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04/24/2006 04:17:16 AM |
In my opinion you did not deserve the brown ribbon.
All sort of comments that you are receiving about wrong colours.
For me I have also received such a comments probably because I am colourblind and I always have to get help with the colours if I make changes in them.
Better luck next time.
Edited: I see in your profile that I (the egg) was trying to teach you (the hen) :-)
Message edited by author 2006-04-24 04:19:49. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
04/23/2006 10:46:33 PM |
Waaay too much color saturation |
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04/23/2006 06:51:46 PM |
She's very pretty but either your lighting or post processing has gone wrong. The whites of her eyes are blue and her skin is way too red. You've also used too much neat image, giving her skin an artificial, plastic look. Sometimes natural is better. |
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04/23/2006 06:04:59 PM |
The color on this one is way off. The whites of the eyes are really blue on my monitor. Also the skin is orange. I think you need to work more on your post processing to make colors more natural. |
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04/22/2006 09:58:48 PM |
wow. heavy editing. way to digital. |
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04/22/2006 05:33:03 PM |
Nice smile and pose but excessive color |
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04/22/2006 03:33:49 PM |
Very strong red tones on her face, and over use of smoothing, make this very unappealing. |
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04/21/2006 07:10:01 PM |
Nice composition, but the post processing needs some work. The whites of her eyes look blue and her skin has way too much magenta. Good DOF and sharpness though! Overall a very nice picture - just a little over processed (IMO). |
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04/21/2006 06:48:22 PM |
Strange how the eyes are sooo blue and the teeth still white. I cannot even find a quick fix in Photoshop. :( Skin tones are too red and the overal feeling is that this has been neatimaged to much. |
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04/20/2006 11:20:32 PM |
Too much saturation, The hue is off from said saturation, her skin is plastic and too much contrast leaves a lot of detail to be desired. When working with saturation remember to compensate the hue to keep an natural skin tone. |
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04/20/2006 08:43:11 PM |
I'm sure someone has already mentioned this but in case not those whites look blue. I guess that was on purpose but I don't see how that enhances the shot. |
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04/20/2006 07:04:16 PM |
this could be a nice shot, but the neat imaging is a bit OTT. the blue eyes? maybe a little scary. the colours are good, and like the rich, flat black. |
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04/20/2006 08:07:11 AM |
I am trying to comment on any picture I vote 4 or less. I am not professional photog by any means, but trying to justify my scoring with the hope that it helps.
Small size? Face looks red and eyes are too blue. May be it's just me but it looks to me to much photosop. |
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04/19/2006 01:33:06 PM |
Your colors are off, which may have been intended but it doesn't work for me. Her skintones look too red and the whites of her eyes are blue (yet her teeth are white). Other than that, it is a nice, flattering portrait and the composition is good. A smaller nitpick, having her neckline incomplete (cut off by the crop) leads my eye out of the frame. A 5 from me. |
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04/19/2006 11:52:58 AM |
Would have been a nice shot, but the over processed look takes away from it. |
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04/19/2006 05:49:21 AM |
not sure what you did to edit the face, but it makes her face stand out quite a bit. |
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04/18/2006 10:14:57 PM |
A bit too much post processing for my taste. |
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04/18/2006 08:05:36 PM |
The color seems off here. The white of her eyes have a blue tint, and her face is too red. |
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04/18/2006 02:55:50 PM |
wow WAY TOO RED and te inner eyes too blue (as opposed to white).. something screwed up in color balances ?
very dark. |
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04/18/2006 01:41:30 PM |
two words "White Balance" this is just so wrong unless I am missing something about your stlyr but did you really want her eyes so blue and her skin so red? Not something I could see someone ordering from a photographer to frame. Or maybe it's just me. Sorry lowest score I have given so far. |
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04/18/2006 11:05:48 AM |
I gotta say that you must have screwed up in setting the WB correctly or you really screwed up in the post processing. I can´t imagine her having such a red face in person and what is up with those whites of the eye? They are blue? Shame as the girl seems very lovely, I don´t think this photo does her justice.
