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Fool On The Hill
Fool On The Hill

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Beatles Song/Lyrics (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon PowerShot S2 IS
Location: Hafnarfjörður
Date: May 30, 2006
Aperture: 4,5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/320
Galleries: Emotive, Landscape
Date Uploaded: May 30, 2006

The original:

Day after day, alone on the hill,
The man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still.
But nobody wants to know him,
They can see that he's just a fool.
And he never gives an answer .....

But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down.
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning around.

Well on his way, his head in a cloud,
The man of a thousand voices, talking perfectly loud.
But nobody ever hears him,
Or the sound he appears to make.
And he never seems to notice .....

But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down.
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning around.

And nobody seems to like him,
They can tell what he wants to do.
And he never shows his feelings,

But the fool on the hill,
Sees the sun going down.
And the eyes in his head,
See the world spinning around.

Place: 78 out of 273
Avg (all users): 5.8836
Avg (commenters): 6.7647
Avg (participants): 5.6702
Avg (non-participants): 5.9945
Views since voting: 1789
Views during voting: 539
Votes: 275
Comments: 26
Favorites: 1 (view)

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07/03/2006 12:28:59 PM
fantastic pic, love the post processing I think it helps to translate the image to represent the song well done:)
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06/20/2006 12:56:31 PM
Hi from CPT2!

This is an interesting shot! Not sure about the post prosessing...
But it is still a cool shot:)
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06/11/2006 06:49:40 PM
Greetings from your own critique club. Sorry, I was off the track for a while.

First Impression
Very Nice shot.
Very good composition.
I really like the subject. Nice take on the challenge. Actually one with the same theme(song) won the blue ribbon, amazing!!
Technical (Colour and light):
Color and lighting is good after the processing.
The processing has helped the sky and the hill. But adversly affected the man. It's either sharpening or NI gave the man plastic look. I don't like the border. I would have processed whole picture.
Nice image, would have scored even higher if the edges where not so sharp on the man.

Over all very nice image. Congrates and Keep shooting.
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06/11/2006 05:52:14 AM
Hello from Ãlex, CTP MkII

First Impression: wonderful hill and sky. By the way, you choosed a good title, it arrived to the first place...
Composition: very well balanced.
Subject: perfect for the challenge.
Technical: great PP of the sky and the hill. The man and the hill are too oversharpened for me (I know what I'm talking, people killed me in architecture because I oversharpened the building).
Improvement: Don't oversharpen so much.
Summary: nice topic and place. Congrats for your 2nd personal best.

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06/07/2006 09:52:21 PM
Hi Gunnar -

I think the frame is what really makes this image interesting. I actually don't like the processing on it very much, The clouds and the hill are nice and sharp, though verging on looking computer generated. There's a little hint of oversharpening along the horizon on the left, where there's a visible halo. The model obviously has been cut into a different layer from the rest of the image, and looks very unnatural - much too sharp and angular - as well as having absolutely no natural texture left. Overall, it looks more like a scene from an online mass-multi or Final Fantasy, which might be cool for a gaming graphic but just does nothing for me as a photograph.

Perhaps much of that is more taste than tech, since it did have a rather decent finish. Congrats on breaking into the double digits on this one!
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06/07/2006 06:24:25 AM
What a way to make something great out of something kinda drab.

I do have to say that something about the person looks a bit like it might be a cardboard cutout, but the rest of the pic put this one as one of my favorites in the challenge. Sad about your score, but understandable I guess.
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06/07/2006 05:27:36 AM

Message edited by author 2006-06-13 07:22:08.
06/07/2006 01:20:31 AM
Is that you keeping perfectly still? ;-) Nice score!

The post processing is interesting, I'm not sure how I feel about the frame thing... (am actually a little surprised that it's legal...?shhhhh...) I definitely like the range of neutral tones in the processing though. Was it a filter or something you invented?
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/06/2006 08:23:10 AM
I dance like that ... anyway, this looks a little bit hammered in post-processing perhaps there was backlighting and you pulled out the subject. It might have been better to use a second light source or change direction. I do like how you've used the border to help the composition.
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06/06/2006 06:19:30 AM
Would have been better if the cut and paste was alittle more effective. but the idea is a nice one
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06/05/2006 09:21:56 PM
too much processing IMHO
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06/05/2006 03:31:05 AM
interesting framing, nice shot and great editing
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06/04/2006 08:17:29 PM
Highly interesting. Bump.
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06/03/2006 10:22:53 AM
A lot of good possibilities here but your choices don't work well for me. I don't like the border at all. The person looks so overprocessed that it looks like plastic. 5
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06/02/2006 08:20:49 PM
The border takes away from your nice picture
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06/02/2006 07:57:53 PM
Dramatic framing adds a lot of interest to the shot. The figure is stiff and doesn't really convey the notion your title suggests. Is that an action figure (with a Kung Fu grip?). I gave this a good score but a livlier subject would have had an extra point or two from me.
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06/02/2006 05:02:17 PM
I think this is a GREAT shot, but the border is a bit too much, also It looks a bit plasticy (neat-imaged?). 8 good luck dood!
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06/02/2006 03:28:15 PM
I wonder if this is an Icelandic hill! It has that wonderful, dramatic sky like the Icelandic pictures do! Absolutely stunning!
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06/02/2006 01:00:27 AM
Using a new formula....
0-2 Meets the Challenge = 2
0-2 Technical Merit = 2
0-4 Interest/Creativity = 2
0-2 The "wow factor" = 0
Final score: 6
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06/01/2006 04:33:34 PM
I love your border.
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06/01/2006 11:42:17 AM
Captivating shot.
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06/01/2006 12:17:57 AM
Nicely done. I want to learn how to do a border like this. Do tell please.
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05/31/2006 07:53:42 PM
very moody.
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05/31/2006 05:42:22 PM
What in Buddha's almighty pockets?! I like yer border there, pally.
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05/31/2006 07:33:53 AM
Very intersting border. I was wondering if anybody's going to the that song. You did it quite good. The sky is awesome.
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05/31/2006 02:19:30 AM
Love the range of textures. Contrast in the sky is great and the way you have burnt (or adjusted ) the hill. Well done
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