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Eye of God
Eye of God

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Motion Blur II (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 USM
Location: Honolulu
Date: Jun 25, 2006
Aperture: f 14
ISO: 100
Shutter: 4 seconds
Galleries: Abstract, Digital Art
Date Uploaded: Jun 25, 2006

I pointed my camera at a wall hanging of a kimono and with a long exposure rotated the camera so as to destroy the literal representation but retain the colors in a blurred circular pattern. After making the shot I used the following postprocess: Levels, Contrast/Brightness, Neat Image and USM. It took three shots to get the timing and rotation the way I wanted it to make a usable image.

Place: 112 out of 177
Avg (all users): 5.1140
Avg (commenters): 6.2857
Avg (participants): 4.9079
Avg (non-participants): 5.2479
Views since voting: 1194
Views during voting: 354
Votes: 193
Comments: 25
Favorites: 3 (view)

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07/09/2006 05:30:58 PM
Hey, I added this to my favourites straight away even though I didn't have time to comment. This is my favourite of your entries so far, even if not the highest scoring. ITs a beautiful abstract, I love the rich colours and the clarity/sharpness of the patterns in a kinda cubistey way, rather than everything being completely blurred.

Not sure what I could suggest to improve it... possibly (although I know its partly trial and error) it may have been better with more of the yellow bit, which gives it more of an eye/seashell shape rather than the more circular shape.

Definitely underrated, but you can pretty much expect that for an abstract here. You should be very pleased with it nonetheless
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07/08/2006 12:39:35 PM
Trading Post comment

First, I apologize, as I missed this when I went through earlier this week to comment - I tend to forget the challenges I didn't enter or vote in. Second, this won't be a totally unbiased comment, since I found out I missed this by reading a comment you made in a forum thread. All that said... I do like this. I'm not generally a fan of abstracts, but I do like a good one now and then, and this is a good one.

With a lot of abstracts, I find myself compelled to figure out what it is - I don't seem to need to do that here. I like it as is, without worrying *what* it is. And contrary to some of your comments, I do like the gold in the corner - adds a spark that lights this up. I'd say this is a very successful experiment!
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07/08/2006 06:40:41 AM
Fantastic! What a beautiful abstract image.
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07/07/2006 03:58:27 PM
Greetings from the Critique Club -

OK - So i gave you a pretty detailed comment from the trading post. And after reading that comment again it pretty much stands the same. I am not quite sure how to go about returning this to the pile to be commented on so what I will do is ask one of my friends to give you a comment on this as a replacement. Let me know if thats not cool and I will see what I have to do to get you back in line.


