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The comics creator

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Still Life II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Samsung Digimax A6
Location: School
Date: May 12, 2006
Aperture: 3,615
ISO: 141
Shutter: 1/60 sec
Galleries: Humorous
Date Uploaded: May 13, 2006

The school year is almost over, everything is casual now. This guy here entertain us during our business class, making caricatures of us. Our prof. was delighted with this kind of entertainment.

the flash is little bit distracting, but i really wasn't prepearing for this shop, everything was spontanious, so this was the best i could do at that moment

Place: 328 out of 338
Avg (all users): 3.1981
Avg (commenters): 1.6154
Avg (participants): 2.6707
Avg (non-participants): 3.5440
Views since voting: 810
Views during voting: 314
Votes: 207
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/22/2006 08:33:50 PM
Not a still life.
05/22/2006 01:53:20 AM
I feel that the framing and lighting could use help. Also, I don't think it reflects the "still life" theme very well.
05/21/2006 01:13:01 AM
not still life
05/20/2006 01:21:45 PM
This does not meet the challenge - not inanimate and not an arranged composition of objects.
05/19/2006 04:05:08 PM
Sorry, DNMC.

Main Entry: still life
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural still lifes
1 : a picture consisting predominantly of inanimate objects
2 : the category of graphic arts concerned with inanimate subject matter
05/19/2006 08:11:17 AM
I don't think this fits the challenge. People don't fit the category of still life.
05/18/2006 03:29:26 PM
DNMC-no use of arranged inanimate objects.

This photo would work in a family album. I don't like the glare on the chalkboard.
05/18/2006 11:05:41 AM
Not sure how this fits challenge.

Photo is interesting. Large hot spot under hand though. I think a different composure/crop would help also.
05/17/2006 09:10:31 PM
I gave this photo a 1 because it didn't seem to me to fulfill my expectation of a "still life," a classic form of artfully arranged objects. Call me narrow minded but that's the way I see it.
05/17/2006 05:05:04 PM
the flash hot spot is distracting
05/17/2006 02:16:52 PM
Doesn't strike me as a still life, and even putting that aside, it doesn't have a whole lot of appeal photographically, considering the harsh lighting.
05/17/2006 01:54:20 PM
Sorry, I do not feel this meets the challenge.
05/17/2006 12:07:19 PM
This is not a still life, sorry.
05/17/2006 10:03:15 AM
Sorry, but this isn't a still life IMO and technically isn't very good either. I'm just not interested in looking at the back of someone's head whilst they scribble on a chalk board.

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