Hello from the Critique Club,
I like the action of this image a lot. You have a good eye for capturing action as it unfolds. Obviously from your score, there is room for improvement with this image. There are two major elements that are negatively affecting your entry in this challenge. First, the faces of the players are not as sharp (in focus) as the voters at DPC like to see. Not knowing what software you have or what post processing steps you used, I downloaded your image and used USM twice [1 radius, 100 strength, and 5 clipping], once before processing and once after I tweaked a few things. This seemed to help the sharpness considerably. The second issue is that both players seem to blend into the trees in the background. This can be corrected by using levels [RGB increase gamma to 1.33, decrease red channel output to 225 from 255], saturation [Increase 25], and Contrast/Brightness [+10 each]. If you would like to see the image I tweaked, let me know and I̢۪ll be glad to add it to this comment.
Send me a PM if you have any questions regarding this critique.