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Roses and Friends
Roses and Friends

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Color on Color (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Lens: Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di for Canon
Location: Living Room, Naples, FL
Date: Jul 23, 2006
Aperture: 10.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/2
Galleries: Floral
Date Uploaded: Jul 25, 2006

I was getting a little bored with the British Open, so I started my arts and crafts. Honestly never thought I'd do anything like this but it was a lot of fun surprising myself. It's all pretty simple. Bought card stock paper at Michael's. We'd already been to the grocery store and there were better than usual selection of flowers that morning. I had to go to Kinkos to use their paper cutter because earlier in day the my scissor cutting looked bad! After taping together (there's another little imperfection at the intersection) I just cut 4 "X"s in the paper. The stems were very short and our "mini" - shag rug helped keep them in place. Re: the white one. I think it might have 'moved' a little while I adjusted the paper. It is annoying because it's just off.

Good learning experience: I discovered what the flash compensation does. I used it here @ -2/3. Really helped with no shadows. I also had two boards up resting against the tripod legs. Thanks for the comments and votes. I was really happy with the number of people who commented on originality! The whole day proves that effort pays off.

Place: 21 out of 239
Avg (all users): 6.4325
Avg (commenters): 7.6667
Avg (participants): 6.1875
Avg (non-participants): 6.5122
Views since voting: 1487
Views during voting: 477
Votes: 326
Comments: 35
Favorites: 3 (view)

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05/09/2008 04:30:47 AM
absolutely stunning... don't tell me that its one single shot... awesome creativity... very-simple but simple things are are always most difficult to imagine. would love to try something similar.
11/21/2006 12:58:24 PM
"After taping together (there's another little imperfection at the intersection) I just cut 4 "X"s in the paper"

Why not Photoshop it? :)
08/03/2006 07:34:24 AM
You could have taken a print-out on an inkjet paper, which would not show seams. Great idea though.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/01/2006 06:31:12 PM
Very cool idea. My only nitpick is that in something this geometric, I think it's important that the flowers be centered and the red rose and white whatever (I'm no flower expert) are not. But a unique use of flowers!
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08/01/2006 05:55:07 PM
This is a great idea, my only suggestion, would be to bring up the contrast a bit.
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08/01/2006 03:51:34 PM
original idea...i like it
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08/01/2006 02:43:57 PM
very well done ... first thing on my mind was ... "has this been validated" and persto it has ... Great idea!
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08/01/2006 01:58:44 PM
one of my favorites this challenge -- like the balance and symetry (would have like it to be more exact in the white flower since the feel is so geometric and even the slightest deviation shows up)
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07/31/2006 10:35:59 AM
Great idea there...9
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07/30/2006 09:38:21 PM
I really like this picture. 10 All the way
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07/30/2006 04:09:26 PM
Good composition and nice contrasting colors. I would have given you a 10 were it not for the lack of symmetry in the white flower's position.
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07/29/2006 11:22:08 PM
Very pleasing to look at.
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07/29/2006 12:08:10 PM
You choose a very difficult image to shot for this challenge, both for the lighting required and for post processing. I think the red section could have used a bit more contrast and could have be lightened just a bit to help the rose stand out more but I still had to give this a 7 for what you accomplished.
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07/29/2006 07:12:54 AM
very nice. I did something similar in the b/w challenge, but somewhat opposite for contrast :P
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07/28/2006 08:30:47 PM
Pattern yellow red primary geometric flowers nature color colour hues - keywords for a nice modern image. 9.
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07/28/2006 06:07:48 PM
Great idea! Nice shot.
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07/28/2006 03:36:15 PM
nice idea. i think a border would help, and perhaps space (white? black?) between the colored boxes. they don't quite look like they line up either. but i like the concept quite a lot! one of my favorites.
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07/28/2006 09:25:07 AM
Fits the theme perfectly and is well exposed.
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07/27/2006 05:01:14 PM
hmm... nice flowers

Switch the flowers around on the different colors
07/27/2006 04:59:28 PM
This is very inventive. Nice!
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07/27/2006 12:36:17 PM
Wow, very cool. I've become a little tired of flower shots in this challenge, but this one really perks my interest. The juxtaposition of these four colors is really great.

Nice work. 8.
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07/27/2006 12:11:33 PM
woohoo! 10 from me!
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07/27/2006 11:58:16 AM
Great idea and nicely shot with great colors.. If I had to find something to critique, I would say that I would probably center the flowers in each quadrant, or some sort of other symmetrical arrangement. As it is now, the red rose seems to be drifting to the lower right, the crysasanthumum white flower to the lower left, orange bottom right and the yellow seems centered. It just seems off balance.
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07/27/2006 11:57:25 AM
Good job that looks like a tough shot to get the lighting right on each flower but you hit it preety close, very nice
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07/27/2006 12:03:43 AM
Wow! Very creative,beautiful shot(s). Great job!!
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07/26/2006 08:02:31 PM
Good job of lighting.
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07/26/2006 05:45:16 PM
very nice, should do well. (8)
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07/26/2006 10:57:02 AM
Well, at first glance my reaction is that this is a composite photo. Trusting that it is not, I say it is a great shot and very original.
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07/26/2006 10:04:12 AM
If this is one image, I gotta hand it to ya! Would mak a cool poster.
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07/26/2006 08:51:30 AM
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07/26/2006 06:34:11 AM
nice pic, you've probabley been told but the white flower is off center. so i'll tell you again :)
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07/26/2006 05:54:07 AM
must say.. very creative... but doesn't do much for me.... looks like you have just a little too hard to be creative..
07/26/2006 03:18:51 AM
Such a lovely photo.......but I'm afraid it may get dq'ed. Still, here is a good strong vote for you, just in case it isnt disqualified.
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07/26/2006 01:02:18 AM
Hmm, doing this is definately taking a risk at what the DPCers might say.
But it's still pretty and risque so I like it!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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