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Corporate Skyline
Corporate Skyline

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: The Corporate World (Classic Editing)
Camera: Kodak DC5000
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Date: Jul 26, 2002
Aperture: F/3.7
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/6
Date Uploaded: Jul 28, 2002

Photo of the Ameritech buildin

Place: 78 out of 116
Avg (all users): 4.6573
Avg (commenters): 4.8000
Avg (participants): 4.6932
Avg (non-participants): 4.6375
Views since voting: 838
Votes: 248
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/04/2002 10:32:00 PM
Composition - ok
Technical Aspects - good
Meets Challenge - yes
Visual Impact / Originality - ok
07/31/2002 08:49:00 PM
It shows me there house, but tells me nothing more about "Corporate World." Nevertheless it is a certain appealing with it's strong graphical lines. My favorite part being the water tower in the distance....I'd like to see the sky have a little more character to add to the scenario.
07/30/2002 10:07:00 AM
The subject being so central is a little too conventional and there's an awful lot of sky in this skyline. The concept for the photo is fine, though. I think just perhaps turn the camera a little down and to the left. Perhaps catch some of that interesting lighting on that building in the bottom left. There is also evidence of sharpening around the edge of the building. This shows up as a slightly light line around the building edge.
07/30/2002 09:45:00 AM
This is a great picture; it's dramatic, romantic and not unlike a postcard. But, I'm going to score quite low because I don't think it's that corporate a skyline. Hope you don't think I'm being too picky hereâ€Â¦ Good luckâ€Â¦
07/30/2002 12:46:00 AM
I think this photo would be really cool as a portrait orientation with only the Ameritech bldg filling the frame.
07/29/2002 05:24:00 PM
looks a little grainy on my screen ...good theme
07/29/2002 03:52:00 PM
A bit of sharpening and leveling would have gone a long way for this picture. Otherwise, it came out somewhat bland.
07/29/2002 09:36:00 AM
The smog is a nice touch.
07/29/2002 03:37:00 AM
a little murky, could have been taken on a clearer day maybe, with more light out
07/29/2002 01:57:00 AM
Nice idea. I would have preferred to see this cropped (or shot) a little to the left though. The water tower in the background takes away from the feeling of this being a corporate center. Also, this would have allowed you to place the Ameritach building off-center per the rule of thirds. -ClubJuggle

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