(copied just in case CC management looks to see if I did my job)
OK - as an abstract I think this shot works very well. Cool colors and textures. The yellow on the corner though should either be gone or have more of it. I see the little bit of it and want to see more of it. It has a contrasting look and feel to it compared to the rest of the pic. I had absolutley no clue what this was a picture of. But for the challenge it was tough to vote this high IMO. I personally felt that you needed to understand what the subject was to be able to relate to the movement. Spending more time looking at it now makes me feel that I may have scored it a bit harshly, but in the DPC voting world where you spend all of a second or two glimpsing at a shot this didnt grab me or make me want to stay to inspect it further. At voting time I thought it was not interesting or relevent as a motion blur shot. Looking at it deeper now and reading your description I can see what you were shooting for but I still think it would have done much better in an abstract challenge.
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07/05/2006 11:21:14 AM
Trading post...
For the picture...I love this, but then I tend to go for abstracts with lots of color. The textures are fantastic. The one thing I don't like is the fiery yellow burst at the bottom right. If you cloned this out it would make a wonderful print.
As for the challenge, I didn't vote this one but it wouldn't have gotten a high score as it doesn't portray a "something" with motion blur.
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07/03/2006 09:59:30 AM
Trading Post - OK - as an abstract I think this shot works very well. Cool colors and textures. The yellow on the corner though should either be gone or have more of it. I see the little bit of it and want to see more of it. It has a contrasting look and feel to it compared to the rest of the pic. I had absolutley no clue what this was a picture of. But for the challenge it was tough to vote this high IMO. I personally felt that you needed to understand what the subject was to be able to relate to the movement. Spending more time looking at it now makes me feel that I may have scored it a bit harshly, but in the DPC voting world where you spend all of a second or two glimpsing at a shot this didnt grab me or make me want to stay to inspect it further. At voting time I thought it was not interesting or relevent as a motion blur shot. Looking at it deeper now and reading your description I can see what you were shooting for but I still think it would have done much better in an abstract challenge.
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07/03/2006 08:33:51 AM
IMO it was worth the experiment! I had to come back to see what it was all about. I like the colours a lot. Keep up the good work and forget about the scores... ;-)
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07/03/2006 01:13:19 AM
Interesting set of comments. Some people loved it. Others were intrigued but puzzled. And still others didn't know what they were looking at and couldn't figure out how I blurred the image (apparently scoring it low). Since explanations are not allowed during voting there is nothing I can do except put a title like "Rotating motion to create blur" or some such thing. "Eye of God" is so much more interesting. Ultimately, I do this for my own enjoyment. Some may like it. Some may not. I appreciate the comments of those who were challenged by this image...and acknowledge the comments of those who felt otherwise, but still were willing to leave a comment. Thanks to all.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/02/2006 11:44:54 PM
I have no idea what this is but as a piece of abstract art I love it!!
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07/02/2006 10:03:17 PM
I like the contrast between straight lines and circular curves. 7
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07/02/2006 08:23:45 PM
To judge the quality of the motion, I need to know what it is that is moving. I haven't the foggiest what your subject is here. I like abstracts, and the color and texture are nice, but I have no idea what I'm looking at.
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07/01/2006 11:47:42 PM
I take this as an abstract. Nice color but I just dont see it.
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07/01/2006 10:58:59 PM
A very absorbing photo - I can look at it for ages without knowing or caring what it actually is.

But I don't get a sense of "motion blur" leaping out at me.
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07/01/2006 08:10:52 PM
Wow...now this is abstract and very painterly.
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06/30/2006 10:43:34 PM
I really like this photo. It is an abstract and I can't seem to catch the motion here, but it's good enough for me to give benefit of doubt.
I'm hoping your notes will explain a little. Meanwhile, congratulations on a well done shot.
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06/30/2006 01:20:04 AM
I love this photo
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06/28/2006 10:55:09 PM
I've given the same basic comment on quite a few shots -- my preference (as I discovered while looking at a number of these blur shots) is for a sharp subject. When there is no sharp subject, my eye wanders around trying to find something to focus on. I also don't tend to be attracted to shots where I can't tell what I'm seeing. I find myself trying to figure out what this is (and being frustrated when I can't) rather than appreciating it as abstract art. Perhaps just a difference in artistic preference.
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06/28/2006 07:49:33 AM
I like it though I don't know what it is
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06/27/2006 09:12:48 PM
Excellent light play! This totally rocks!!!
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06/27/2006 02:28:28 PM
I dont know what it is Im looking at here but I love the mix of both strong and soft colors. Love the texture of this too...hope it does very well!

~~Cher~~ :o)
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06/27/2006 08:49:26 AM
Love the colours, like the abstract nature of the image, but have not got a clue as to how to vote on this with regard to the subject being motion blur. So, for the time being, am only leaving a comment, no vote. I might come back later and edit and leave a vote. == OK, came back. I am hitting the vote button. The image colours and design are far too rich to ignore. 9.
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06/27/2006 05:35:46 AM
I love this image so much. It looks more like a painting than a picture, and I keep coming back to try to find out what I actually see. I do think that this is a tough picture to sell here on DPC though, not everyone is into abstracts.
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06/27/2006 01:36:47 AM
As a pic conveying motion, I'm not getting it. As an abstract, I'm not getting it either.
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06/26/2006 01:22:27 PM
I like this as an abstract, but you're probably getting hit on the scoring since there is no real focal point. 6
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06/26/2006 08:38:28 AM
Great abstract. Can't wait to find out what it is. I sense some herringbone something in there. Great title.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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