Author | Thread |
08/12/2010 10:48:23 PM |
01/21/2008 09:45:04 PM |
Brilliant, just brilliant. I think that every woman could and can relate to this idea. So that in itself is the power behind photography. Well done. |
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05/31/2007 11:10:12 AM |
Tenho que te dar os parabens pelas belas imagens que tens no teu portfolio pois sao maravilhosas. Gosto em particular desta imagem pois faz me lembrar David Lachapelle. Gosto de outras imagens que tens... aprecio bastante estas encenaçoes. Abraços e uma continuaçao de produçao de grandes imagens... |
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12/11/2006 02:24:10 PM |
Yeah, I love this shot.
Obviously, the legs help etc. But it's really that title that gets me. "She hates to be betrayed". I can just image the women kicking and screeming in a fit of rage when the fire fighter saves her from the fire that she created. There's a whole story behind the shot because of the title. I put this as a favorte the moment I saw it during the challenge, but have only decided to comment now. Why? No clue. Who cares really. Bottom line: this is a great shot. the quality of the image is wonderful and the title nails the whole thing smack on the head. Wonderful.
How did u get the uniform? Did you just ask the firemen to lend it to you?
Chris |
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08/27/2006 11:14:16 PM |
Very well executed with excellent thought of burning fire |
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08/26/2006 06:10:26 AM |
Is it just me or does this guy kinda look like Keanu Reeves? It may just be me!
June |
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08/22/2006 07:19:01 PM |
Congrats on the Jorge.
This shot shows the different between a well-thought out and executed idea vs. a good picture.
Well done and bravo on keeping an awesome average score here on DPC. |
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08/22/2006 07:08:14 PM |
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08/22/2006 05:16:00 PM |
Great photograph well photographed and powerfull lighting. |
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08/22/2006 08:59:11 AM |
In light of my recent 'out-burst' about this photo, and my thoughts still remain, I must also add this:
I've always thought of photography as a form of art. To me, art should evoke emotion in a viewer. This photo has certainly, without a doubt, done that to me. So, in that sense, it's a 10. Congrats on the ribbon... |
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08/22/2006 07:43:27 AM |
Nothing like a little ass in the shot to get those number up; awesome lighting effects; the focus is not sostrong especially near the foot; but show fishnets and come up with a great title and voila; NICE RIBBON. |
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08/22/2006 05:14:56 AM |
Parabéns pelo pódio. Excelente!
Congrats for the ribon. Great! |
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08/22/2006 04:52:14 AM |
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08/22/2006 02:49:15 AM |
Amazing photograph which obviously took a lott of thinking about, artistic impression and hard work to set up and get right...simply A1 |
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08/22/2006 02:02:17 AM |
CRAZY photo! Absolutely fantastic! By far the best one but the DPC members show once again bad judgement. |
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08/21/2006 09:10:36 PM |
I'm not sure I get the title at all.... but I love the image. Obviously this is a mannequin lol !! The stern and expressionless face on the fireman is what makes this image, combined with all the other elements. I come back to it again and again. What an effort and effect. |
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08/21/2006 09:02:22 PM |
That's nice of you to thank the fire department...However, I'm pretty sure they are thanking you even more!
This type of image would not normally appeal to me. In this case it has such "tongue in cheek" humor that I really like it.
Way to get the voters' attention. Keep up the good work. |
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08/21/2006 08:34:38 PM |
Stunning shot. Great on so many technical levels. What I like best though is the way it fits the challenge. You can feel the heat from the background, and the added heat from those legs. The contrasting cool fireman gives the photo balance. I appreciate all the effort you put into this. Congratulations on your well deserved ribbon. |
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08/21/2006 07:15:59 PM |
know what i don't like about this shot...? i coulda never take it :-)...congrats... |
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08/21/2006 06:18:57 PM |
As much as I like the photograph, I cant say that it deserves a photo. The fire isnt the main subject in the photo, nor can you really see it. Another problem I see...
The fireman is dirty/sooty, but the woman is clean as a whistle... hows that possible?
I would have given this a 6. |
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08/21/2006 06:02:05 PM |
This is a beautiful shot, the firemen can use this in their calendar. |
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08/21/2006 05:38:29 PM |
I like the shot alot and not just because of the beautifully curved model.
The thought that has gone into this is inspiring and well deserved a ribbon. I love the lighting effect of the fire behind the subjects which really seems to push the people out of the picture.
Focus, colour are great.
