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Sadness on the Sidewalks, Satisfaction on the Sand
Sadness on the Sidewalks, Satisfaction on the Sand

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: On the Beach (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Samsung Digimax 530
Location: Key West
Date: Jul 12, 2006
Date Uploaded: Jul 12, 2006


Place: 307 out of 326
Avg (all users): 4.0736
Avg (commenters): 4.1667
Avg (participants): 3.9038
Avg (non-participants): 4.1641
Views since voting: 733
Views during voting: 387
Votes: 299
Comments: 7
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/25/2006 08:42:09 AM
Nice composition but the tint/color seems off a bit. The harsh shadows are distracting. Wish you well in the challenge.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
07/24/2006 08:12:26 PM
out of focus
07/22/2006 02:29:21 PM
It's a shame the shadow hides the rest of an otherwise expressive grin. The color is a bit over-the-top, may have benefited from unsaturation in post processing.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
07/20/2006 06:54:49 PM
Great job
07/19/2006 12:47:56 PM
I like the color of the shirt against the blue sky and water, and also like his placement in the shot. :) However, there are some things that would have made me vote this shot higher. First off, I would have shot this within an hour of sunrise or sunset (probably sunset) in order to cut out the harsh shadows and also add some spectacular colors to the sky and reflection off the water. Being that the subject would likely be back-lit in that case, I would use a soft flash to illuminate the subject of the photo (maybe even using a piece of white foamcore off to the side to bounce light as well). Lastly, I would make sure that the horizon is perfectly level. Many DPC'ers are notorious for voting down shots for that. However, great idea for a shot and hopefully one of my tips might be useful. :) Take them with a grain of sand though. ;)
  Photographer found comment helpful.
07/19/2006 11:53:34 AM
You found this guy on the beach? I found a guy that looks just like this on a beach too!
07/19/2006 03:05:14 AM
Something about the colors appeals to me.. the horizon should be straightened. I like this for some reason, otherwise.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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