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I have an idea!
I have an idea!

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: School Days: Chemistry (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II
Location: Studio in Reykjavik, Iceland
Date: Sep 12, 2006
Aperture: f/14
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Portraiture, Studio
Date Uploaded: Sep 12, 2006

Me, Thorsteinn (Cameron) and Magnus (Djabordjabor) went to look at a studio and took some pictures. We are doing a mini-contest again, Magnus and I are competing wich will get the higher score for exactly the same subject.

Place: 66 out of 90
Avg (all users): 4.8671
Avg (commenters): 5.0625
Avg (participants): 4.3611
Avg (non-participants): 4.9358
Views since voting: 906
Views during voting: 497
Votes: 301
Comments: 19
Favorites: 1 (view)

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09/20/2006 11:52:00 AM
Híhí, ég vann þig. Nú erum við með mjög svipaða meðaleinkunn :)

Falleg hönd.
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09/20/2006 04:39:42 AM
Hefði mælt með því að halda á perunni með t.d. svörtum hanska!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/16/2006 03:43:56 AM
... and a very flexible left arm :)
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09/16/2006 02:53:54 AM
really quirky and interesting shot...the lighting suits this...wish you saved this at 640 px instead of 600px...I really like the eye on the left blacked out...nice work
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09/15/2006 11:43:18 PM
I like the picture, but it doesn't quite capture chemistry.
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09/14/2006 03:03:57 PM
ok, first off, this picture has very little or no relation to the competition topic. Secondly, as I'm sure others have said, this picture seems to appear TWICE in the competition, even if it does have slightly altered positions. However, I give it a 8 for composotion.
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09/14/2006 09:34:49 AM
thats cool
the lighting is sorta wierd though
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09/13/2006 11:39:07 PM
I'm not totally sure how this relates to chemistry
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09/13/2006 08:50:34 PM
Fun idea and concept. Need a touch more work. He needs a more quizical look on his face. Hand holding bulb needs to turn just a touch so it seems more relaxed and not so stiff.
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09/13/2006 07:15:08 PM
This one is simply the best in this challenge. It fits the challenge perfectly if you just think about it. Personally I think this one is better than the other one of this model. I gave it a 10!
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09/13/2006 10:50:17 AM
nice lighting
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09/13/2006 10:10:06 AM
Am I seeing two images of the same boy with a lightbulb? Physics - not chemistry anyway.
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09/13/2006 10:00:28 AM
I like the other image with this model better than this one because the hand over the head looks really lame. This is also a weak subject choice for a chemistry challenge. In a more subject appropriate challenge I would have given this image a 6 or 7 for the lighting and other technical merits.
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09/13/2006 08:29:45 AM
Light bulbs/Electricity are really Physics rather than chemistry. Still, the backlighting catching the hair is nice here.
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09/13/2006 06:39:11 AM
09/13/2006 03:21:37 AM
can't see any relation to chemistry
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09/13/2006 02:43:31 AM
Hmm, two photos of the same guy with a lightbulb. Well, there's nothing wrong with a bit of collusion, of course.

Just a little more light on the right side of his face perhaps?
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09/13/2006 02:36:42 AM
Nice lighting
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09/13/2006 01:19:56 AM
Hmmm another one ?

Same model, same concept, same background, same props, same lighting.

I was thinking about giving the other one a 6, since this is excatly the same perhaps it would be fair to devide that 6 between you and give 3 and 3.

Well, I think I rather just skip this one and not rate it, but seeing 2 images that similar in one competition sure is strange.
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