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Blackbear At Midnight
Blackbear At Midnight

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Negative Space II (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-3000Z
Location: Wichita, KS
Date: Aug 13, 2003
Aperture: F2.8
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1 sec
Galleries: Humorous
Date Uploaded: Aug 13, 2003


Place: 141 out of 141
Avg (all users): 2.2963
Avg (commenters): 2.8889
Avg (participants): 2.4773
Avg (non-participants): 1.9574
Views since voting: 2352
Votes: 135
Comments: 41
Favorites: 1 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/24/2003 09:35:57 PM
08/24/2003 02:06:40 PM
08/24/2003 10:57:53 AM
If there would have been a way to get his eyes to glow, then you would have had it. I don't see any dead pixles either. 9
08/23/2003 08:29:25 PM
Yup, that's negative space all right!
08/23/2003 06:45:39 PM
Cute...I'm sure you'll get blasted on votes but love the humor and the value of having fun with this challenge...you'll probably also get more comments than anyone!
08/23/2003 01:19:50 PM
What can I say? There needs to be some positive space to create a negative space.
08/23/2003 01:10:24 AM
All I see is a big black rectangle.
08/22/2003 11:54:52 AM
My favorite so far. This is the 1st shot i voted on :)
08/20/2003 11:49:29 PM
Redundant, imitative, clichee. It may remain, for some, mildly and very briefly at that, entertaining.

The 'manner' of this photo, however, offers hope, in a deja-vue sort of way, to those of us with an appetite for change. If the photo was inverted, this would make more sense...
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/20/2003 03:32:21 PM
Don't know if you were serious about this or not but all I see is black. 2
08/20/2003 12:07:40 PM
I´m sorry but I have to give this picture a very poor rating. The challenge is about using negative space to wow the subject. This is just black, there is nothing to ,,wow" about.
08/20/2003 02:39:19 AM
Funny. Nice idea, dreadful photograph.
08/19/2003 08:13:00 PM
08/19/2003 04:06:01 PM
Hmmm.....Am I missing something here???
08/19/2003 03:09:34 PM
unfortunately there is no image when viewed on my screen.
08/19/2003 02:19:31 PM
Burt Reynolds Revisited...lol
08/19/2003 11:23:25 AM
08/19/2003 10:38:13 AM
I need to view this on a different monitor I reckon, cuz I can't see a darned thing. It certainly is negative space though. :-)
08/19/2003 08:28:05 AM
Your subject appears to be black, so there's no negative space. 1
08/19/2003 01:56:56 AM
08/18/2003 09:52:26 PM
Ridiculous waste of our time.
08/18/2003 09:39:24 PM
thats some pretty negative space all right.
08/18/2003 07:12:36 PM
Either there's nothing there, or the contrast is so poor that its just not visible.
08/18/2003 02:19:21 PM
08/18/2003 01:19:43 PM
Points for humour!
08/18/2003 01:03:17 PM
Funny, Original! Well done.
08/18/2003 12:25:21 PM
now this is clever..I think if the bear were facing you there would be a glint from the eyes..so I guess it is running away?(6)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/18/2003 09:57:51 AM
A study in lens cap? :) The bear is a little out of focus, but I like your use of depth of field... The horizon seems a little sloped to the left too... Extra point for humor :)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/18/2003 09:48:13 AM
this is too funny!!
08/18/2003 08:51:39 AM
Ok. Here it comes!

Focus is a little off and the composition is quite dreadful. Despite those small details the bear is indeed jet black and the night is indeed very dark, with no moon, stars, light pollution or any ambient light whatsoever. How the f**k did you find your way home?
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08/18/2003 07:52:07 AM
I dont see anything!?
08/18/2003 06:23:14 AM
I think it might be intentional, but just in case, I only see a black rectangle. I'll give you 5 for humour
08/18/2003 03:38:11 AM
Maybe a laugh but not a picture.
08/18/2003 01:17:06 AM
There's no subject. A little but TOO MUCH negative space. :)
08/18/2003 12:58:59 AM
lol. Too bad you can't have negative space without positive space. ;)
08/18/2003 12:49:27 AM
sorry, no wow at all.
08/18/2003 12:47:56 AM
Sorry, but I dont understand what you try to do whit this one.
08/18/2003 12:43:33 AM
good thing the title was there, I thought this was a ninja in the closet!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/18/2003 12:35:26 AM
I'll give you extra points for creativity and for the joke here. Bravely done, sir or madam! Bravely done!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/18/2003 12:28:35 AM
08/18/2003 12:14:13 AM
Very orginal...bear could use a little more saturation I do believe =o)
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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