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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Soft Focus II (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Date: Aug 22, 2006
Aperture: F8
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1 second
Galleries: Still Life, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Aug 22, 2006

More of my old stuff...some items you may have seen before...I hope it will not be too recognizable...we shall see.

These still lives are a great deal of fun, I always love an excuse to get out my ever growing collection of Victorian and Edwardian images.

Very basic processing: A bit of tweaking in Rawshooter, B&W conversion, quadtone, levels, resize, SFW in Photoshop. The subtle soft focus was achieved by using a cokin "pastel" filter.

Place: 55 out of 252
Avg (all users): 5.8248
Avg (commenters): 6.8000
Avg (participants): 5.4375
Avg (non-participants): 5.9706
Views since voting: 978
Views during voting: 307
Votes: 234
Comments: 12
Favorites: 0

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08/30/2006 07:42:19 AM
Originally posted by pix-are:

It's spelled momento

...uh...no it's not...

From Merriam-Webster...

"The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search box to the right.

Suggestions for momento:
1. momenta
2. memento
3. moments
4. moment
5. momentum
6. mementos
7. mementoes
8. Mormon tea
9. Monument
10. momentous"

...and...here's a brief definition for ya...


n. pl. me·men·tos or me·men·toes

A reminder of the past; a keepsake.

When one feels the need to correct a spelling error, it is best to first check and make sure there is an error to begin with and that the "correction" is indeed correct.

...oh...and nice bio pix-are.

Message edited by author 2006-08-31 08:56:05.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/28/2006 01:33:28 AM
a little bit on the dark side.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/28/2006 01:07:03 AM
Shallow depth of field but dead on focus - nice pic though - 5
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/27/2006 08:32:18 PM
very nostalgic! I like the addition of the bear because it adds the element of youth to capture the life across it's span, however, there is something quite distracting about the bear!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/27/2006 04:54:03 PM
Nice still life, Tones work well with the soft focus,
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/27/2006 08:43:28 AM
What a great composition ! I love the feelings , the atmosphere ... my vote : 10
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/25/2006 02:22:36 PM
Very nice, I guess this is what the pastel filters does!?! Like the ambient side lighting.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/25/2006 09:58:26 AM
What a fantastic collection! You have quite a few items that are begging to be shot more closely with less 'stuff' with them. This feels a bit to cluttered and busy to me. Im also not crazy about the noise at the edges of the light. However, it does add to the old feel. I would think there would be grain overall and not just in those locations. I love the old table top that you have them on, it fits the scene well. I think there is also to much black empty space above. I wish I could borrow a few of those items! the focus is perfectly soft to fit the theme.
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08/24/2006 06:00:47 AM
A nice collection of items that work well as B&W but for me there isn't any soft focus and I can see a halo on the right handside of the image
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08/24/2006 05:13:56 AM
This one has a great atmoshpere!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/23/2006 08:59:59 PM
Great set up. Nice nostalgic feel with light and tones. Well done.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
08/23/2006 10:03:33 AM
It's spelled momento

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