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The Goodbye Letter
The Goodbye Letter

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Stationery (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-5D
Lens: Canon EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5 II USM
Location: Queensland, Australia
Date: Jul 2, 2006
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 250
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Black and White, Nude
Date Uploaded: Jul 2, 2006

This was something I had wanted to portray for a long time. I had actually done similiar shots for the Empty Room challenge but felt they would be DNMC. So I decided to use the idea for this challenge. I hope it comes across how I want it to.

Place: 41 out of 122
Avg (all users): 5.5582
Avg (commenters): 6.5789
Avg (participants): 5.2364
Avg (non-participants): 5.6329
Views since voting: 5562
Views during voting: 711
Votes: 292
Comments: 51
Favorites: 11 (view)

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07/19/2006 03:18:53 AM
What's with you and that window, Judi? ;-) I'm gonna come down and hang out in your yard. ;-)
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07/13/2006 02:55:43 AM
I rated this among the best - especially loved the overblown window wrapped light (as a commneter said: ethereal). The mood is evocative and whenever an image touches my soul, as this one did, I have to give it a great rating - what more can an artist ask of their own work.

My only critique would be that the change from in-focus to out-of-focus may be too sudden/extreme - breaking the relationship between the two a little more than necessary. I agree you need separation but this may be a tad too much. I'd love to see it in focus and blurring controlled in photoshop. Maybe try for focus point more toward front of paper not center of paper? Or try with greater aperture say f/2.8? Just an idea that may have squelched some of the comments.

Great job, as usual.
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07/12/2006 01:22:22 PM
My biggest issue with the shot is either the processing or artifact from the OOF in juxtaposition with the bright window light. Look at your head. The interface between the white and black is very harsh. I'm not quite sure where that comes from, but I don't like it.

I'm better at commenting on technical aspects, but here's an attempt on the "feel". You look a bit too posed in the background in two ways. 1) Your bent arm looks posed for a portrait rather than the way you would normally sit. 2) I think it would actually be better if you were looking out the window. Seems like what I would do if I were pondering after reading a letter. That, of course, makes a nude study a bit more problematic, but perhaps the nude was just a wee bit shoehorned here?

Not that we ever mind you being naked Judi... ;)
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07/12/2006 10:08:48 AM
IMO I love this shot. I don't think the nudity is gratuitous. Maybe because I'm a guy, I don't know. After reading the some of the comments you got I see that you really got hammered here. I however get it. When looking through the entries this was one of the shots that really caught my eye, not due to the nudity but due to the depth and emotion of the image. Great shot.
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07/12/2006 09:16:16 AM
Hi Judi,
I was going to come back and comment on this during the challenge, and then never got around to it.
This is a beautiful shot. I like the ethereal feel of the figure sitting by the window. The problem I see with this, is that there isn't a strong connection to the "Goodbye letter". The thought that brings to my mind is breaking up, and I'm guessing that if I were to break it off with a guy, my first reaction would be to put on my compfiest pair of jammies, and dig into a pint of Dove ice cream. I'm not sure I would sit naked by the window. Now, if the letter had been a "Love Letter", where one would imagine the girl is missing her guy, then this might have had a lot more impact. She's looking more sexy than sad to me.
Still, it's a lovely shot, and shows a lot of creativity.

Message edited by author 2006-07-12 09:25:24.
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07/12/2006 06:22:03 AM
It was you, ya rat - and I gave you all my invective frustrations and a 2, after all those not only nice but also perceptive comments you sent my way.

I still rate gratuitous nudity/binties as no better than gratuitous insects and flowers.

Erm - no - gratuitious nudity is better than gratuitous flowers.

Mind you, I have also at this altogether too late stage spotted that indeed it isn't gratuitous and that I - duh - didn't get it.

Well, at least I put my hand up to be counted.

Will try harder.

FWIW, a bit of decentralisation of subject(s) - model out to the right a bit, window out to the left... I could sort of see the letter being on something, but then you'd lose the barren thing... I assume that's a softwood floor, but that's good, because it needs a covering and doesn't have one.

