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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Flight (Classic Editing)
Camera: Kodak DX3900
Location: Ellenville hang glide launch
Date: Sep 24, 2003
Aperture: auto
ISO: auto
Shutter: auto
Galleries: Sports, Action
Date Uploaded: Sep 24, 2003


Place: 87 out of 118
Avg (all users): 4.6299
Avg (commenters): 5.5385
Avg (participants): 4.4675
Avg (non-participants): 4.7922
Views since voting: 1013
Votes: 154
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/05/2003 12:04:43 AM
Nice work. More contrast on the person flying would have helped. 7
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10/04/2003 02:45:11 PM
the exposure seems a bit dark
faster shutter - larger apeture may have helped - and made the glider stand out a bit more - maybe giving a sense of motion
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10/03/2003 11:39:43 PM
Nice idea but lighting not too good...flash might have helped? Also clipped wing tip.
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10/01/2003 11:05:36 PM
GREAT subject to use, and compositionaly a good shot - but that said i think that the main subject (I'm using the person as the main subject) is a little too dark. I know that it probably couldn't be helped, but if you redo this in the future, I think that a morning or evening sun could illuminate the subject a little better.
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10/01/2003 07:04:55 PM
interesting light and color - too bad the 'rider' isn't a bit more evident
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09/30/2003 11:25:25 PM
The exposure seems off in this shot. Not sure how I'd fix it however. Unique subject however and nice surroundings.
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09/30/2003 07:46:05 PM
Great concept and a very sharp photo. You've got a terrible confict going, the leading edge of the wing is soooo white (re: over-exposed), while the person is too dark to see any detail of. The wing going out of the frame is not good. Maybe try a different attack angle (maybe from in front and below) and definately try different white balance. 6 Rob the Swash
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09/30/2003 07:19:11 PM
I like this shot, but the pilot is too dark for my taste. Good shot.
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09/30/2003 05:47:47 AM
It looks like a sunny day, but your image seems to be overall too dark. I like your idea tho.
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09/29/2003 11:59:49 PM
I really like this picture, I just wish the actual glider wasn't as dark as I believe you caught a great pose.
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09/29/2003 02:38:21 PM
Seems a bit underexposed, and too much clutter behind the subject. 4
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09/29/2003 12:48:53 PM
Hum, just a bit dark. I think I understand why and where the sun was or wasn't. Still to be fair I saved it and lightened the shot....it's not bad at all. Nice effort.
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09/29/2003 03:11:36 AM
Great shot. Would like more contrast to really bring out the hang glider. He blends in with the background a bit. The good part is the is the neon colored glider. The angle you were able to capture is incredible. Love the sky and the clouds. Brighting the main subject would really help out with the composition.
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09/29/2003 12:58:37 AM
fabulous shot, could be slightly sharper, but still wonderful!
  Photographer found comment helpful.

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