Congradulations!! |
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08/21/2006 04:14:34 PM |
Congratulations on your ribbon, great shot! |
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08/21/2006 01:45:27 PM |
Just stopped in to congratulate you and read thru some of the comments. I am just blown away that people use THIS forum. . .the one where one has just achieved the most coveted award dpc gives out -- a RIBBON -- to criticize, complain, and point out flaws in a winning photo. It's like going on T.V. after a gold medal was won and badmouthing their winning opponent. Grrrrrr. . .sorry. . .just had to vent that before telling you that this photo is awesome! I LOVE that cool expressionless, macho face. . it makes it even more dry and humorous.
I am SO GLAD this won! It deserves its place with the 2 other top honored photos!! Congratulations!!!!
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08/21/2006 12:38:29 PM |
After consulting with the experts, I'd like to add that just because I don't care for the results nor subject - I feel compelled to add that I have no problems with the photographic quality of your image. |
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08/21/2006 12:18:21 PM |
Caro Jorge: parabéns pela excelente fotografia e a mestria no controlo da luz. É sempre com grande satisfação que vejo um fotógrafo português se distinguir dos demais pela sua qualidade, grande qualidade do seu caso. Espero que as suas excelentes fotos sejam uma fonte de inspiração para os colegas fotógrafos portugueses para que estes se rendam ao dpchallenge para que qualquer dia possamos fazer um encontro de dpc's em portugal.
Por 'ultipo resta-me apenas acrescentar um agradecimento pela explicação de como a fotografia foi tirada e da pós produção da mesma. Esse é um assunto com o qual eu tenho-me sempre debatido quer aqui no dpchallenge que em outros locais do género, pois para quem quer aprender trata-se de uma grande fornte de aprendizagem e mostra o espÃÂrito de abertura do fotógrafo.
Best regards and the wish of many future ribbons. |
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08/21/2006 12:15:28 PM |
Toooo goood...........lot of work put into it |
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08/21/2006 11:05:08 AM |
Glad to see this type of shot in the top three. Very well executed. Going into favs. |
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08/21/2006 10:55:34 AM |
Im really surprised that this ribboned, i dont like the expressionless face at all. This picture also apears to be totaly static to me when in reality it should not be at all. And last of all a little tiny fire extinguisher???
So imo i think that the fact that theres a partially naked girl in the photo infuenced people to vote it higher. |
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08/21/2006 10:01:14 AM |
Great compositiona and concept which was very well executed. Well deserved ribbon. Not surprisingly you got hammered by the prudes...That's life on DPC! LOL. |
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08/21/2006 09:50:19 AM |
I am dissapointed in the voters and more so in the unrealistic representation of Heros...thanks };>( |
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08/21/2006 09:01:20 AM |
Congratulations on your Ribbon! Awesome work impressive lighting skill |
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08/21/2006 08:35:11 AM |
lol awesome photo, this deserves a ribbon and great job on the background
You, must explain how you created this photo. |
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08/21/2006 08:34:10 AM |
Congratulations! Parabéns!
Mais uma imagem fantástica. Vi logo que devia ser tua (Bombeiros da Amadora)!
Que grande entrada aqui no DPC... a continuar assim, vai ser só coleccionar "fitas"! |
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08/21/2006 07:11:21 AM |
Congratulations on your ribbon. I knew this was going to get one of the top 3. Great job on your back to back. |
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08/21/2006 04:36:31 AM |
Congratulations! Great work! |
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08/21/2006 04:19:15 AM |
thats funny, and cute. now i have to look at that ass the whole week.
congrats, well deserved. |
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08/21/2006 03:30:40 AM |
Congrats on your ribbon. You're pretty good Jorge. |
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08/21/2006 03:21:57 AM |
and Jorge strikes again !
awesome as usual |
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08/21/2006 03:09:16 AM |
I guess the low voters have not read William Congreve and Shakespeare; Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned - or they might be prudes :)
Well done, should have climbed a bit higher imo.
Message edited by author 2006-08-21 13:35:56. |
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08/21/2006 02:55:45 AM |
This is an awesome shot, Jorge! Huge congrats for your ribbon. Regards, Jack
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08/21/2006 02:45:15 AM |
Congratulations on your yellow ribbon! But what controversy on the score! Flawless image.. |
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08/21/2006 01:13:59 AM |
Congratulations on your Yellow with this adorable study. A lovely flight of fancy. |
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08/21/2006 01:06:50 AM |
Originally posted by Art Roflmao: Congrats! Great job! ...but I still can't believe you didn't title this "Backdraft" ;-) |
lol. Yeah that would have been perfect!
ETA: Congrats!