Anyway, sorry, next time I'll give you a three.
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07/12/2006 02:04:49 AM
Hmmm....some interesting comments here. Personally I would of liked a slightly tighter crop on the paper and pen perhaps and maybe the model looking out the window. Great effort though!
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07/12/2006 01:46:12 AM
I got it, just didn't think it made the point it intended to. And nudity is terrific when it works.

However, I think there's plenty of raw material to work with here, and plenty of useful comments to chew on while you do so.

Of course, my high score is lower than your average, Judi. So take that into consideration if you want to. :)
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07/12/2006 01:26:32 AM
Strangely enough I didn't recognize you this time :-) Awesome shot, but I think I would have tightened the composition just a bit.
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07/12/2006 01:10:24 AM
I think they got "it" and decided to hammer away anyway. Hello, there is stationery in the shot, right on the floor people!
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07/12/2006 12:32:50 AM
Had to be yours Judi. Nicely done as usual. Seems as if some folks just didn't 'get it' though.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/11/2006 11:43:27 PM
I feel that this is an effective photo because of the black and white, however, I do NOT like that the figure in the back is (or at least appears to be) nude. I can understand a figure in the background looking sad and if that was the case I would have rated this much higher, but I honestly feel like the nudity was a cheap shot to try to score more points from people who rate nudes (tasteful or not) highly. Personally, when I'm sad, I don't strip down and sit in front of an open window. That's my two cents, for all it's worth.
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07/11/2006 09:44:43 PM
oh... there is pen and paper in the picture... I didn't really notice them ;) Cool shot!
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07/11/2006 05:57:02 PM
Almost ...

It would've struck me as more appropriate for her to be looking outside. Instead, her nudity seems gratuitous here, and definitely distracts from the letter, which presumably is the main subject.
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07/11/2006 07:13:24 AM
What is this half-naked woman doing in relation to the pen and paper lying on the floor? Too staged and a stretch to imagine the connection. It's not a photo I care for and seems like a sneaky way to combine unrelated elements.
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07/10/2006 01:51:55 PM
Absolutely lovely. As a guy I think I'm being coerced by the presence of...Incredible...

hardwood floors. They reflect in a way never before seen. Yeah. So the floors. I liked them a lot.

Seriously, this is a cool picture. Not a perfect picture, but a pretty good one. 7
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07/10/2006 12:33:48 PM
It's a nice shot but I honeslty had to look a few times before I saw the stationery there. The girl in the background should be (hate to say it) even less noticeable.
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07/10/2006 09:22:21 AM
I was wondering how on earth someone would include nudity in this challenge... Terrific job!!! Tasteful, artistic, evocative, and beautiful.
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07/10/2006 08:20:14 AM
There's so much mood in this photo, 8
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07/09/2006 10:08:06 PM
Letter is too small and not the strongest part of the image.
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07/09/2006 05:56:13 PM
Goodbye? But she's still there... and appears to be beckoning as opposed to letting go! ;-D
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07/09/2006 11:41:27 AM
lol I honestly do not get this...it looks very set up to me and not natural. I don't like nudity just for having nudity and that's what this is. And her sexual position in the backgroud throws everything off too... 5
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07/08/2006 05:51:25 AM
Is the focus on the letter or the naked model ... interesting use of stationery .. may have done better under stationary ...
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07/07/2006 10:04:38 PM
I like this alot! Defintely better then all the pictures of stationery, and just stationery. This puts a questioning twist with the picture. It makes you wonder. I like wondering!
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07/07/2006 08:40:37 PM
Pretty hard to imagine that, having written (or, maybe, received) a goodbye letter, someone would decide to go and sit naked in front of the window. Since there is a plot in this shot, I have to point out that the plot is not believable. Other than that, the composition is good, light is interesting, the model's pose is bitter-sweet pensive and unnatural. 5
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07/07/2006 07:36:41 PM
it's a nice shot and very interesting. i just don't understand the seductive pose with a goodbye letter in the foreground. I'm giving it an 8 despite my lack of understanding how the title works with the shot because it's still a great shot.
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07/07/2006 09:31:26 AM
The concept is good and the placement of the letter is perfect. I would like to see the model in a differnt position, as it is hard to determine if she is looking out the window or at the letter.
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07/06/2006 11:47:19 PM
Hey, you took my advice about the lighting on the floor! :) But I didn't tell you to lose the red scarf. :(

