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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Nostalgia (Classic Editing)
Camera: Olympus C-720UZ
Location: Solvay, NY
Date: Sep 5, 2003
Aperture: f4.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/50
Galleries: Portraiture, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Sep 7, 2003

My megababe friend Karen once again makes an appearance on DPC! Man I love being back in Syracuse!!!

Funny thing - we weren't shooting for a challenge this time. Just shot about 50 of Karen, was sorting through them and found this one - thought of the challenge immediately.

Natural lighting - sliding glass doors in front of her. Slight neat-image, sharpened, that's about it.

Place: 112 out of 250
Avg (all users): 5.1634
Avg (commenters): 6.4545
Avg (participants): 5.0294
Avg (non-participants): 5.3000
Views since voting: 1317
Votes: 202
Comments: 18
Favorites: 5 (view)

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07/03/2005 08:49:21 PM
This is a lovely portrait. Simple and not overdone in any aspect. Her pose is natural and has a wistful air to it. The sepia puts a melancholy twist on it. I like the hair tumbling over her shoulders. Very nice!!
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09/17/2003 07:41:56 PM
You got her here at such a wonderful pose and expression. It's not readily discernable what she's thinking, so it keeps my interest. Your clarity and lighting help too. Nifty!
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09/17/2003 02:45:57 PM
bod - I'll have to mail you the cd. ;) I've got about 400 of Karen on my computer - and another 100 to edit through. If I post them up for her, I'll make sure you get the link. hehe

09/17/2003 01:50:47 PM
So where's the rest of the shots? You lucky dawg ; )
Forget the challenge, this is an excellent portrait. A clean background and less shadow would have been better, but I can't fault the model I mean the exposure & focus on the model! Keep 'em comin'.
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09/17/2003 01:31:35 AM
Well done, I may say this a lot, but I think the score definitely is far from what is deserved. I would have expected at least mid to high 5's. But as you said you were not shooting for the challenge, so its really a bonus shot. :) Karen looks really pretty in this photo too :)
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/16/2003 03:22:23 PM
the way the light hits her face and gives shadow is very nice
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09/14/2003 06:39:14 AM
Composition: I would have preferred the subject more in the left of the frame, possibly more upright.
Technical: Excellent colourisation and lighting. The border looks ok, but I can't help thinking it would look the same with a solid colour outside the white line.
Meets challenge: Ish
Overall impression: Nice soft focus, very well done, but not sure about the composition.

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09/13/2003 08:33:49 PM
Good capture.
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09/13/2003 06:46:34 PM
Great portrait. Love the lighting, how it seems to draw attention to the face and the eyes. The toning is great as well, the balance in tones is so good.
The only distraction is the black patch behind the head.
Nice border.
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09/12/2003 05:14:38 AM
I think I can see that you were trying get that wistfull look. Her expression is OK but IMO the effect would have been multiplied and allowed me to vote higher if you had taken this at location e.g.railway station (older style) that would have evoked and echoed her expression. In other words something to suggest the reason for the wistfull look.

Composition and setting wise the strong flash - I would have used a reflector at the left to reduce the effect of the shadow and tried to position her so that the curtain did not cut her face in half.
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09/12/2003 04:28:39 AM
She is rather attractive! She has that space out look though.
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09/11/2003 11:47:37 PM
very appealing portrait..well composed..works well in sepia..I like the lines of the sweater..the straight lines and the loose curls tie it all in.(7)
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09/11/2003 12:34:30 PM
the facial expression is priceless...
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09/10/2003 09:47:35 PM
very pleasant image of a pensive, beautiful young woman - nice detail of curl of hair
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09/10/2003 05:53:32 PM
Nice shot. Portrait shots really have to convey a feeling to me to be considered "worth 1000 words". Combined with the title (which couldn't be better) you have a great entry here.
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09/10/2003 02:23:05 PM
A tad more contrast, and ya have a winner.
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09/10/2003 11:12:45 AM
Nice protrait, the soft focus adds to the powr of the shot.
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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