3 tips for you to improve your score. 1. Make sure you set the WB correctly if you are shooting .jpg, it´s very hard to adjust later. 2. Make the most use of 640px max dimension. 3. If you are not sure what to do with the photo in photoshop, don´t do anything but basic adjustments to colour, contrast, cropping and sharpening, too much post processing is the easiest way to ruin a perfectly good photo... |
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04/18/2006 08:35:41 AM |
the colors seems to be way off, the face is too red and the white in the eyes is blue... better luck next time.. ;) |
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04/18/2006 08:04:48 AM |
The whites of her eyes look blue, and her face is overly red. |
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04/18/2006 01:13:08 AM |
The whites of her eyes are blue, the skin is too red and too plasticized. |
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04/18/2006 12:30:20 AM |
too much smoothing and the whites of the eyes are blue |
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04/17/2006 10:58:58 PM |
The overprocessing has made her skin look fake and red, her hair strange, and the white of her eyes BLUE. Why? :-( |
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04/17/2006 06:19:12 PM |
Something went wrong with her eyes
Message edited by author 2006-04-24 08:47:04. |
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04/17/2006 05:50:27 PM |
Beautiful girl but skin tone is to red and here eyes white is almost blue ??? .. ice |
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04/17/2006 03:50:37 PM |
Too much Neat Image (her hair, eyes, and lips have a weird unnatural texture), and not enough light on the subject, though it is pretty even (which is good). |
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04/17/2006 02:49:04 PM |
Are the whites of her eyes blue?! |
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04/17/2006 02:09:52 PM |
skin tone looks a little too red. |
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04/17/2006 12:51:15 PM |
There appear to be some serious color issues on this. (I say 'appear to be' since it may have been intentional - if it was intentional, I don't think it 'worked'.) Her skin color is way off. Even if she was sunburned, the color is still off. Also, the whites of her eyes are blue. I find this odd since the background is gray shading to white, which leads me to wonder if the eye color wasn't a result of trying to compensate for tooth color or for overdone redness in the skin or for bloodshot eyes...
At any rate, in the future, one of the best ways I have found to correct skin tone without throwing off the color of the skin (ie, adding too much red), is to copy your background layer and convert the copied layer to black and white (I usually use 'desaturate'). You can then adjust the opacity of the b&w layer using the slider until you get a more normal looking skin tone. This helps to correct skin that is too red or too yellow, and I've found that it also helps to correct bloodshot eyes and yellowish teeth without going overboard.
I'd also recommend (if the colors were not done deliberately) that you either have your monitor calibrated or if you work on a flat screen monitor to check your editing on a CRT monitor as flat screens can sometimes distort colors and contrast.
There are some good points to the photo. Her smile is wonderful, the pose is natural, the lighting seems good, and the focus is good. Just need to work on the color. |
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04/17/2006 12:14:53 PM |
Well, the eyes are totally blue, the face much too red. Seems there are some odd color issues going around in post processing. |
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04/17/2006 11:47:18 AM |
a little too much editing for me.. |
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04/17/2006 10:28:47 AM |
typically the iris is blue not the whites of the eyes. you color just seems unnatural. |
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04/17/2006 09:22:36 AM |
What the h. happened here? Not talking about the person. |
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04/17/2006 08:09:24 AM |
Looks over processed. Eyes are very unatural looking being blue instead of white |
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04/17/2006 07:29:46 AM |
neat image right? over processed to the max |
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04/17/2006 06:11:51 AM |
skin tone off, blue eyes? |
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04/17/2006 06:08:39 AM |
Way to much photoshop makeup. |
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04/17/2006 05:56:05 AM |
way way over processed... to much ni...the color balance is off... the eyes are blue there is no detail in the shirt... |
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04/17/2006 05:55:55 AM |
Great smile and pose, I think you might have over-saturated it though. The skin is really pink and the eyes just look a bit odd |
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04/17/2006 12:47:24 AM |
I dunno if the blue tint on the whites of her eyes is on purpose or not ... but it's not working for me, especially since her teeth are still white. |
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