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07/06/2006 10:54:05 PM
I really like this image a lot. I'm not sure why but it speaks to me. In my faves.
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07/06/2006 10:18:57 PM
Please don't leave!
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07/06/2006 09:33:45 PM
great job! love the figure in the background
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07/06/2006 08:22:38 PM
I'm not sure what to say about this. It is well composed, the lighting and shadows work well. A letter and pen on the floor in front of a posing model though....
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07/06/2006 02:46:40 PM
I like the black and white and the light but I think that the composition is too much forced for the contest. good the out of focus on the background. 6.
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07/06/2006 01:28:40 PM
Nice idea, how ever..there's something missing. I dont know what i would do differently, it just needs that "wow".
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07/06/2006 03:57:00 AM
Good photo and a nice touch adding the extra element of the woman...
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07/06/2006 02:39:09 AM
A lovely photo, but I feel that the subject is more the woman than the letter, unfortunately.
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07/06/2006 12:29:53 AM
Outstanding. Love the choice of DOF, model, lighting everything. Perhaps a slightly more diagonal composition (letter to the left, model to upper right). But great anyway.
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07/05/2006 10:39:00 PM
Fantastic image! The window is a bit bright but I love the silhouette :)
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07/05/2006 10:13:53 PM
Wow! I love this photo! The BW is great and the emotion behind the image is really there. I hope this didn't really happen to you.
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07/05/2006 08:09:01 PM
This is a nice photo. Good light. Good use of shallow DOF, too. I don't understand the association between the naked girl and the letter (i.e. why is she naked?), but that's OK. I guess it adds mystery to the photo. Well done.
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07/05/2006 07:59:57 PM
Beautifully moody. A whole story in one shot. Terrific.

Good use of light, dark and silhouette. Focus is spot-on. Demeanour of the woman is perfect. Choice of monochrome is absolutely right. Flawless attention to detail at all levels. An inspiration to us all.

The only thing that I might have tried differently would have been to have things a little less central along the vertical. Maybe have the letter a little more to the left and the woman a little more to the right - but still making sure that the woman's reflection in the floor leads the eye to the letter.

It's just a shame that the 640x426 res isn't enough for us to read the letter... :-)
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07/05/2006 06:56:30 PM
I love the depth of focus and lighting as well as detail.
beautifully done.
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07/05/2006 02:16:24 PM
awesome shot. just enough to get the point, but leaves out enough to make you curious.
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07/05/2006 09:24:28 AM
this should do really well, it's a stunning shot
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07/05/2006 08:37:47 AM
It's a very nice picture of a girl who is about as naked as the rules will allow. The pen and paper, presumably the subject to which the title refers, are mundane in their contribution to the picture. The pose, attitude and dress of the girl doesn't seem to have a whole lot to do with 'goodbye'. So, one fifth of the picture relates to the title and challenge while the rest is gratuitous nudity. Don't get me wrong, she's a lovely model and I'm only too happy to see her posing away in all manner of revealing attitudes. Voting on the picture in this challenge, though, I give you one fifth - 2, sorry.
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07/05/2006 06:10:19 AM
good idea i think it works quite well
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07/05/2006 05:57:17 AM
I'm not so sure the 'seductive' nude at the back should be there. The title suggests more in the way of pain and anguish. May be even suicide. Still a 6.
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07/05/2006 04:57:21 AM
I think we can all make a guess at who's work this is. Nice take on the topic although I'd have been inclined to make the letter a little more prominent.
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07/05/2006 04:46:55 AM
Hehe, this is hidden nude type of shot :)
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07/05/2006 01:14:32 AM
goodbye to what? Looks like she' saying "Hello there big guy!" :) Interesting photo, but the lovely nudity doesn't screem "Goodbye" to me, I almost didn't see the letter to make the connection.
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07/05/2006 12:27:07 AM
Very pretty shot and quite unique, good luck with it. 8
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