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Day 2: Becoming?
Day 2: Becoming?

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Collection: First
Camera: Canon PowerShot S2 IS
Date: Sep 6, 2006
Date Uploaded: Sep 6, 2006

Viewed: 739
Comments: 20
Favorites: 0

I spent more time touching this up than I have many challenge entries. But it's still just my face, so the subject's not so interesting. ;)

Never done a triptych before, never used some of the color selection and other tools, so it was fun learning. I know I have a shadow in places, but that'll just take some more learning about lighting. Can you tell where I did clone out one shadow?

Now, why did I do this? Well, for years, I've grown my beard in the winter and shaved it in the summer. But in 2005 and 2006, I left a van dyke (I've heard that's the mustache/beard combo around the mouth; a goatee's just on the chin).

I had recently sort-of decided to grow the full beard back, but for various reasons, I then thought it'd fun to go clean-shaven for a few months this fall. And since the self-portrait challenge happened to come up, it was perfect timing.

I'd always wanted to take a picture half-shaven, so that got tossed into the mix, too.

One clarification: this is a time series, not three shots right after each other. I was fully bearded on the left and clean-shaven on the right. :)

Day 1:

Day 3:

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10/03/2006 02:46:31 AM
Originally posted by Melethia:

Wow! I gotta say I think you look great without the beard! Very interesting presentation - good work! Now go shave the other side, or do like I told Elvis - go out to dinner this way and see what happens...

I did just that once, a looong time ago. It was carnival in the spring, and I took half my beard off, as above, and went around at the carnival for 2 days like that! I had even thought of getting 2nd hand clothes and make a half-suit half-vagabond outfit, to be the optimum walking schizo! That triptych made me think of those days, and there were many funny reactions - the best one being in a restaurant, waitress was taking our order from the table end where she could only see my bearded side. When I finally look up from the menu to face her, having forgotten about my looks, she saw for the first time that I was shaven in one side, and her reaction was just sooo funny!

If you evere go to a carnival, masquerade or whatever you call this, this is one of the most genuine outfits there is!
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09/12/2006 12:31:52 AM
You cleaned up nicely. :-) You look much younger.
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09/10/2006 09:56:34 AM
Cool shot! Well done with the triptych. (You look better without the beard, BTW.) ;-) Really good job on the composition!
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09/08/2006 06:09:32 AM
A great opportunity to do this - the before and after are SO different - I think I pick beardless as my favourite.
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09/07/2006 01:38:54 PM
Charles Manson/Jeff/Simon Cowell

How did you get the other 2 to pose for you??
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09/07/2006 12:14:45 PM
Dude fantastic Trip! Great image and very cool. You look less like the uni-bomber without the beard. LMAO
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09/07/2006 10:24:54 AM
From wolfman to cute man!! Great tryptic. I like the smooth MUCH better.
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09/07/2006 10:22:22 AM
Great triptych! I had an idea like this a couple of months back, when I cut my hair and shaved. The photos are still sitting on my computer and the idea is still there. I might end up entering it on a day where I don't feel like shooting, which might be considered cheating. Well, at least they'd be processed on the day I post...I'll have to give that some thought.

The title goes very well with the images, as you progress through the stages into something better, perhaps? Maybe not better, but you do seem much happier. Good job on this!
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09/07/2006 08:02:00 AM
lol this is awesome ^_^
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09/07/2006 06:54:49 AM
Oh now this is good...hmmm...I can't do this to my face...oh well.
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09/07/2006 06:47:46 AM
2 half shaved faces on day 2. very odd. will we have three on day three? just kidding. great story being told with this one.
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09/07/2006 06:05:15 AM
your presentation is much better though:)
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09/07/2006 12:58:01 AM
Originally posted by chalice:

I also note the bearded face is frowning, the half-shaven one is grinning, and the nekkid one is smiling broadly. Hmmmm, anything to that?

Ah, someone noticed my growing smile. :) Part of the whole "becoming" thing. I tried out several titles, like emerging, shaving, etc. But I liked the double meaning of "becoming," esp. as a question. Hence the increasing smile.

Know how hard it is to kind of grin with only half of your face?

Message edited by author 2006-09-07 01:14:49.
09/07/2006 12:50:26 AM
Excellent Triptych. I agree with those whole like the nekkid look better...but of course my opinion is of no value...it's yours that matters. I also note the bearded face is frowning, the half-shaven one is grinning, and the nekkid one is smiling broadly. Hmmmm, anything to that?
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09/07/2006 12:20:22 AM
Now thats going all out!! well done!
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09/07/2006 12:04:28 AM
WOW! Excellent work! You went out on a limb, and it worked! You took about 10 years off with that razor (not that you were old to begin with)! :)
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09/07/2006 12:02:25 AM
Ahh, another one half shaven. Fun fun..great tryptich
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09/06/2006 11:57:42 PM
Heh, good one. :)
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09/06/2006 11:52:15 PM
hahha GREAT triptych... it tells a story... and that my friend... is the whole point of a series :)

MUCH bettah without the beard :)
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09/06/2006 11:51:13 PM
Wow! I gotta say I think you look great without the beard! Very interesting presentation - good work! Now go shave the other side, or do like I told Elvis - go out to dinner this way and see what happens...
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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