Message edited by author 2006-08-21 01:07:03. |
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08/21/2006 12:53:58 AM |
great Photograph
Lucky fireman |
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08/21/2006 12:52:17 AM |
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08/21/2006 12:50:00 AM |
Congrats! Great job! ...but I still can't believe you didn't title this "Backdraft" ;-) |
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08/21/2006 12:33:12 AM |
Great shot. Good humour. Congrats on 3rd place. |
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08/21/2006 12:30:52 AM |
Another ribbon winner Jorge...very professional shot...interesting the number of 10's you have compared to 9's on your shots...that's an interesting voting trend |
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08/21/2006 12:17:43 AM |
Fantastic shot, really! Glad you placed so highly. :) |
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08/21/2006 12:12:12 AM |
Great ending. (no pun intended) |
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08/21/2006 12:10:14 AM |
This is getting to be a habit... Congrats on another ribbon :-) |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
08/20/2006 09:45:48 PM |
Excellent postprocessing. The fire extinguisher is kind of funny though. He seems a little underprepared going in. Are they standard fireman gear? ;) Anyways - nice work - bumping up. |
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08/20/2006 08:58:44 PM |
Outstanding work in all aspects!! 10 and a favorite |
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08/19/2006 07:47:01 AM |
Yep...the ribbon for sure! |
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08/18/2006 06:04:46 PM |
If this was staged, the staging is impecable. This looks like a rare reportage image. The colour and the composition are fantastic. The only 10 I'm giving in this challenge. |
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08/18/2006 02:00:44 PM |
The backlighting/glow is amazing! Very creative and unique image! Nicely done! |
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08/17/2006 11:01:58 PM |
That's going to be top 5 easily!! |
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08/17/2006 09:01:33 PM |
Somebody buy that girl a pair of shorts! Back to bump you although it pains me. I'm setting aside my repulsion of this sort of use of the female form for an honest judgement of the merits of the photo. Excellent colors and cool lighting. The orange light/fire behind looks great. Excellent composition (except that a skirt is in order). Bumping to an 8. |
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08/17/2006 06:56:39 PM |
I think the title lets the image down to be honest - a nice tounge-in-cheek image |
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08/17/2006 05:27:03 PM |
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08/17/2006 03:51:04 PM |
Nice entry. Photos with an easily recognizable story are fun. Good colors here, lighting looks good too. There's some weirdness in the uniform, not sure what, has a strange muted aspect like its been neat imaged, maybe some other PP was done to it. I'm not sure if seeing the man's eyes would be better or not, the fact that they are shadowed makes me want to see them yet it does lend a bit of mystery and anonymity to him. The blurry heel of the woman's left foot is a tad distracting so if more of it were in shadow the image would be even better. Only other thing is the bit of string from the woman's underwear or lingerie that is showing on her thigh. Normally probably not a big thing, but due to the position she's in and the light highlighting that area it becomes noticeable and a little distracting. Overall a very good image that coupled with the title has a great story to tell - without the title all sorts of other stories can easily be found it in too which is a great thing. I gave a 6 |
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08/17/2006 03:32:49 PM |
Can't be any better than... Awesome shot. This must have taken some time to take. The models, costume, etc. 10 |
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08/17/2006 03:24:42 PM |
Don't quite get the title, but a great photo. I just bumped it up an extra point. Man Firemen get all the ladies.... |
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08/17/2006 12:43:13 PM |
nice uhm, shot? I'd give it a 10 for the model alone. |
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08/17/2006 10:26:24 AM |
Am surprised by title - was expecting 'it's a dirty job but somebody's gotta do it..." or something like that. I don't quite understand the betrayal. Maybe she's a vengeful arsonist? Shot inspires curiosity, which is good. And I sure wonder how you got it ;-) |
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08/16/2006 11:12:01 PM |
Bad girl! Stunning shot. Top 10 for sure. |
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08/16/2006 12:33:39 PM |
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08/15/2006 11:14:54 PM |
Give her one spank for me. lol. very funny and well enacted. Bump. |
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08/15/2006 10:39:21 PM |
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08/15/2006 10:11:59 PM |
Hm, I'm a little confused by this shot and title... but visually, it is a good image. I think it is composed well, and looks like a very artistic shot but one that manages to keep from looking too set up. |
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08/15/2006 08:47:35 PM |
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08/15/2006 06:34:11 PM |
ok, so where do I sign up to be a fireman? :) great shot |
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08/15/2006 12:03:20 PM |
Very Hot! I'm talking about the fire. |
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08/15/2006 10:57:14 AM |
Oh my goodness. Some people might find this offensive or even sexist.
