Author | Thread |
10/31/2008 09:56:02 AM |
Tee hee. . oh man! This should have gotten a 10! :)
A fine tribute to the old trolls who make our life so miserable :)
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07/19/2006 07:00:55 AM |
Really Really funny pic..
cheers for toocool for braving the heat |
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07/06/2006 12:00:10 AM |
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07/05/2006 08:31:41 PM |
That's just too funny. Great idea! |
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07/05/2006 06:39:20 PM |
LOL!!! I didn't vote in this challenge so I didn't see this one - AWESOME!!! Love it! |
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07/05/2006 05:55:09 PM |
I would like to thank the 40 people who voted this below a 4. You guys got it and I think I saw one or two of ya down under the bridge...
TC |
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07/05/2006 02:50:39 PM |
Oh damn, this is hilarious! Props to Toocool ! |
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07/05/2006 02:49:27 PM |
Good One Gene, a very creative idea well executed. Cool of you and Ron. |
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07/05/2006 02:05:19 PM |
1 (9 votes)
2 (6 votes)
I see the trolls didn't like your idea as much :D .. great shot!! :) |
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07/05/2006 02:01:27 PM |
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07/05/2006 01:49:51 PM |
LMAO! Great shot for DPC :-) |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
07/04/2006 11:50:35 PM |
Get'em now, quickly! LOL! :D |
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07/04/2006 12:13:52 PM |
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07/03/2006 05:45:26 PM |
Hihihi, after watching the vote cast today... it feels like this could be true :o) Love the humor in this picture... it is sharp, some effort put in it... excellent - 8 |
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07/03/2006 10:36:03 AM |
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07/03/2006 12:41:26 AM |
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07/02/2006 09:17:54 PM |
Too funny!! High marks for creativity!! |
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07/02/2006 06:39:20 PM |
haha i love the idea but the photo lacks the creative idea |
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07/02/2006 03:21:42 PM |
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07/02/2006 03:02:30 PM |
That's pretty funny. Good idea. |
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07/02/2006 11:44:11 AM |
Ha ha, what a great commentary to dp trolls. I won't be one on this one. I'll give you an 8 for creativity. Nice exposure under the bridge, nice color, nice detail.
Bump to 9 |
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07/02/2006 07:24:19 AM |
I had a good laugh. Well done. |
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07/02/2006 02:32:16 AM | this is great. Good thinking. |
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07/01/2006 06:42:50 PM |
Interesting concept....I get it....sorta? |
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07/01/2006 12:13:45 PM |
Very, very funny. I really did laugh out loud. But this is not believable, because he is alone and we know they run in packs. |
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06/30/2006 11:05:22 PM |
Great, creative take on the challenge. My only nit is the blown highlights in the water which makes me wonder if a different time of day would have been better. 10 |
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06/30/2006 08:14:20 PM |
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06/30/2006 05:40:04 PM |
Hahahahahaha! That explains a lot. Good one! |
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06/30/2006 02:02:04 PM |
Great sense of humor. Nice setup and composition to advance the photos theme! Well done! |
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06/30/2006 11:58:07 AM |
LMFAO so so very true my fave so far |
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06/30/2006 12:29:07 AM |
does he had DSL under that bridge? |
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06/29/2006 10:31:55 PM |
this is awesome!! he is probably on myspace... |
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06/29/2006 10:16:34 PM |
So the legend is true! In that case, subscribe to the "Unpopular Troll" magazine. :) |
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06/29/2006 07:33:38 PM |
Very funny. Should go on a DPC humour thread... |
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06/29/2006 12:44:01 PM |
This is so a propos...Particularly on this site, given all the speculation regard low scores.
A very nice image which should do very well in this challenge... particularly when one considers that YOU have nothing to fear from the trolls ... :O)
The best of luck to you. |
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06/29/2006 09:13:46 AM |
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06/29/2006 07:18:35 AM |
you went through a lot of trouble and got a great shot, well done....there ARE trolls! This is proof...SC should take notice |
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06/29/2006 06:24:01 AM |
hhahahahah just like i imagen them :P |
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06/29/2006 06:04:02 AM |
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06/28/2006 11:46:24 PM |
very interesint and disturnbing in a subtle way. |
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06/28/2006 10:53:32 PM |
This better grab a ribbon, nice take on the challenge. |
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06/28/2006 10:33:01 PM |
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06/28/2006 10:27:35 PM |
Great picture! It's interesting to look at and funny at the same time - voting high for you! |
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06/28/2006 06:58:17 PM |
Haha , and ROFL..... now you get a 1
not realy :-) |
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06/28/2006 06:36:03 PM |
This is hilarious. LOVE the expression on the 'trolls' face. I'm sure he was voting on my desolation entry when you took this shot! |
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06/28/2006 06:22:13 PM |
Well, it's good to finally be able to put a (dirty) face to a name! This is very funny and well done. |
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06/28/2006 06:19:09 PM |
so that's what they look like! haha! |
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06/28/2006 05:43:45 PM |
I got your point (troll/troll) but it's a little bit out of space for me. 6 |
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06/28/2006 04:55:00 PM |
hahahaha great presentation! |
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06/28/2006 02:41:19 PM |
I've always wondered what the internet version looked like! Funny. |
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06/28/2006 02:32:29 PM |
This is very funny, and very "DPC-ish"! I admire your idea and efforts in this. His expression is priceless. You did a great job on what must have been a difficult lighting situation - deep shadow under the bridge and bright glare on the water. |
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06/28/2006 02:26:04 PM |
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06/28/2006 01:43:14 PM |
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06/28/2006 01:37:37 PM |
This one has humor to it.
I like it. I like it! |
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06/28/2006 11:58:10 AM |
Love this concept. Great way to Re-create a fairy tale. Oh wait, its not a superstition or Urban legend... Hmmmm. But very nice all the same. |
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06/28/2006 11:48:14 AM |
LOL!!! :) I love it! Not only do I really like the angles in the shot from the bridge trusses and riverbank, but the placement of the "troll" is excellent as well. GREAT play on words! :D |
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06/28/2006 11:24:13 AM |
Ha, internet troll...I get it! |
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06/28/2006 11:14:30 AM |
Extra points for appropriate humor! The quintessential DPC Urban Legend! |
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06/28/2006 10:22:17 AM |
ROFLMAO NOt a great photo, but I love the sentiment. ;~D |
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06/28/2006 10:10:25 AM |
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06/28/2006 09:59:14 AM |
LoL! i would have liked to see more of the bridge to add the extra interest btu very, very funny. |
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06/28/2006 08:50:18 AM |
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06/28/2006 08:31:39 AM |
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06/28/2006 08:05:37 AM |
haha good comedic value. there is a little bit of troll in everyone |
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06/28/2006 02:48:07 AM |
Very amusing.
Of course, that's a dpc-specific legend. |
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06/28/2006 01:53:51 AM |
LOL this is great. Wonderful idea. |
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06/28/2006 01:03:11 AM |
hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa too cute. |
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06/28/2006 12:48:31 AM |
Hah! I wondered if someone would do this! |
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06/28/2006 12:16:09 AM |
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