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Challenge: Heat (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM
Location: Studio Grandi, Iceland
Date: May 21, 2006
Aperture: 11
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Portraiture, Nude
Date Uploaded: May 21, 2006

This is Elisabet Thorlacius again who modeled for me in the last Free Study and in 7 Deadly Sins. My wife Henny took care of the makeup and held the smoke making machine just outside the frame (it´s actually in the frame before I cropped it slightly) Borrowed a smoke machine from Steinar to create the smoke, the same machine he used to take his ribbon winning shot Learn to be nice, not nasty.

I think that is the first and last time I ever use a smoke machine! First off I set of the fire alarm, I didn´t realize smoke would do that and forgot to tape over the smoke detector :) Secondly, both me and Henny had dry lips, sore throats and a whiskey voice about 2 days after this photoshoot and probably Elíasbet too. Thirdly the loss of contrast was very dramatic and this got hard to light properly, the light falloff from the smoke was very dramatic and this was flat as a margarita pizza before I increased the contrast afterwards so it definately had an effect on the quality of this photo. Was fun though but not going to happen again anytime soon :)

Lit with 3 lights, one from behind for hairlight and the smoke, a softbox from the front and a 75° reflector from the left to just take the edge of the shadows and give her some catchlights.

As for post processing, dramatically increased the contrast, curves adjustment, lightened the area around her with both selective curves adjustment and dodge, did a little dodge burning. Used liquify to a very small extent, added a little vignetting and finally sharpened after resizing.

Place: 24 out of 158
Avg (all users): 6.4076
Avg (commenters): 7.6842
Avg (participants): 6.1774
Avg (non-participants): 6.5246
Views since voting: 7762
Views during voting: 912
Votes: 184
Comments: 23
Favorites: 6 (view)

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05/29/2006 05:11:50 AM
Where do you find these subjects mate!? Damn!

Oh BTW, great photo mate ;)
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05/29/2006 12:13:32 AM
can't believe this man, thought it would place much higher
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
05/28/2006 10:55:37 PM
Sssmokin', indeed! I have to admit that I envy people who have models willing to do stuff like this :)
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05/28/2006 05:11:00 PM
Super shot and the lighting is great, oh, and the model is definetly hot! I'm thinking this was a photo shoot that fitted the challenge rather than taken just for the challenge? (bumping +1)
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05/28/2006 12:03:47 PM
I really like the lighting effect you've achieved with this shot. I would of maybe tried to put the smoke machine a little lower to have more smoke around her. Well done!
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05/26/2006 10:40:08 PM
Great shot, my only problem with it is being able to see where the smoke is coming from.
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05/26/2006 01:32:19 PM
Perhaps a little more light on her legs ?
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05/26/2006 06:31:49 AM
At last... Real HEAT without the flames. Wonderful, warm and appealling image. Great sultry pose.
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05/26/2006 02:11:07 AM
i like the expression on her face and your title is great. the smoke coming from the one side seems a little weird to me though. 8
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05/25/2006 01:38:01 PM
While I can see the reason for her being dirty with ashes, and the photo is very effective, I think I'd prefer it if she were clean.
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05/24/2006 06:27:12 PM
Beautiful treatment of this challenge
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05/24/2006 06:01:49 AM
Absolutely stunning image. The dirt works well, the lighting is excellent. Sensational "model". 10 and has to be a ribbon (I hope).
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05/23/2006 05:11:36 PM
Looks more like Diiirty!
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05/23/2006 04:53:24 PM
Wow, nice shot
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05/23/2006 03:54:12 AM
That's what mud-wrestling does to you ;-)
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05/22/2006 11:25:15 PM
Very tantalizing, heat in many ways. Well presented.
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05/22/2006 07:12:11 PM
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05/22/2006 05:51:18 PM
Yup - she's hot alright! She's a 10 pointer
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05/22/2006 04:09:55 PM
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05/22/2006 04:03:34 PM
Nice shot, third place I would think
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05/22/2006 07:22:59 AM
Hot in the figurative sense, but you've also managed to convey a literal sense of heat in the picture. Is that steam in the background?
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05/22/2006 12:43:22 AM
she needs a good shower...maybe so do you! nice shot good lighting
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05/22/2006 12:21:13 AM
Larus this is intense, and I know it's you.
I'm not worthy
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