Author | Thread |
05/01/2006 02:19:24 PM |
Gurrý mÃÂn, ég held að það séu ansi margir atkvæðagreiðendur hér sem eru með gluggalaust heilabú, vona að ég taki ekki of gróft til orða.
Ég hafði þig grunaða sem höfund myndarinnar og hugsaði með mér - ef hún segir að þetta sé gluggi, nú þá er þetta gluggi.
Ég gaf henni 6, en bendillinn var næstum dottinn á sjöuna. Mér finnst dökki ramminn (sem sagt húsið) taka dálÃÂtið of mikið frá myndinni, það er svo bjart fyrir utan og hann er óneitanlega ansi dökkur.
Litirnir eru fallegir og samsetningin góð.
Viðbót: Titillinn er hreint frábær.
Message edited by author 2006-05-01 14:19:58. |
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05/01/2006 12:26:24 PM |
Sorry, but I'd have to agree with those thinking it looks like a door. Windows aren't generally on ground level, as this appears to be, and perhaps it's not as tall as it looks but it looks plenty tall enough to walk through. Plus it opens from the center just like a gate. Perhaps a different perspective would have helped correct the misperception? |
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05/01/2006 12:03:11 PM |
Comments Made During the Challenge  |
04/30/2006 10:05:57 PM |
Clever title and I like the sharpness/colors in this one. Not sure this meets the challenge though, that is hardly a window, right? Voted as it met the challenge though. |
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04/30/2006 05:49:15 PM |
very nice, i would like this better if there were more action on the otherside of the door |
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04/30/2006 04:16:15 PM |
Just a little busy for me. |
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04/30/2006 09:58:23 AM |
If those windows open, it may have been a more interesting shot with them partially open. Nice colors. |
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04/29/2006 07:34:10 PM |
Interesting. The black framed look is striking |
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04/29/2006 02:29:56 AM |
10 bucks you get a ton of comments like, "This is not a window". :) Nice photo |
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04/28/2006 11:17:08 PM |
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04/27/2006 07:56:20 PM |
errrr... not really a window? well... i guess it is... |
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04/25/2006 10:05:38 PM |
Doesn't look like a window to me, looks like doors. 5 |
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04/25/2006 08:36:28 PM |
Somebody was framed?? Call the authorities! :0 |
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04/25/2006 12:29:46 PM |
Nice framing. I like the background (compared to other "ordinary" backgrounds I've seen). The flowers add just enough color to an otherwise very monotoned image. I w ould have made the window bars perfectly vertical. 6 |
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04/24/2006 11:48:28 PM |
That looks more like a gate than a window. However, your neighbors have a nice house. |
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