Author | Thread |
01/05/2004 12:44:58 AM |
there's nothing staged about the bulging veins from exertion..yeesh people...great pic :-)
Message edited by author 2004-01-20 12:26:47. |
09/23/2003 11:24:54 PM |
Sigs is right -- there's no reason you can't handhold a 300mm lens. I do the same thing (with the same camera, actually) for the Steelers games. I never use a monopod. The key is getting a fast enough shutter speed, as he has done here... as well as having a camera/lens that can focus quickly enough to get the shot.
Originally posted by azzemoto: When you say "Shot made with d100 w/ 300mmf4.0 handheld" pardon my lack of terminology knowledge but are you saying that you HANDHELD a 300mm lens? Please. |
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09/23/2003 04:27:24 PM |
Yes, handheld no monopod. I do use a pod on occasion but its pretty pointless on this lens even though it does have a tripod collar. This is the f4.0 lense not the f2.8 lense. the F4.0 weighs 48 ounces compared to the f2.8 which weighs 108 ounces. My 80-200 f2.8 weighs 54 ounces and doesn't have a collar (it's one of the older push pulls).You don't want to mount a monopod onto the camera with lens of that weight. It will cause torque damage to the bayonet mount. If I can heft the 80-200 w/o a monpod, the 300 f4.0 is cake. Plus, it was 5:00 pm and shooting at ISO 400, I had plenty of shutter speed to stop action. |
09/23/2003 03:51:23 PM |
When you say "Shot made with d100 w/ 300mmf4.0 handheld" pardon my lack of terminology knowledge but are you saying that you HANDHELD a 300mm lens? Please. |
09/23/2003 02:05:00 PM |
Just wanted to let you know, my son, aged 20 months absolutely loves this picture. He cries when it goes off the screen.
Excellent work, title or no. I didn't vote on this challenge, but would have given you a good score. I really like how the expression shows on his face. |
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09/23/2003 09:40:44 AM |
Hello Folks, Thanks for your votes on the Sports Challenge. I had several people comment on my title being too verbose. The orginal image was "Lucky". Well,the new title came from an earlier challenge that was finishing up about the time this one was posting. Several people had posted questions whether that photo was posed or not. So I decided to nip those questions in the bud. Personally I always crop even if it is about 1 percent but this image was just as tight as possible. I have attached a link showing the sequence of the shoot. The first photo is of the Quarterback as he is passing, the rest are the receiver. I had quickly swung the camera towards the recever and fired blind over my shoulder. I didn't even figure I had that shot until later that night when I went home to review the photos. That is when I saw it for the first time. I went back the next day with a copy and gave it to the coach and got the players name. Lucky
I did mark most comments helpful and some I did not. I appreciated all of your comments. I did not take any offense to any suggestion I did not mark as helpful such as coloring or cropping or etcetera, not because I felt offended but I did not agree with your prognosis. I received comments that suggested opposite edits (crop looser, crop tighter) Well, who is right? Do I say "oh, gee your right I didn't see that. Oh your so smart!" to both? That would mean that I don't take their comments seriously, that I am pandering, and have no spine. Each suggestion is constructive, but I can't agree with both without being a wishy washy hypocrite. Honestly, I felt more crop was neccessary, but that shot is so tight that it stands on its own without any editing. I didn't even adjust levels or tonal values to maintain the evidential truth of the photo.
As to to the title, If I hadn't said it, I would have received half as many people even commenting on my photo and half of them would have been "Is that posed?" No. but does it matter? Some people made statements that they were docking me points for my title. Well, that is just spiteful, but live free or die we are all human and have a right to an opinion. Many people gave kudos for the work that had no technical information or critique at all. Praise is not criticism, but is very influential in inspiring a person to continue to excellence and I thank all who said "good job!". I had very little negative comments but critism is always good if it constructive. Plain derogatory comments like "that is hideous" is well ... as wise sage said "if you got nothing good to say then say nothing at all".
I wish there were better ways to respond beside is it helpful or not helpful. may be "Thank You" "Good Idea" "Thank you, but I don't agree" "Well, if you say so" and maybe some other curt statements, maybe in a scale similar to the votes recieved.
Again, thanks to everyones votes.
09/23/2003 09:13:04 AM |
Great shot! i think some was cropped based on the output ratio of the image, but who is counting anyway!
