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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Color on Color (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Olympus E-300 EVOLT
Lens: Olympus 14-45mm f/3.5-5.6 Zuiko Digital ED
Location: on a giant hosta leaf
Date: Jul 24, 2006
Aperture: F9.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/200
Galleries: Nature
Date Uploaded: Jul 24, 2006

mr froggy was placed onto a giant rolled hosta leaf so the sunlight would pour through the small hole at the end.
Photo really came alive as I played around with the levels and curves.
Thought the border would add a bit too.
levels and curves

Place: 43 out of 239
Avg (all users): 6.1792
Avg (commenters): 7.2308
Avg (participants): 6.1625
Avg (non-participants): 6.1850
Views since voting: 1078
Views during voting: 416
Votes: 307
Comments: 16
Favorites: 1 (view)

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08/08/2006 09:40:55 AM
I liked this during the challenge. My biggest complaint is the size of the image. If you'd utilized the maximum 640 pixels, we could have seen all of the detail on the frog and the leaf.
08/08/2006 09:30:46 AM
Critique Club

Excellent composition, placing of the frog is perfect. i really like the contrasting shadows and light, but the only thing is i'd have really liked to get rid of the shadow covering the backside of the frog. Also, i like the leading lines of the leaf. The texture of the frog shows up really nicely.

DOF is good, but the back of the leaf is a bit oof in a distracting way, not najorly, but just a little. Lighting is great, bringing out frog texture. Picture is overall technically quite nice.

Post processing
Firstly, i have to say... the DPC size limit is 640!!! please use all 640 pixels, as I think you would have lost a lot of votes because of this. Love the colours, you've got those down really nice. Personally i used to like borders, but i'm not sure if this would be better with or without. Personal taste i guess. In terms of sharpening, i'm not sure if you went a teensy bit overboard on the frog, as he's looking a little bit pixelated near his head, but thats just nit picking.

Hope this helped, and i think the biggest 2 things to improve shot would be, a) bigger photo, b) no shadow on frog's butt.

Enjoy, and feel free to pm me

 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/01/2006 10:33:35 AM
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07/31/2006 08:53:12 PM
nice photo, just a bit small to see all the details
07/31/2006 10:15:10 AM
Nice textures!! I think I could do without the border, or don't extend it out as far into the image. All the textures are awesome though! 9
07/30/2006 12:03:45 AM
Lovely capture.
07/28/2006 07:27:36 PM
Good pic, but I don't like the border... 7.
07/27/2006 09:47:15 PM
Well captured. I like the black background
07/27/2006 04:50:00 PM
border brought it down for me... but great otherwise
07/27/2006 12:13:15 PM
Great texture detail.
07/27/2006 10:07:23 AM
The green in the background is so subtle that I hope your score doesn't suffer from those with uncalibrated screens. The lighting and texture of this image sets it apart from the other frog images in this challenge.
07/26/2006 06:27:59 PM
the texture is shown very well. good color.
07/26/2006 05:45:53 PM
great shot and detail!
07/26/2006 01:05:12 AM
Perfect focusing.
It'd be better if the frogs back wasn't in the shade, but I can understand that working with frogs isn't easy so I won't take anything off for it.
Besides that, I really like the border.
07/26/2006 12:47:32 AM
this is superb ... but why save it at such a small size when you have 640px at your disposal???

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