needing a bit more exposure, but for DPC you didn't have that liberty. I'm not sure about the composition, however. It may be a bit too tight.

It sucks that this was not received better. As others have said, it's a good capture independent of the perceived politics.
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04/19/2006 06:35:08 PM
I think this was really well done.
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04/19/2006 03:07:39 PM
Originally posted by espy:

I'm not much for receiving or giving comments, but since Candids are
near and dear to my heart, I have decided to give comment on every entry
in this challenge.

A very good high key image, but to me, not a candid. In photographing candids, I prefer to see something a bit more out of the ordinary, a comic situation, a story untold, etc. I can't get emotion from this photo. All I see is white and what I can see of the eyes is masked. Also, for me; masks, glasses, and hats are a nightmare for the candid photographer. Unfortunately, this would have faired well in a high key challenge, but not as a candid to me. It's a 2.

To each his own....but a 2 ??????????
I think for most to vote a 2, the image would have to be really bad and this certainly is not in that category. How can we expect anyone to enter a challenge when they're given a 2 on a photo of that quality? I'll probably get ripped for criticizing how someone voted. If so, thats ok.
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04/19/2006 01:34:47 PM
I didn't vote but i think some people owe this man an Apology! It is very different to think that this photo doesn't fit the challenge or that it was a bad pic...it is another thing to vote down because of what you think the photo is...we are judging photos not politics.
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04/19/2006 11:43:19 AM
Wow - I was waaaaay off base. Living in southern America, that was the first thing that came to mind. So glad I was wrong~ I still gave it an 8 whether I believed the politics I perceived to be true, were actual or not. Powerful image.

Message edited by author 2006-04-19 11:44:10.
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04/19/2006 11:20:13 AM
Shame on all of these people that voted it on low on what 'their interpretation' of it was....and it was clearly wrong! I didn't vote but did look through the photos and wondered if it was KKK or something that I wasn't aware of...and it was something I wasn't aware of.

I hate it when people 'assume' they know what the photo is and vote low...and then are wrong!

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
04/18/2006 02:24:19 PM
I'm not much for receiving or giving comments, but since Candids are
near and dear to my heart, I have decided to give comment on every entry
in this challenge.

A very good high key image, but to me, not a candid. In photographing candids, I prefer to see something a bit more out of the ordinary, a comic situation, a story untold, etc. I can't get emotion from this photo. All I see is white and what I can see of the eyes is masked. Also, for me; masks, glasses, and hats are a nightmare for the candid photographer. Unfortunately, this would have faired well in a high key challenge, but not as a candid to me. It's a 2.
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04/18/2006 05:31:57 AM
hey love this pic..............(8)
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04/17/2006 10:32:39 PM
ooo this freaks me out!
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04/17/2006 11:23:29 AM
Amazing I love this picture!! I love the feeling it evokes on the viewer to see such a taboo subject.
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04/17/2006 02:58:51 AM
is this what i think it is? this has the potential to be an AMAZING candid... if it's real. you should have pulled back and shown us more. by itself this is just more spooky than anything
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04/16/2006 05:14:12 PM
Good job.
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04/16/2006 05:09:29 PM
kind of looks like some kkk thing...is it? isn't it a little offensive to be putting on a website like this...
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04/16/2006 02:10:20 PM
VERY powerful image.
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04/14/2006 09:52:19 AM
psychos? - why were you there?
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04/13/2006 11:48:23 PM
Cowardly eyes
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04/13/2006 08:08:50 PM
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04/13/2006 05:45:47 PM
was this person suppose to be a ghost or is he from the kkk?!
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04/13/2006 03:07:18 PM
grow up
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04/13/2006 09:03:38 AM
obviously you know this will provoke some people..good capture though.
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04/13/2006 05:57:19 AM
This gave me a litle trouble. When I first saw it I thought low because it made me angry, then i thought it's doing it's job. It's a photograph of a moment to incite emotion. I conciously mark it down because of it's content. Simply because i don't agree with it doesn't mean it's a bad picture. However, I also don't know what is truely going on. It's a great shot in the whole, but we can't figure anything out about the story. All we have is our first impression, which I can tell you for me wasn't a good one. If it only had a little more to help tell the story.
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04/13/2006 03:21:54 AM
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04/13/2006 01:45:25 AM
White power white! where the heck you take this? .............. run!
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04/12/2006 07:42:14 PM
Almost worth shooting, so to speak.
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04/12/2006 04:45:55 PM
That is freakin scary! I can't imagine how you got this shot but COMPELLING doesn't even begin to describe it. Fantastic capture! Top 10 IMO.
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04/12/2006 09:36:23 AM
Yikes. Scary to think the KKK is still around. Very telling. Great title and photojournalistic sense. 8
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04/12/2006 09:27:07 AM
Wow, not sure what to say. Brave is one word that comes to mind when I think about your decision to post this. Yes, it's just a picture but as you are probably finding out a very touchy subject. Well done overall but the eyes aren't really noticable and aren't as sharp as they could be. A 5
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04/12/2006 08:43:21 AM
It´s a bit composed to be candid!
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04/12/2006 05:45:42 AM
Very bad taste if you ask me -1- these images are still VERY offensive to some people, myself included.
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04/12/2006 01:50:25 AM
I like how you shot this. I hope this is a real shot and not someone dressed for the part. :)
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04/12/2006 01:14:31 AM
Not much to say about this but....1.
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