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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Free Study XI (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Pentax *ist DS
Lens: Tokina AF 28-80mm f/2.8 AT-X 280AF Pro for Pentax
Location: Cherry Hill, NJ
Date: Apr 30, 2006
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/50
Galleries: Portraiture, Wedding
Date Uploaded: Apr 30, 2006

My brother and his fiance in my first portait attempt. Editing details are Levels, Colors, Saturation, and the standard resizing. Photo was taken with a Sunset filter to compensate for the flash. 35mm focal length.

Place: 210 out of 211
Avg (all users): 3.8333
Avg (commenters): 3.6207
Avg (participants): 3.6330
Avg (non-participants): 4.1169
Views since voting: 1441
Views during voting: 319
Votes: 186
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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05/11/2006 12:32:23 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club!

When I am looking at the score you got for this and look at the picture that is just not right to me. you should have been a litle higher then that.

The yellow color you have on the picture is probably from your filter. Sunset filter? Try to avoid most filters when shooting digital. UV and Polarizer should be the only filters Photoshop can't do better then.

Then I see you used saturation? I think that could have been a problem aswell when working this picture, becouse you actually got it a litle wrong.

I like the pose though and maybe a tighter crop could have helped, but I am not sure.

Well hopefully I helped you a litle atleast

Have a nice day!
 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/07/2006 08:32:32 PM
Color correction would help this shot.
05/07/2006 05:35:38 PM
This has a really strong yellow color cast to it.
05/07/2006 03:57:49 PM
congrats to the couple, but.....this picture is in dessperate need of color correction as I can't imagine you were going for the yellow hue.
05/07/2006 07:55:23 AM
the yellow colour cast is distracting
05/06/2006 02:20:29 PM
Seems overexposed to me. Couple too bright compared to the background. Lighting not creative... a snapshot.
Try changing your angle so you are not shooting up at them. They both have double chins.
05/06/2006 12:34:18 PM
The pose is somewhat forced and the yellow color overall is not very pleasing...congratulations to the couple..
05/05/2006 11:31:20 PM
Cute pose but super yellow color cast here.
05/05/2006 11:27:31 PM
looks overexposed and too orange. Try adjusting the curves and levels in PS.
05/05/2006 10:33:26 PM
The faces looks sorta yellowish green...but a very cute pose.
This one may look better in B & W.
05/05/2006 03:05:23 PM
I like their expressions..pleasant and relaxed. There are some technical issues with this image, however, including color cast and blown out highlights...
05/05/2006 06:25:51 AM
Color needs to be corrected. also the white of the girls shirt is way overexposed. Adjustments may have been okay in the red range. Congratulations on the engagement. Nice couple.
05/04/2006 08:40:18 PM
White balance is off kind of too yellow. Subject is too centered.
05/04/2006 05:39:36 AM
They really seem happy , would have worked better without the yellowish tone.
05/03/2006 10:17:13 PM
05/03/2006 06:14:42 PM
Wow! this yellow light is terrible. hope your monitor is right calibrated.
05/03/2006 03:49:49 PM
The couple looks happy.. It's yellowish? I don't really care for the image. Sorry
05/03/2006 01:10:11 PM
Your dsaturation is a little yellow/green and the contrast is high, causing some detail to be bown out. This is a nice pose and seemingly well though out. Just needs a little more post-processing
05/03/2006 01:40:37 AM
the color cast is way too yellow
05/02/2006 11:37:18 PM
This has a serious yellow cast that detracts from this potentially nice image
05/02/2006 02:49:05 PM
Too much light in their faces. Otherwise, fine colours, the couple nicely framed by the trees, good background.
05/02/2006 12:45:36 PM
Too bad it's a bit overexposed. Lovely couple
05/01/2006 11:40:09 PM
White Balance is off and image is overexposed (no detail in cheeks/forehead of woman and here blouse has lost all detail.)
05/01/2006 09:58:47 PM
A nice enough pose, but the skin tones need some serious work, I'm afraid. Everything is way too yellowish and contrasty. Probably a little too much headroom there, too.
05/01/2006 07:06:40 PM
Great smiles here. Next time try having the lens at shoulder height of subject rather than lower on the body - this will help with the head tilt. Exposure/white balance is off - there is a severe loss of detail on the girl's shirt and an orange cast to the skin tone. Also, watch the background to avoid the "tree growing out of the head" effect - or use a shallower DOF to overcome it.
05/01/2006 05:24:35 PM
Erm. That's an extremely strong yellow colour cast. I'm sure you've had other comments about it... The portrait itself is sweet, the expressions are natural. Lighting is a touch harsh and highlights slightly sweaty or oily faces. Colour cast could have been resolved by changing white balance settings on shooting, or correction in conversion if shooting in RAW, or in post processing if shooting in JPEG.
05/01/2006 02:55:53 PM
This photo looks very yellow/green on my monitor. You may want to go back and color balance. Cute couple and nice pose, the print on his shirt is a little distracting.
05/01/2006 10:06:54 AM
The color cast is disturbing to me on this shot, and the way her shirt doesn't seem to have any detail, as if it were overexposed. Nice looking couple, though.
05/01/2006 10:00:36 AM
Congratulations! Looks like too much yellow/green tint.
05/01/2006 08:43:14 AM
Nice looking couple, good capture. It is to bad it looks to have a significant yellow/green color cast. That could be taken care of in post processing. The female model's blouse/shirt is overexposed.
05/01/2006 07:16:04 AM
very yellow to me. im sort of distracted by the sheer amount of yellow color contrast. its hard to critique the rest of the image.
05/01/2006 04:41:42 AM
congrats to the happy couple but the photo's not for me, a bit shhinty and a bit orange, sorry
05/01/2006 12:49:43 AM
Hummmm a real yellow tint isn't as flattering as it could be.
05/01/2006 12:25:28 AM
Nice shot, but it seems a little too yellow.

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