I would have left the title alone though, don't try and speak for your work--it certainly speaks for itself. |
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09/23/2003 02:17:27 AM |
Hi, Your shot is very good..I can tell it is real by the expression on his face and the flex of his muscles..the title should have been left alone. Screen Pass was good. Nice work..shot of a life time. |
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09/22/2003 09:25:48 AM |
Interesting that you mark all criticism about the title as "unhelpful" (or, at least you don't mark it as "helpful," as the case may be) on this one. Sorry you aren't open-minded on that suggestion. |
09/22/2003 12:20:55 AM |
Great shot. Grats on the ribbon |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
09/21/2003 10:03:51 PM |
If only you had caught this shot a few hundred milliseconds earlier, it would have been perfect! The ball a few inches above his fingers would have given this a much more realistic look, since in my opinion it does look this could be "posed". Great clarity and DOF though! |
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09/21/2003 07:22:14 PM |
So Clean and great emetion on his face-- 10 |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
09/21/2003 06:17:16 PM |
excellent focus and composition 10 |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
09/21/2003 04:51:26 PM |
Great catch! I know you say you didn't crop, but I think it might have been nice if you had cropped just a tiny bit off the top, not a big deal though. Great look on the kids face, great action, might have been nice to have another player maybe coming up from behind to show it was during a game rather then just a game of catch or whatever, but thats ok. I love the tattoo... adds to the "toughness" of the photo. -9- |
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09/20/2003 02:42:44 PM |
Great shot but I have to subtract a point for giving too much info in your title. The picture stands alone by itself. You don't need to tell us its not cropped or posed. Would have been a 8 now a 7. Great shot though. |
09/20/2003 02:35:53 AM |
Let the picture be the thousand words!:) its a good shot. and I trust it was not staged. Very nice DOF and good action capture. Good Luck. 9 |
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09/19/2003 09:12:52 PM |
very nice shot, title is way to verbose. -1, 8pts |
09/19/2003 04:27:21 PM |
Excellent catch (for both of you)! :-) Well framed, good lighting and clarity. Nice job! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
09/19/2003 12:56:54 PM |
Nice action capture, good framing and the soft focus background in very nice. |
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09/19/2003 08:44:36 AM |
Lucky or not it's an awesome shot - blue ribbon I bet! |
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09/19/2003 01:04:40 AM |
Lucky indeed! This is a truly great shot, and I love the way you captured his expression. Good clear quality, nicely done! |
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09/18/2003 09:26:37 PM |
this is why you burned up all those batteries! I love it. Focus is good, facial expression is perfect, outcome is up-for-grabs, exposure just right. Hope he held onto it... |
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09/18/2003 05:29:58 PM |
First off, I hate your title - the details in brackets should just be in the the details section for us to see after the challenge. 'Screen Pass' however is an excellent title.
Rant over, on to the photo. Wow. This is an absolutely perfect capture. The moment, the look on the receivers face, the clarity, everything is spot on. 10 |
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09/17/2003 12:47:36 PM |
Maybe a little cropping at the top wouldn't have hurt though? Great photo otherwise. 7 |
09/16/2003 08:15:28 PM |
This image would have been better if the fit wasn"t so tight around the subject. Excellent focus and exquisite timing. Awesome shot! |
09/16/2003 01:23:06 AM |
This kind of shot and how it was captured is what sports photography is all about! Great job! |
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09/16/2003 12:33:14 AM |
Action-10,light-9,composition-10,dof-10,contrast-10,10 from me! |
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09/15/2003 11:21:46 PM |
Looks staged like he's just holding the ball with his finger tips, although reading your Title I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Actually the "flexing" of the arm muscles kinda suggests it is NOT staged. Great shot!! You DID get lucky, awesome shot. 8.
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09/15/2003 10:48:34 PM |
I'm honestly not fond of the description in the title -- it would have been best to simply call it "Screen Pass" and let that be that. Otherwise, I like the shot a lot, especially his expression. I'm not sure I am sold on the crop... I may have tried doing this as a horizontal shot that includes just the ball, his face and more of the shoulders. Seems like there's too much headroom and unnecessary space below his left elbow. Great depth of field, I might add! |
09/15/2003 02:45:13 PM |
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09/15/2003 12:35:48 PM |
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09/15/2003 10:45:48 AM |
P.S. What's wrong with lucky?! |
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09/15/2003 10:27:13 AM |
Problem is, it is tough to tell from the shot if your title is true or not. He could just be lifting the ball up and tossing it - the shot doesn't really let me know. Ignoring that for now...
Focus is really sharp, and framing is excellent. The soft background works to show him catching the ball and the facial expressions are strong (7) |
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09/15/2003 10:03:05 AM |
I can understand your fear of people thinking it was posed but what a shame to do that to your title :( Anyways... the image itself is great! Very clear, compositionally good, the capture of action is superb. I especially like the expression on his face and the tension in his muscles. It certainly tells a story, although it looks like he safely made the catch. Another good thing (although it doesnt have any real merit) is that you have the perfect space at the top and on the left for a magazine title and blurb. I could see this on the cover of a magazine. Very nicely caught (pun intended!) |
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09/15/2003 09:39:00 AM |
Framing action, great shot. |
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09/15/2003 08:50:32 AM |
this is a decent photo but the title needs work. 'screen pass' would have been ok :) |
09/15/2003 04:16:57 AM |
yey! a 10 is comming on! You have captured a great pose here. well done, and good luck. |
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09/15/2003 01:11:29 AM |
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09/15/2003 12:43:46 AM |
Great the expression on his face! |
Photographer found comment helpful. |
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