I don't.
I'm not really sure this meets the challenge as the subject clearly is NOT fire... Should score high nevertheless.
Nice capture though, I'm looking forward to your photographer's notes. |
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08/15/2006 06:41:43 AM |
wow! this is the best of the challenge I think. except if it gets on the front page i'll have to keep my daughter away from the computer the entire week. thanks for all the extra work. lol. good luck. 10 |
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08/15/2006 05:53:34 AM |
This isn't to my taste but technically its an excellent shot, well done :o) |
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08/15/2006 12:08:40 AM |
Awesome photo. I really seem drawn into it for some reason. :-) Looks a bit photoshopped but I like it. I would love to see some outtakes. (10) |
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08/15/2006 12:07:58 AM |
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08/14/2006 08:16:08 PM |
Hah, I love it! I love that the firefighter remains anonymous and mantains a "just doin' my job, ma'am" look via the shadow across his eyes. I wonder how the fire was done? Nice work! |
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08/14/2006 08:06:53 PM |
This has all the elements of a ribbon winner. Humor, Creativity, Unique, and technically well done. Good luck. |
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08/14/2006 06:54:00 PM |
Suddenly, I'm thinking of volunteering as a fireman... |
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08/14/2006 04:42:46 PM |
Well Well Well ... For me this shot is just FANTASTIC! The "Out of the box" thinking that went into this could make it a ribbon or damn it to hell.
From me you get a 9 cuz I am glad to see her rescued and brought to safety. LOL The only thing I have to say on the technicals is maybe greater DoF and a tad sharper. But Oh Yeah! |
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08/14/2006 04:09:35 PM |
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08/14/2006 04:05:01 PM |
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08/14/2006 04:03:21 PM |
for sheer effort alone you get a ten. for the ever so slight cheesy and tacky benny hill-esque you get another ten. deeply impreseed with this; which is the obvious intent, i suppose. i do think you might have been a little bit over zealous with the old noise reduction, there, but generally this is superb to the nth degree. creative, imaginative, bit funny, excellently executed. 10. |
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08/14/2006 02:17:33 PM | got my attention with the naked bottom...
This is a great shot anyway you cut it and what makes it even better (besides the models :-D) is that you aren't even showing fire...just alluding to it in such a powerful way.
I rarely comment on photos anymore and never give out 10's..if ever...but this shot begs for a comment and the title....very nice. |
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08/14/2006 01:52:19 PM |
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08/14/2006 11:11:46 AM |
Wow - brilliant lighting and set-up. I like that it says so much but actually doesn't have fire in it. Definitely a memorable one! 9 |
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08/14/2006 10:36:28 AM |
How in the WORLD did you accomplish this photo. I'm not one usually drawn to photos like this. . .but I have to admit, this is about the most clever, creative and perfectly executed fire photo as I would ever hope to see! Wouldn't be surprised to see a ribbon under this photo come next Monday! There should be!! 10 |
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08/14/2006 10:24:05 AM |
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08/14/2006 09:32:26 AM |
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08/14/2006 09:02:18 AM |
HA! Love this! GREAT photo. Creative, humorous, 10. |
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08/14/2006 06:51:50 AM |
volunteer fireman huh? It's a tough job, but somebodies gotta do it. ;) After going thru all the rest I bumped it up a notch. Very nice. |
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08/14/2006 04:52:21 AM |
With 'victems' like this, I wanna be a fireman too. The term 'good shot' has several meanings here. |
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08/14/2006 03:49:25 AM |
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08/14/2006 03:42:31 AM |
This is someting I'd expect to see DrJOnes enter... Well done. |
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08/14/2006 03:01:01 AM |
very interesting concept. light is a bit harsh, a bit too much softening used IMO - 7 |
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08/14/2006 02:02:21 AM |
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08/14/2006 01:55:54 AM |
gratuitous, but i suppose this stands out more given the rest of the droll shots |
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08/14/2006 01:53:22 AM |
a professional shot and a great result...perfect lighting, pose, colour, comp...I am not a fan of the shoes and if I would need to be picky, there's a strand in her stocking that's a distraction, but these are minors...good luck |
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08/14/2006 01:17:16 AM |
I can't believe you didn't call this "Backdraft" !!! :D |
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08/14/2006 12:50:48 AM |
Jaja! this one is really funny and well executed! Loved it! 10 |
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08/14/2006 12:42:32 AM |
The winner, hands down. A true and utter 10. |
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08/14/2006 12:36:02 AM |
Superb. If this doesn't win, I quit. |
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