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The Easter Paradox
The Easter Paradox
Joey Lawrence

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Galleries: Emotive, Political
Date Uploaded: Apr 21, 2006

Viewed: 11456
Comments: 34
Favorites: 48 (view)

The confusion of the meaning of Easter.

A contrast between Jesus Christ, the commericialized Easter Bunny and the pagan tradition involving Ishtar and bunnies. When pagan's were being converted to Christianity, they kept a lot of the same traditions to make it an easy switch-over.

I suppose Easter has nothing whatsoever to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

I like chocolate.

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01/25/2008 12:10:57 PM
More like a painting than a photo. I was going to add this to my favorites but discovered I already had!
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04/08/2007 05:15:27 PM
He he he. Funny I should find this on easter. I wasn't looking for anything having to do with easter or anything, I had even forgotten today is easter (I think?).

Anyway, great picture!
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03/11/2007 04:48:53 AM
Originally posted by GoldBerry:

Easter has everything to do with the resurrection of Christ, bunnies however, do not :-)

Umm no...Bunnies and colored eggs have everything to do with easter and the resurrection does not...I quote.

The name "Easter" originated with the names of an ancient Goddess and God. The Venerable Bede, (672-735 CE.) a Christian scholar, first asserted in his book De Ratione Temporum that Easter was named after Eostre (a.k.a. Eastre). She was the Great Mother Goddess of the Saxon people in Northern Europe. Similarly, the "Teutonic dawn goddess of fertility [was] known variously as Ostare, Ostara, Ostern, Eostra, Eostre, Eostur, Eastra, Eastur, Austron and Ausos." 1 Her name was derived from the ancient word for spring: "eastre." Similar Goddesses were known by other names in ancient cultures around the Mediterranean, and were celebrated in the springtime. Some were:

Aphrodite from ancient Cyprus
Ashtoreth from ancient Israel
Astarté from ancient Greece
Demeter from Mycenae
Hathor from ancient Egypt
Ishtar from Assyria
Kali, from India
Ostara a Norse Goddess of fertility.

The Bunny and the eggs (colored because most wild birds like the robin produce colored eggs) both symbolize fertillity. This holiday was incorporated into Christianity to get the pagans to convert to the new religion more easily, the Easter holiday predates Christianty by a couple thousand years...it is a celebration of spring and life renewed, hence the resurrection.

Absolutely AWESOME shot!! Love it!!
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02/17/2007 02:38:12 AM
Thats just insane.

I love it.

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01/06/2007 03:59:01 PM
Fantastic shot. what else can be said, apart from tell me how to be able to create work at such a standard. excellent
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12/12/2006 05:21:34 PM
This is an amazing picture. I was reading your profile on www.mrx.no and i found myself wondering how someone who has been doing photography for so little amount of time can produce such images. truely inspiring to those like myself of a simialr age. Nice work.

Out of interest. Roughly, what did you do to create this image?
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11/14/2006 05:22:55 PM
excellent! the kind of pictures I love most of all. what a great idea!
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09/24/2006 09:55:41 AM
Originally posted by seanmcfoto:

I'm kinda here due to the G8 stuff and have posted over there a few times. I actually found your 'Breathe' shot through Dragan links in DPReview. I'm a fan of G8 anyway but it was great to find your stuff here with commentary. I have to ask if this is a self portrait?

Yes, shot with self timer. The body was manipulated with liquify tools, cloning and some dodge/burn tools..
09/23/2006 02:05:21 AM
I'm kinda here due to the G8 stuff and have posted over there a few times. I actually found your 'Breathe' shot through Dragan links in DPReview. I'm a fan of G8 anyway but it was great to find your stuff here with commentary. I have to ask if this is a self portrait?
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09/14/2006 12:36:51 AM
Donnie Darko is my schizophrenic brothers second favourite movie and somehow i've tied that bunny mask to his mental dissorder. So the more I look at this picture, the more I feel like crying, yet I love it. Love angle, the tones, the mans body and the wierd way the mask lays on the head. Oh & i like chocolate too.

& don't worry, my brother is fine and awsome. He's a poster child for the Schizophrenia Association.
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08/03/2006 01:31:36 PM
Originally posted by theSaj:

Still want this made available as a print.

Everything is available for a print, I just don't deal with DPC prints. :-)
08/03/2006 12:54:35 PM
Still want this made available as a print.
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07/27/2006 11:00:29 AM
First time I have seen this Joey and I'm glad that you have expressed some knowledge of pagan traditions in your comments.

On a photographic point of view this is stunning you show so much maturity beyond your years but that is quite academic what I'm really impressed by is that we have something in common "I like chocolate"
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07/11/2006 10:32:50 AM
woah! very insane pic :P
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06/25/2006 10:10:22 PM
Hey Joey,

Any chance of you making this available as a print?
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06/25/2006 05:37:29 PM
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06/21/2006 10:30:09 PM
I was always terrified of the easter bunny as a small child and thus the movie donnie darko also scared the crap out of me and this photo makes me think of that movie and therefore this photo makes me want to cry...
but its still awesome.
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06/13/2006 09:11:33 AM
this photo is amazing..how do you achieve these affrects! its awsome
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06/03/2006 06:29:00 PM
God Joey! This is extremely insane!
Love it! :)
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05/24/2006 09:38:32 AM
frigging amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROCK!
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05/18/2006 06:21:22 PM
Easter has everything to do with the resurrection of Christ, bunnies however, do not :-)

05/05/2006 08:19:00 PM
Dayum dude!!! Whoa... Took me back a few paces. Intense image. Outrageously good - well, that isn't exactly the right word either. Dayum... Favorite.
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04/27/2006 05:24:49 PM
I don't like chocolate, easter, jesus, or bunnies but i like this photo.
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04/27/2006 01:54:53 PM
Only just found this Joey. Amazing work. I'm glad someone is producing stuff like this. Push that envelope :)
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04/25/2006 02:54:14 AM
The following is what I posted in several forums / boards I'm on....

Some may remember me posting a video by a 15-16 year old aspiring director.

Well check out this most awesome take on Easter, I think it so masterfully expresses the confusion of said holiday. Just what exactly is it supposed to mean...


- Saj
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04/24/2006 07:58:45 PM
Gawd dang kiddo. You ain't right in the head. Well, maybe you are. Fave.
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04/24/2006 12:02:41 PM
Poor bunny :(
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04/23/2006 04:10:27 PM
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04/23/2006 01:06:36 AM
holy crap...!!!!
you are fearless..
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04/21/2006 07:10:54 PM
Serious message aside. I must say LOL.

I remeber when MASTAH SAWA told us that story.
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04/21/2006 10:11:09 AM
You really need to concentrate more on your visions than challenges these days. I derive a deeper meaning than your photographer comments out of this photo. Part of me feels violated because of the portrayal of my Lord in this way, yet understanding at how confused and commercialized our world has become in celebrating Easter. I am hoping that is your message here.

What can I say? It's a marvelous image. Your a creative genius.
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04/21/2006 10:04:49 AM
Superbly evil :)
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04/21/2006 08:44:30 AM
Sher is right... where's the basket???
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04/21/2006 02:18:39 AM
very thought provoking image and very well done, hon!

now, hand over the chocolate! ;)
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