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Queen of the Laundry Pile
Queen of the Laundry Pile

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Environmental Portrait (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF 28-80mm f/2.8-4 L USM
Location: my laundry room
Date: May 9, 2006
Aperture: 2.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/125
Date Uploaded: May 9, 2006

I couldn\\\'t rope any of my kids into yet another photo shoot, so I had to work with myself (ugh). With 8 kids dirtying up clothes, I spend a lot of time in the laundry room...
I\\\'m still not very PP savvy... I played around with the exposure and saturation a bit, and did some sharpening and cropping.

Place: 65 out of 190
Avg (all users): 6.0049
Avg (commenters): 6.2000
Avg (participants): 5.9104
Avg (non-participants): 6.0511
Views since voting: 2914
Views during voting: 368
Votes: 204
Comments: 17
Favorites: 0

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07/21/2006 06:16:36 PM
There is noooo way the woman in this photo is 42. I'm calling for a DQ :-)
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05/30/2006 11:52:24 PM
CTPII, yeah.
Oi, you broke the 6 barrier. Good for you!
You met the challenge head-on and finished with aplomb. The subject you chose (yeah, you) tugged at a lot of "I can relate" strings and probably gave you that high score.
Your technicals and color handling is improving (a lot) and a bit more PP skillz and you're good to go.
Congrats on your PB.
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05/27/2006 06:34:56 PM
CTCP2 Gunnsi
First impression: Great shot. Good idea and well executed.
You are at the right place in the picture. Good colours, focus fine and crisp.
What could you do better?
Maybe place the camera a bit more to the left and pointing it more to the right to get the vertical lines a bit more vertical!
Congratulations on over 6 finish.
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05/24/2006 04:30:07 AM
Greetings from CTP2

Good. The whites look incredibly white and the colors are colorful. Nice detergent, I mean lighting you used on this.

Good subject. Fits the challenge well. I don't think I could have composed this shot any better so great job all the way around.

Suggestions for Improvement:
I don't really have any. Alexgarcia had an interesting idea with the clothes but if you can manage 8 kids and a hobby like photography along with everything else I think having the clothes somewhat in order like you do here that's more accurate! All in all great photo.
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05/23/2006 08:19:48 AM
Congrats on the personal best:)

A very good idea and well exicuted. Maybe one item of bright clothing would have livened it up?

Nice composition:)
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05/22/2006 11:19:16 PM
Woot, personal best!!! Way to go! Love the black toenail polish, by the way. You did quite well with the composition here - nice choice to go with all blues and whites in the clothes pile instead of a more mix. A think a random red shirt would have distracted attention away from you. I think my one criticism for this would be that you would benefit from casting a warmer hue on it. The light is very white and a touch bright. Good work!
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05/22/2006 01:28:00 PM
Hello from Ãlex, of the CTP MkII

First Impression: Ha, Ha, very funny shot. Congrats on your PB. Very good score.
Composition: Like it, with your head on thirds, with your legs making a movement. Not sure about the half "box" of clothes on the right.
Subject: Funny, accurate for the challenge.
Technical: Colors are very natural (maybe lightly desaturated for my taste), focus is OK and lightning good.
Improvement: Just an idea: the box with clothes on the right could be all over you, as if you were covered with the pile. Maybe that would emphasize your shot.
Summary: Very well executed image, technically precise.


Message edited by author 2006-05-22 13:29:07.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/19/2006 11:21:03 PM
Well done!
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05/19/2006 01:03:46 PM
Lighting on this shot looks pretty good! I'm not a big fan of the downward angle of the shot--I might prefer something straight on at the model's level, with the washer and dryer behind. Good work on meeting the challenge description!
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05/18/2006 12:53:10 PM
Haha, this is a fun portrait
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05/17/2006 10:51:32 PM
too staged
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05/17/2006 08:30:54 AM
sure meets the challenge - a woman's work is never done... :)
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05/17/2006 05:06:13 AM
She looks nice and relaxed. Good crop, maybe a tad on the unsaturated and low contrast side.
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05/15/2006 03:20:14 PM
Cute idea, nicely executed. A slightly slower shutter speed could have shown the motion of the washing machine (assuming it was moving).
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05/15/2006 05:29:09 AM
very nice shot...excellent smile considering the laundry pile!!!
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05/15/2006 03:05:27 AM
Great shot. Sharp, not overdone in any way, great color tones and right to the point. 10 from me!
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05/15/2006 12:37:44 AM
CUTE!!! I can relate.
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