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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Holy Places (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Canon EF 75-300mm f/4.0-5.6 III
Location: Cooper City, FL
Date: May 7, 2006
Aperture: 10
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/500
Galleries: Architecture
Date Uploaded: May 9, 2006


Place: 47 out of 250
Avg (all users): 5.8635
Avg (commenters): 6.8571
Avg (participants): 5.6706
Avg (non-participants): 5.9634
Views since voting: 757
Views during voting: 317
Votes: 249
Comments: 15
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/16/2006 10:44:03 PM
I actually missed the moon the first time around, and scored it lower then it deserved. Very nice shot.
05/16/2006 07:28:06 PM
very simple, but its terrific for its simplicity
05/15/2006 11:08:25 PM
simple beautiful
05/13/2006 08:09:26 AM
nice and simple
05/11/2006 01:44:53 PM
I would have loved this picture if the moon was a little more developed. As it is stellar photo, but there's so much negative space (mind you, negative space can be an amazing aspect to a photo, but I feel it's just too empty in this shot.
05/11/2006 10:23:16 AM
Simple and effective. Given the rules, I would have cloned out the small lightning conductor rod at the top of the cross.
05/11/2006 05:01:28 AM
I do like the simplicity of this shot very much, but feel that a different crop would have helped the composition a bit. Shame too that you've lost some detail from that front parapet panel due to the highlights being blown out. Still one of my higher scoring shots in this challenge.
05/10/2006 09:43:06 PM
I like the moon in the background...nice composition.
05/10/2006 07:44:13 PM
05/10/2006 07:16:02 PM
Beautiful - crisp and good colors - 9 from me
05/10/2006 06:50:48 PM
Nice composition but it doesn't seem to be quite in focus
05/10/2006 06:25:13 PM
Inspiring shot
05/10/2006 02:17:30 PM
The simplicity is great.
05/10/2006 10:23:52 AM
Great crop, would of been just abit nicer if there was more of the moon, abit more visable i mean. Obviously there's nothing you could of done for that.
05/10/2006 01:14:54 AM
Great work - the moon is so subtle (minus the title) and the remainder of the photo has a beautiful simplicity to it.

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