Author | Thread |
09/11/2006 12:00:29 AM |
Congratulations on your top twenty finish with this fine study. |
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09/09/2006 02:01:10 PM |
Very Nice!! And sorry i spelt your username wrong previously... haha, noticed it immediatly after i posted the comment, lol. Many congrats on your placing! |
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09/08/2006 04:58:43 PM |
Congratulations on your top 20 finish. Excellent shot! |
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09/08/2006 03:01:04 PM |
Ya' know Manny, for some reason, this one just didn't do it for me.
In a sea of oooohs and ahhhhs, you get something from me a bit different - an honest opinion, not hypocracy. I can't quite put my finger on it as to why I gave this a 5 either, even after really looking at it for a while. I pretty much knew it was yours from the quality and signature you are so famous for. I understand the message and title association, but didn't factor that in. I guess it's just not natural to me, and maybe without the barbed wire, would have hit me different. |
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09/08/2006 02:38:45 PM |
Manny, as usual, this shot is absolutely stunning. The emotion conveyed in her eyes is almost overwhelming and the tones are perfect. :D |
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09/08/2006 02:16:52 PM |
I knew this was you cause I recognized my favorite model. Very "religious tragedy" look to this. Congrats! Top 20 is pretty darn good with this many entries. |
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09/08/2006 02:03:52 PM |
As soon as I saw this I knew, thats Manny's. As always very emotional and very well done. |
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09/08/2006 04:16:27 AM |
Fantastic shot Manny, good to see you around :) |
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09/08/2006 03:06:25 AM |
Thought this was your work. Really enjoyed this shot and am excited to even compete with it. |
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09/08/2006 02:48:16 AM |
Great stuff, bro!
I knew it was yours when I saw it during voting. Great work! |
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09/08/2006 02:39:00 AM |
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09/08/2006 12:27:20 AM |
Very nice, Manny. It looks like you had a great photo session. She's a terrific model. |
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Comments Made During the Challenge  |
09/07/2006 11:17:39 PM |
what a wonderful shot! that's just beautiful...10 |
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09/07/2006 05:04:04 PM |
Great. Makes me glad I joined this site. It's a picture of the highest quality. 10 |
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09/07/2006 04:58:13 PM |
Wonderfully emotive photo. The dirt smudged on the face really adds to the overall mood. Don't know how I feel about the barbed wire...would like to see the shot without to compare. |
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09/07/2006 01:43:30 PM |
Not sure what the crown of barbed wire is supposed to symbolize? Good facial expression on the model's face. Too much negative space on the right. Her lips are too well made-up for the intended effect. It makes her look like a model that has been smudged with dirt and ash as opposed to an abandoned waif lost in the world. If she agreed to the smudges, you should have had her remove ALL make-up first. Also, the implied nudity is not necessary or effective. A tattered short sleeved frock would have conveyed the intended message better than attempting titilation with the bear shoulders covered by the long tresses. (Afterall, who WOULD abandon such a beauty clad such?!?!?! A complete IDIOT?) |
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09/07/2006 01:22:30 PM |
Very emotional image with the combination of the dark dirty feel and the model's expression. The lighting is very good and I particularly like the lights in the model's eyes as she looks skyward. Bumping up! |
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09/07/2006 11:55:43 AM |
Oh WOW. One of my favourites. The composition, the colours, the story. Looks like a piece of art. Beautifully done. 10 |
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09/06/2006 05:28:58 PM |
damn I like this one. the colors are fantastic, her expression fits and.. well I just love it. 10, added to faves. |
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09/06/2006 03:45:14 AM |
i gave this a 9. frankly, it's a tremendously beautiful image. the colours, post processing, the mix of light and shade, and lets be honest, the girl, are all stunningly gorgeous. the reason why it doesn't 10 for me is that it just feels too staged. the splodges of dirt / oil have almost been applied with more care and precision than the latest cover of Vogue. and sorry, but the crown of barbed wire is a bit too much and bordering on the cliche. but it's still a visually gorgeous image. though, the only thing that doesn't work for me quite is the area of black in the corner ; a crop lower down might lose some of the dead space... anyway, still a 9 in my book. |
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09/05/2006 12:52:54 PM |
