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A long ago abandoned farm house lying in ruins.
A long ago abandoned farm house lying in ruins.

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Desolation (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot A40
Location: Ottawa
Date: Aug 12, 2003
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 50
Shutter: 1/20
Galleries: Black and White, Rural
Date Uploaded: Aug 12, 2003

I have a small obsession with abandoned buildings and such and this little farm house near my home has always intrigued me. So I took a few snap shots one late evening as the sun was setting.

Place: 43 out of 232
Avg (all users): 5.8100
Avg (commenters): 6.8333
Avg (participants): 5.8302
Avg (non-participants): 5.7913
Views since voting: 1178
Votes: 221
Comments: 13
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/19/2003 11:46:30 PM
Sepia-like tone gives a good feeling here.
08/18/2003 03:51:02 PM
feel that the contrast is a bit too high....
08/17/2003 11:59:34 AM
nice shot but a little bit too contrasty. The border is a bit distracting at the top
08/17/2003 10:50:41 AM
amazing image, perfect textures....the tree is scary...9
08/16/2003 10:01:17 PM
Interesting subject and it certainly is desolate, but the huge tree competes with the building too much. Maybe a wider shot would be better, or from another angle
08/15/2003 05:12:00 PM
The tree and house loom over the entrance to create a feeling of foreboding in addition to a sense of abandonment. The sliver of light to the left is a little distracting, but I like this a lot. 9
08/15/2003 04:32:14 PM
Very, very nice. I like the tree in the scene, it adds age and interest. Well done.
08/15/2003 08:45:54 AM
I like all the textures in this photo. It makes it really interesting to look at.
08/14/2003 05:15:34 PM
nice black/green colors, gives a scary vibe
08/14/2003 12:32:36 PM
nice shot.. nice use of the tree and its texture
08/13/2003 03:43:33 PM
Nice contrast on the tree. I would have moved right a little more to see if I could pick up the relief on the brick work as well.
08/13/2003 11:29:50 AM
Good shot. This is much beter then many other empty houses in this challenge. I uess because you didnb't try to capture the whole house but composed it with useful environment. That always works.
08/13/2003 11:20:52 AM
What a great tree!

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