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 This image was disqualified from the Framing II challenge.
gone and forgotten..........
gone and forgotten..........

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Framing II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Location: Saskatchewan
Date: Jun 11, 2006
Aperture: 5.6
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/400
Galleries: Black and White, Transportation
Date Uploaded: Jun 11, 2006

This was a pretty straight forward shot. i took it in the afternoon, in the middle of nowhere, i tried to make it look more like it was a negative using photo shop, i like that method it looks more rustic to me
Disqualification Details
You must provide your original photograph when requested, along with the editing steps used to create your submission. This information must be provided within 48 hours of the request. Please review the challenge submission rules.

Views since voting: 809
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
06/18/2006 07:35:21 AM
This needs to be a bit bigger - I can't make out the picture but it looks flat to me.
06/18/2006 01:32:29 AM
This image is composed of very subtle shades of gray, so it is very hard to see what it is when it is so small.
06/17/2006 04:47:11 AM
Alittle too small...but I'm sure I'm not the first to bring theis to your attention...I do like the truck though
06/16/2006 03:19:08 PM
Too dark--it looks like it might be interesting, but I can't really make it out.
06/16/2006 11:39:59 AM
The size of the photo doesn't help in viewing the photo. I can't see whats going on in the photo.
06/15/2006 06:32:22 PM
Would've been better bigger.
06/15/2006 02:20:27 PM
This is so small - I can barely work out what the photo shows!
06/15/2006 09:32:50 AM
06/15/2006 09:22:18 AM
Why so small picture, and where is the frame?
06/14/2006 09:29:51 PM
The contest rules allow up to 640 pixels, and for a horizontal shot most - if not all - monitors will show the whole picture. By making it this small, you lose the detail that would give the viewer some sense of what the picture is about.
06/14/2006 08:55:24 PM
try this link it will help with your scores
06/14/2006 06:05:23 PM
Too small an image to judge.
06/14/2006 06:03:48 PM
Why did you make this so small? I bet this would have been nice.
06/14/2006 04:13:23 PM

Message edited by author 2006-08-17 11:49:37.
06/14/2006 04:06:31 PM
Too small to tell, but I'm not sure where the frame is?
06/14/2006 01:46:42 PM
too small of a picture
06/14/2006 11:21:31 AM
Wow, that looks really little on my screen, can't see the framing...sorry if this was a technical difficulty
06/14/2006 04:25:29 AM
Why so small?

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