Your images leave me speachless Manny! |
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09/04/2006 03:23:21 PM |
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09/04/2006 01:05:38 PM |
nice processing. I like thetitel as it seems to fit the image well. not sure how I feel about the barbed wire but nice overall. |
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09/03/2006 10:09:44 PM |
Quite a stunning portrait. I know only 2 people on this site with this skill; Kiwiness and Librodo. If you are not either of them then you have joined their ranks. Great job. |
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09/03/2006 09:05:35 PM |
fantastic. i wouldnt change a thing. 10 and a fav. good luck hope I see this on the home page. |
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09/03/2006 07:47:50 PM |
Very nice tone in this picture! Looks great! 9 |
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09/03/2006 06:45:55 PM |
A beautiful model, good pose and top post processing. The barbed wire feels a bit over the top. |
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09/03/2006 04:23:58 PM |
I like this photo. The tone of the image definately depicts abandoned. I think the subject would have been just fine without the barbwire on her head. Hope it does well. |
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09/03/2006 03:08:10 PM |
You used this model once again to both yours and her benefit. Desperation comes to mind here. |
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09/03/2006 11:55:49 AM |
Unique and well thought out portrait. 10 |
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09/03/2006 08:13:51 AM | interesting the composition and the dirt...excellent |
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09/03/2006 01:08:16 AM |
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09/02/2006 06:59:59 PM |
wow this picture is gorgeous |
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09/02/2006 04:23:18 PM |
Librido?? Beautiful work, as usual! 10 |
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09/02/2006 11:26:33 AM |
I think the barbwire beret suggests more than just abandonment. I think you're overwhelming your photo with symbolism at that point. But visually and esthetically it is a very pleasing picture. The perfect make-up and the barbed wire keep it from affecting me emotionally, however. 6 |
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09/02/2006 10:04:52 AM |
ahh you chose this one.
Good luck Manny |
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09/02/2006 09:57:54 AM |
beautiful model, loving the door on the right ... not so fond of the barbed wire, I think its just gilding the lilly. The models expression is powerful enough to convey the necessary emotion. great shot |
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09/02/2006 09:14:21 AM |
This is not your usual crop....what happened? Honestly, I think you could have tightened it on the top but who am I to say? Dpc knows and loves her already so this should kick booty. Good Luck! |
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09/01/2006 11:21:21 PM |
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09/01/2006 09:58:08 PM |
She is beautiful. Great emotive shot. |
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09/01/2006 09:42:19 PM |
Looks like an opposite libarado ;-) Very nicely done! |
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09/01/2006 07:26:05 PM |
Congratulations, one of my all time favorites. You´ve got a winner.. :)) |
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09/01/2006 04:55:59 PM |
If this is not Manny then you have outdone yourself, this is amazing and my favourite so far. But it can only be Manny, such quality can only come out of Bangkok. |
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09/01/2006 03:47:18 PM |
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09/01/2006 02:50:20 PM |
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09/01/2006 02:37:50 PM |
Very cool color tones, they really set the mood for this very nice photo. Great job! |
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09/01/2006 01:53:09 PM |
this looks amazing. i liked the processing a lot, 10. |
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09/01/2006 12:35:17 PM |
what's with the barbed wire on her head. I like the grunge look, but the wire thing doesn't work. Other may really like it though, should do well. |
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09/01/2006 12:10:53 PM |
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09/01/2006 01:41:17 AM |
Love this one of my fav's |
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09/01/2006 12:40:13 AM |
I like the concept but it feels too staged. I think it's the lipstick, eyeshadow and the intentional smears of dirt on her right cheek that make it feel that way. Your model's far-away expression is good but I don't really understand the barbed wire. 7 |
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09/01/2006 12:39:24 AM |
You did it again. This is fan freakin-tastic! The luminous skin, the "crown of thorns" and the old shutter. If I were to critique anything, I'd say make the dirt on her face look more "real." |
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