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A moment in time
A moment in time

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: On the Beach (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Fujifilm FinePix S9000
Location: Fortesque NJ
Date: Jul 15, 2006
Aperture: f/4.1
ISO: 80
Shutter: 0.005s
Galleries: Emotive, Candid
Date Uploaded: Jul 15, 2006

Fortesque NJ - the beach was mostly deserted!

Levels, hue/saturation, sharpened, brightness, resized, saved for web.

Place: 105 out of 326
Avg (all users): 5.6858
Avg (commenters): 7.5714
Avg (participants): 5.4667
Avg (non-participants): 5.8063
Views since voting: 1110
Views during voting: 392
Votes: 296
Comments: 20
Favorites: 2 (view)

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09/09/2007 03:46:21 AM
This is good. It is so good I am looking at it now for stress therapy.
I have so much business, thanks God, and moments with this take me away for a very relaxing feeling.
Thanks for sharing.

When I see “good”; I can’t see details and lighting and stuff and focus, I just see an overall beauty.

I shouldn’t expect to be billed, should I?
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09/08/2007 01:04:24 PM
A great reminder of childhood summer days! I used to love my summer holidays with my Grandparents as we always spent a week at the beach near them! This little guy certainly seems to be enjoying his summer and looks as though he knows what he's building! Lovely summer image, thank you for sharing :o)
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01/24/2007 06:09:34 PM
gorgeous. too bad I didn't vote in this challenge!
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09/13/2006 11:10:50 PM
I think I've told you this, but this is still my favorite shot of yours. I'd have sworn it was in my "favorites" but apparently it isn't. It is now!
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08/03/2006 12:07:30 PM
Trading Post - Good overall shot here. Simple and clean composition, good lighting on the boy and nice subdued colors. There doesnt really seem to be anything that I can point out that hurt you here outside of maybe just not alot of "wow" interest in it. But you did capture what your title suggests and you caught it well.
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08/01/2006 05:39:53 PM
This was worth more than 105th! Sad to see you were robbed of votes here...91 x 6's is good though
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07/31/2006 08:32:17 PM
Thanks for your comment on my on the beach entry and I am now coming back to give you a comment:).
I think this entry is very well composed as my eye is drawn to the boy from the rule of thirds as well as from the line of the wave to which runs to the head of the boy. The only thing I could suggest would myabe to have used a wider angle or lowere perpective to get more of the beach area and possibly the horizon. A more open composition may have helped show the concentration and focus of the boy also. It may also have lost impact with the boy smaller in the phot also I am not sure. Just a suggestion. Thanks again for your comment.
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07/30/2006 02:39:00 PM
Trading post Comment

This is a beautiful photo, capturing the moment very well. The exposure is right on. The composition works too...nice placement of the boy within the photo. Colors are good...pastel water does not compete for attention with the primary subject of the photo. The simplicity of this photo is very appealing. All in all I would have to say this is my favorite shot of all photos you have produced. The average commenters score of 7.571 is a fairer score than the average all users score IMHO. Well done.
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07/27/2006 03:48:25 PM
aah this is so sweet!
love the sea at the top of the photo, using the rules of thirds, and compo overall. children can be so concentrated! I just love children on the beach.
Nice job!
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07/27/2006 03:37:28 PM
this is a great moment captured, very candid and peaceful! The colors are also good. I bet this would look good in B&W too :)
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07/26/2006 08:25:47 PM
Trading Post comment

Another new top row entry! Congrats on that. This is a very pleasing picture to me on several counts - the colors are soft with the blue not overdone; the composition is very good and very nicely balanced; and the young man is clearly engaged in "the moment", seemingly oblivious to the camera. Underrated and probably my favorite picture of yours to date.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
07/25/2006 01:24:20 PM
Great job! I love shots of children. This one is executed perfectly. There is great clarity, and the background of the water, and foreground of the sand almost drift away and become non-existant when focusing on the little boy. He really stands out from his environment visually speaking. I'm raising my vote on this one from what I originally gave you, based on the fact that you met the challenge without leaving the voter to have to figure it out. This deserves a score for it's technical merit and overall beauty of the shot. Giving it an 8.
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07/24/2006 08:12:56 PM
too plain
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07/24/2006 12:26:19 PM
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07/23/2006 07:45:53 PM
i think this would have been awesome in black and white. 7
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07/22/2006 03:24:09 PM
Great lighting on the body, skin tone is very natural. Wish he'd given you a glance up so we could see his face. Although, a child fully concentrating on their own exploration is a precious moment for sure.
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07/21/2006 12:50:22 AM
This photograph is so wonderful ! You have captured this moment so well you can almost feel the sand, hear the waves lapping on the shore and smell the salt air. And, Im guessing this little boy will remember moment like this when he's grown. Just terrific!!!!!!
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07/19/2006 03:41:49 PM
Great focus, nice and crisp.
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07/19/2006 03:01:19 AM
lovely focus and a nice image...like your title
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07/19/2006 01:00:08 AM
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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