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Last Whisper
Last Whisper

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Empty Room (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Lensbaby 2.0
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada
Date: Jun 4, 2006
Aperture: f2.0
ISO: 1600
Shutter: 1/60
Galleries: Interior, Emotive
Date Uploaded: Jun 4, 2006

Got a new Lensbaby, baby!

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Place: 53 out of 114
Avg (all users): 5.6454
Avg (commenters): 6.5652
Avg (participants): 5.1781
Avg (non-participants): 5.8371
Views since voting: 1302
Views during voting: 381
Votes: 251
Comments: 29
Favorites: 0

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06/16/2006 11:58:50 AM
Greetings from CTP2 Gunnsi
First impression

Great ghost story. Good looking picture. Light a bit harch in the window. Nice use of the lines to let the eyes follow to the trunk. Exept for the lines at the top.
What can you do better
A different crop, take a bit from the top and increase the shutter speed for less light. This is Adwanced Editing so you could have brightened the rest of the picture in Post Processing.
This picture is underrated. Should have scored higher IMO.
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06/12/2006 10:06:56 PM
this was shot with a lensbaby. no post processing blurring at all - in fact i sharpened with high pass! looking back i probably should have used a smaller aperture (a little rubber/metal ring that you slip on top of the optic in a lensbaby!), but i was carried away with the whole newness of the lensbaby, baby! it's a very steep learning curve with this lens. i shot about 30 of this, to get the focus i wanted. i ended up having to sit in the hallway just to get this much of the room in the view. i was probably about 25 feet away from the trunk.
06/12/2006 06:53:27 PM
From the Critique Club

OK keeping it real here. I think you picked a good place to take the shot. It's not to tightly cropped and it does give me a little sense of empty room. The trunk is a nice prop for the shot. However IMO the post processing you did hurt the photograph. I know thats just my opinion but the only thing in the photograph in focus is a portion of the top of the trunk and the lower right side of the window.

I think I know what you were going for here but feel it would have been achieved better with lower light dim out the room instead of selective blurring.

Over all a good location and prop but I really cannot critique the full image because over 2/3rds of it is obscured by blurred post processing. I feel a natural way of approaching your idea would of rendered a very nice photograph.

I hope you find this critique helpful and if you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.

Message edited by author 2006-06-13 08:02:29.
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06/12/2006 08:59:02 AM
I'm surprised this didn't place a little higher. Guess it's a love it/hate it kinda shot, although the voting curve doesn't really suggest that. Hmmm.

Making me think about a Lensbaby however! Might be a fun idea for Father's Day. ;^)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/11/2006 11:27:40 PM
no comment
06/11/2006 08:06:50 PM
Do I smell a lens baby? I really like this shot, the selective focus works for it IMHO
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06/11/2006 07:52:33 PM
I wanna see the original... How much of this is in camera and how much is PP... Do I like it? Not sure... Wanna know how it was done though.
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06/11/2006 03:07:02 PM
A bit too much blur for my liking. Otherwise an interesting photo.
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06/11/2006 01:18:06 PM
I like this picture and I love the way everything blurs away though the you could try experimenting a bit with the contrast and I'm sure this pic would look gorgeous in B/W
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06/11/2006 05:16:13 AM
You need to bury it or dump it in the sea. If you leave the body in there, the fluids leak out and raise suspicion. Don't you learn anything from those forensic dramas?? ;-)

Kiddin around - I like this shot a lot. Well done on the lighting and dreamy look.
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06/10/2006 05:53:19 PM
Cool photo!
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06/10/2006 08:11:35 AM
Would frame this and hang it. Well executed shot. 10
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06/09/2006 01:28:25 PM
Nice job of processing to direct the viewer to the main subject item. Nicely done.
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06/09/2006 09:48:19 AM
Don't like the blurring, would have been a good image otherwise.
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06/09/2006 07:40:10 AM
Good use of a lens baby!!!(???)
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06/08/2006 03:29:25 AM
i fear that you are SO going to get condemned for your selective blur and out-of-focus treatment. i personally adore this style - i've tried it myself with not remotely the level of success you did here. i hope i'm wrong and people who are voting warm to the atmospheric and stylisctic approach you've taken. the only thing not getting this a ten is something i can't quite place about the composition; perhaps it's the amount of wall on the right? might be talking out of my arse, but i wonder if a wide-angled landscape shot might make it fit a bit more comfy? or even show less of the room altogether (i put my hand over the right third, and it seems a bit more balanced). anyway, splendid job anyway. 9.
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06/07/2006 09:57:48 AM
little suspenseful with the editing here. nice composition. this works for me-8-
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06/06/2006 09:10:06 PM
Very good title and effective effects (er...). I do not feel the emptiness of the room because such a small part of it is shown.
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06/06/2006 12:51:59 PM
better not blurred
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06/06/2006 05:59:36 AM
hmm ... what to say ? i don't know ... i'll skip it for now ;-)
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06/05/2006 06:59:41 PM
Nice ;)
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06/05/2006 04:58:11 PM
A little soft for my liking IMO
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06/05/2006 04:24:27 PM
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06/05/2006 02:30:07 PM
Unfortunately this excellent composition is blurred.
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06/05/2006 01:48:50 PM
This has such a ethreal quality about it...the blur is completely lovely as is the subtle color.
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06/05/2006 01:43:12 PM
the focal point seems to be the top of the trunk. I like the idea, but if the whole trunk was the focal point, this would be even better
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06/05/2006 02:23:42 AM
lovely 8
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06/05/2006 01:58:46 AM
The shallowness of the DOF here makes this image too soft .. I really would have liked the whole box in focus.
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06/05/2006 01:12:08 AM
hmm, too blurry, but still good photo other than that, I like the colors and the composition, looks dreamy, but I wish the entire chest were in focus, still give ya a 7 cuz I like everything except the lack of focus on chest
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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