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Hello Darlin'
Hello Darlin'

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Insects (Classic Editing)
Camera: Sony DSC-F707
Location: home
Date: Sep 5, 2003
Aperture: 3.2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200s
Galleries: Nature, Macro
Date Uploaded: Sep 7, 2003

A Praying Mantis sitting on a orange leaf.

Place: 14 out of 137
Avg (all users): 6.7152
Avg (commenters): 7.4667
Avg (participants): 6.4255
Avg (non-participants): 7.1930
Views since voting: 1633
Votes: 151
Comments: 17
Favorites: 2 (view)

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/14/2003 11:09:09 PM
Love it. Great positioning of the bug, leaving the entire anteni in the shot. Could maybe increase the contrast a little.
09/14/2003 11:08:10 PM
Ribbon-- its a 10
09/14/2003 12:44:57 PM
Great subject and a good pose, but really needs more DOF, especially on those forelegs. Might have had more impact with a tighter crop on the head. I like the orange/green background.
09/14/2003 12:39:35 AM
I love it! So cute! Wonderful closeup!!!!!!
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09/12/2003 07:18:59 PM
I wish the depth of field were a little deeper to get a true sense of this character. If the depth of field were higher, I'd give this a near 10. Vote: 7
09/11/2003 02:18:26 PM
great focus work and control. insects are one of the most difficult things to capture, but you have done a wonderful job. keep it up!
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09/11/2003 09:46:58 AM
Good composition and expression.
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09/11/2003 01:15:21 AM
Definitely my favorite so far...Excellent focus and I love the composition and the great use of color...the only thing that kind of "bugs" me is that it seems a little bottom heavy with all that intense orange down there...not sure what to do to improve that...
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09/08/2003 11:48:08 PM
Awesome - and so is the title
09/08/2003 08:31:52 PM
"come be dinner"? this is a wonderful head - the overall effect is marred for me by focus or lack thereof
09/08/2003 05:29:03 PM
Beautifully done.
09/08/2003 03:59:58 PM
Interesting DOF and position of the mantis. Colors/lighting a bit dull for my tastes but it's hard to get it all to come together when you have to hunt your subject.
09/08/2003 02:47:20 PM
Superb title, I like this very much. Shame his legs are blurred and burnt out. Everything else is excellent. 7
09/08/2003 01:04:02 PM
Great face. I think just the face alone would of been fantastic/cropping out everything else. Just a thought. Very good shooting, congrats.
09/08/2003 09:59:28 AM
Now I went to a horse show recently, and I've seen this pose before -- but I've never seen a horse that looks quite like this one???

In terms of composition I love the fact that he is not quite middled, as I feel that would have detracted from him.

Technically the focus is spot-on, the depth of field is great and there is no camera shake at all.

What else is there to say except great picture.
09/08/2003 01:26:43 AM
hahaha. Hilarious title, and matches the expression on the bug's face. Now who knew bugs had expressions?? Excellent!!
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09/08/2003 12:33:33 AM
Absolutely too cute! Love this one! Terrific job!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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