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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Flowers (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Nikon D70
Lens: Quantaray AF 70-300mm f/4.0-5.6 High-Speed for Nikon
Location: Pa
Date: Jul 1, 2006
Aperture: 9
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/400
Galleries: Studio, Floral
Date Uploaded: Jul 1, 2006

Wow! I love this picture!

It took quite awhile to set up. I used silk flower petals and leaves and used liquid latex and stuck them to my mouth. I the applied red lipstick to finish it off.

Down in the studio, I wrapped my head and my arms in a black cloth and held the camera by hand (which is NOT easy with a D70!) and shot pics. It took a little while until I figured out where exactly to hold the camera... as I couldn't see at all!

Post processing:
I burned the background, because even though it was black, you could see some wrinkles in the fabric and I didn't fade into the background as well. I also cloned around my mouth where the petals came at my mouth... it was a bit distracting. I used USM, contrast, and Neat Image to make it flow a bit more.

And that is that! I don't know how well this will do, considering it is way out of the box... but I wanted to do something different. Something where flowers aren't always beautiful! :)

Place: 121 out of 375
Avg (all users): 5.7910
Avg (commenters): 6.7059
Avg (participants): 5.6985
Avg (non-participants): 5.9846
Views since voting: 1922
Views during voting: 309
Votes: 201
Comments: 32
Favorites: 6 (view)

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07/14/2006 12:27:52 AM
Greetings from the CC.
Well you get points for creativity! This is odd, certainly makes you look a second time. This image does not really say 'beautiful flower' but I am sure it could be used to advertised something somewhere, technically it is a very good photo, clear, sharp, good colors. I find the central compostion a little flat, might like to see it moved up or down a little, but given how you got this image I think you did pretty well.
(the other thing is if you left more room you could have room for text, esp cuz I think it is a stock kind of image)
hope that helps
07/12/2006 02:10:10 AM
Amazing - great job!! You should be proud of all the effort you put into this.
07/10/2006 03:15:24 PM
I can't believe this came in at 121. I gave you a 10 for this shot - it was great to see such a creative and different take on the challenge!
07/10/2006 01:49:51 PM
Totally reminds me of the lips from the rocky horror picture show... and that my friend is a Good thing...
I think this is brilliant and it is nice to see that level of creativity. You're right its way out of the box ..but kudo's to you for doing it. I didnt vote but you would have scored high from me.
07/10/2006 01:45:56 PM
I was also one of your 9 votes. LOVE the creativity here. There are just a couple of nitpicky technical issues with the shot, but otherwise I thought it was great. Very underrated IMHO. Nice work! :-)
07/10/2006 01:36:55 PM
I was one of your 9 votes, I think its so sad that people cant think out of the box when voting and at least vote also on technical merit, your composition, originality and lighting alone warranted a much higher score than the people that gave you 1's, 2's and 3's. Take solice in knowing that you worked hard on this and came up with a very wonderful photo. Job well done, regardless of your score.
07/10/2006 11:15:36 AM
I would have given it a 9. It's beautifully executed and incredibly creative. It's also jarring and unsettling, which contradicts the flower stereotype. My guess is that the voters had been lulled into a hypnotic state, and shocked awake when they came to it. Some people just don't like to be shocked. I do; and I love this shot!
07/10/2006 09:08:21 AM
Just for the record, it got a 10 from me. I am one who loves and appreciates creativity...of the idea, the effort, compilation of making it all come together. Keep going girl!! There are a lot who DID get it and love it for just what it is!!
07/10/2006 08:12:40 AM
I thought this was very creative and well executed. I gave this one an 8 because I thought it was truly different. I like the surreal feel to it. I think the reason most people did not score it higher is because there is a stereotype attached to flowers, and they may have found this one to be far from the stereotype.
07/10/2006 08:05:35 AM
I just don't get the people around here... this should have done much better, but creativity doesn't tend to get you too far in these parts. MUUUUCH better than the same ol' boring flower shots you can open up any nature magazine and see. Nice job and keep the "outside the box" type photos coming, I for one appreciate them.

look at all those 1's, 2's and 3's... people, open up your eyes!
07/10/2006 12:37:18 AM

You know I think you were robbed! THE most creative of the challenge, and a terrificly surprising image - I'd give you a ribbon if it was just up to me.

 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/09/2006 11:56:27 PM
Brilliant. Favaorite of the challenge. I'd like to know how you did this.

Message edited by author 2006-07-10 23:51:41.
07/09/2006 10:17:33 PM
one of my favorites this challenge -- creepy and very, very unique
07/09/2006 06:13:53 PM
Absolute 10 for creativity and execution. Great Job! (10)
07/09/2006 06:07:32 PM
thats cool!
07/06/2006 08:55:16 PM
Freaky. I like it.
07/06/2006 08:17:06 AM
Awesome idea. Nice technicals and great composition
07/06/2006 02:06:47 AM
killer effect - but it ends up such a surprising image I'm speechless - well, and it's kinda late.

really nice work - I'd use photoshop and not enter it - I admire this work a lot! 8 for now
07/05/2006 08:42:05 PM
LOL... love it
07/05/2006 03:22:13 AM
07/04/2006 03:46:45 PM
::blink blink::

Um, this is a little weird. Not sure I care for it, but I guess that's not really the point.
The transition between 'lips' and 'petals' is really well done, and the colors and lighting are good, and the concept is quite original.
I just don't care for it too much.
Scoring for technicals and originality - 9.
Scoring for appeal (to me) - 4.
Overall - 7.
07/04/2006 10:45:34 AM
lol... very creative!
07/03/2006 10:37:15 PM
Does it bight...
07/03/2006 09:24:53 PM
good imagination. leaf on right adds a nice touch. i like it
07/03/2006 08:29:12 PM
interesting, yet disturbing
07/03/2006 06:28:31 PM
Is this a tulip?
07/03/2006 04:05:06 PM
Doesn't do anything for me! Flowers are supposed to be beautiful!
07/03/2006 02:18:09 PM
no shit what a nightmare that would be. very creative
07/03/2006 01:07:12 PM
Original idea but a little freaky, not sure why but there's something I don't like about it, it kind of scares me :( 7 for creativity. It counts for me.
07/03/2006 01:55:08 AM
Good Job!
07/03/2006 01:30:05 AM
Wow -- you just creeped me right out. ;-) This is a really nice setup and the most creative entry I've seen in a long time.
07/03/2006 12:10:13 AM
ahhh good job! this one caught my eye from the thumbnail! i love the red on black.... so creative :o) goooooooood job! 9

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