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Baking Soda, Cider Vinegar, Food Coloring and a Beaker (quite original huh?)
Baking Soda, Cider Vinegar, Food Coloring and a Beaker (quite original huh?)

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: School Days: Chemistry (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-300D Rebel
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: Columbus
Date: Sep 12, 2006
Aperture: 3.4
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/80
Galleries: Action, Science and Technology
Date Uploaded: Sep 12, 2006

Didnt plan on entering anythign for either of these challenges until I saw how low the entries were. Put baking soda and red food coloring into a vase (yes - its not really a beaker) and poured the vinegar (cider vinegar to be exact - that explains the off color of the vinegar) into the vase and started shooting when the foam would rise. Taken inside against a green poster board with two desk lamp lights, overhead light fixture and light form the back door. I tried to get as much in as I could to not get any action blur. Without the foo dcoloring the foam was just a nasty light brown and didnt edit well at all.

I dont expect this to do great but I need to keep my update fix going on a daily basis.

Post process - crop, levels, saturation, contrast, curves, USM, maybe NI - I cant remember, border, resize for web.

Place: 40 out of 90
Avg (all users): 5.6421
Avg (commenters): 6.5000
Avg (participants): 5.3143
Avg (non-participants): 5.6856
Views since voting: 2435
Views during voting: 443
Votes: 299
Comments: 21
Favorites: 0

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09/26/2006 05:55:19 PM
Interesting color combo - seems to work well for the DPC crowd though I'm not fond of the green background. Your finger seems to be just a tad off-color. Met challenge well - I fondly remember doing this sort of thing just to see how much of a mess it would make!
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09/24/2006 09:30:24 AM
Trading post...
Cute. I didn't even look at this challenge. Love the orange color of your bubbling mixture. And the tack sharpness of the bubbles as well. The green background is kind of glaring though. Maybe a lighter shade? Overall, a nice job. I probably would have given this a 7 or 8.
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09/20/2006 12:50:58 AM
Excellent work Tim... Right ON!
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09/20/2006 12:28:54 AM
This is cool man! Thanks Tim!

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09/20/2006 12:19:40 AM
This is what I was trying to do but my Baking Soda....had died!!! Oh no!! So I went with Soda and Salt.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/19/2006 05:12:20 PM
Nice sharp focusing, simple background, stark color scheme. The only thing is that the green seems grainy.
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09/19/2006 11:48:22 AM
I would think more focus and detail from bottle and flask would have made a better shot.
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09/18/2006 05:58:29 PM
Nice shot. I really like the way you did the background. 8
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09/18/2006 07:59:41 AM
Nice colour contrasts.
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09/17/2006 11:58:33 PM
Willie Wonka & his Fizzy Lifting Drink!
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09/16/2006 03:47:10 PM
Good choice with the background colour which makes your subjects pop.
I'd like to see more of what's going on in the scene as the crop is a touch tight here.
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09/16/2006 02:52:22 AM
love the focus on the liquid and the colours in this...would have liked the tip of the bottle in better focus, but otherwise well done 8
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09/16/2006 12:04:16 AM
Simple chemistry, but you meet the challenge. Would be nice to see fingers more natural color and a bit of noise removed from background.
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09/15/2006 12:16:33 PM
I love the contrast between the green and orange.
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09/14/2006 09:31:29 AM
Very interesting composition and the complimentary colors are working well for you. Great job!
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09/13/2006 11:43:35 PM
I like the use of a green background for contrast
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09/13/2006 08:07:04 PM
quite the mouthfull for a title as well. I like the colours they work well. Just not dramatic enough for me. Maybe a closer crop, maybe drops of liquad rolling out.
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09/13/2006 10:46:14 AM
You admit it. A man that knows he is a fool is not a great fool - words from Lawrence of Arabia. I think this all does work well and the composition is nice. It's a bit noisy though. 7.
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09/13/2006 03:41:18 AM
I don't find it that original. I did something similar last month while baking a cake. However, the colours work well to compliment (red and green) and the action is well captured. 7. I'd give you higher, but I think the "quite original huh?" sounds a little cocky to me.
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09/13/2006 03:33:13 AM
nice colors
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09/13/2006 02:22:08 AM
I like the orange on the lime green background.
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