DPChallenge: A Digital Photography Contest You are not logged in. (log in or register
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The Apprentice
2nd PlaceThe Apprentice

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: School Days: Chemistry (Basic Editing III)
Collection: Favorites - Ribbons
Camera: Canon EOS-20D
Lens: Tamron SP AF 28-75mm f/2.8 XR Di for Canon
Location: Easton, CT
Date: Sep 12, 2006
Aperture: f/9.0
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/160
Galleries: Humorous, Studio
Date Uploaded: Sep 12, 2006

Waited until the last minute... again. :-/

I painted my daughter's face and hands black (wish I could roughen it up in Advanced) and teased her hair with a comb. Brolly box in front and umbrella monolight in back, with a smoke machine pointed up behind her.

Processing:Converted from RAW, darkened red channel, converted to B&W in Channel Mixer, Curves, colorize slightly, crop and USM.

Post Challenge: Wow, I didn't expect a ribbon out of this one! I just threw a shot in so my WPL team would have 4 entries (and ironically I think we still only had three). Yes, I botched the makeup. I was in a hurry because it was past my daughter's bedtime and I only had a water pastel crayon to work with (the same thing I used to paint her in the Feet challenge). I should have smudged it around. Oh well. Cleanup only took a few minutes, but it looked like she was wearing eye liner for a couple of days. ;-)

Place: 2 out of 90
Avg (all users): 7.1748
Avg (commenters): 8.2791
Avg (participants): 6.5526
Avg (non-participants): 7.2569
Views since voting: 12885
Views during voting: 746
Votes: 326
Comments: 81
Favorites: 12 (view)

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09/25/2006 11:09:46 AM
so funny! :)
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09/22/2006 11:06:54 AM
You're a genious, man!!
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09/21/2006 09:06:32 PM
How great is this picture!! Congratulations on your 2nd place!
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09/21/2006 08:35:47 PM
How funny! Your daughter's a great sport. :)
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09/21/2006 12:06:51 PM
Yet another brain child sent to the top :-) Congrats AGAIN :-)
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09/21/2006 04:15:09 AM
Originally posted by theSaj:

How do you ever convince them to undergo such torture?

ME: "Hey... can I blow you up later today?"

Reminded me of the scene from Ghostbusters where they ask Rick Moranis for a sample of his brain. ;-)

Message edited by author 2006-09-21 04:16:15.
09/20/2006 05:42:36 PM
Great shot. Congrats on the ribbon!
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09/20/2006 03:20:04 PM
this was one of my favorites.
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09/20/2006 03:19:03 PM
So excellent. Congrats on yet another ribbon.
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09/20/2006 02:00:35 PM
I love it when people use their kids in their shots, great work!!
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09/20/2006 01:00:38 PM
why there is no smoke in a jar? could be much more fun :) just a piece of dry ice...
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09/20/2006 12:42:01 PM
I knew this would ribbon, great fun pic, well done.
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09/20/2006 12:22:12 PM
This is such a great picture ~ well deserved ribbon!! Congrats!
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09/20/2006 12:02:58 PM
Congrats on your ribbon, Shannon. Who is going to pay for her therapy as she grows older? Let's see... you blow her up, put bugs in her hair, levitate her on a magic carpet, put her in a box for dolls... ;)
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09/20/2006 11:08:53 AM
this is sooo fantastic, love it love it. Congrats on ribbon
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09/20/2006 10:26:39 AM
Robbed I tell you! This was the blue ribbon winner for sure!!!!!! Best photo of the year.
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09/20/2006 10:12:27 AM
I hope your daughters get some fantastic birthday/Christmas presents!!!!

You're my hero. :)
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09/20/2006 09:27:13 AM
I took one look and said "Scalvert", and looked...and sure enough...it was you.

Great shot....you have such willing models. How do you ever convince them to undergo such torture?
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09/20/2006 08:28:43 AM
I think it's wonderful how you get your daughter involved in these challenges. Great job, congrats!
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09/20/2006 08:28:27 AM
Outstanding congrats and well deserved!
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09/20/2006 05:42:17 AM
Congrats Shannon on the second place! Excellent shot!
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09/20/2006 03:56:49 AM
Dang, she DOES put up with a lot, doesn't she? :-) Congrats on yet another ribbon, oh master-of-the-setup-shot!
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09/20/2006 03:37:13 AM
Guess child abuse is legal in your part of the country huh?
Congrats once again Shannon - you make it look so easy!
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09/20/2006 02:50:08 AM
A typical "scalvert", very well done, congrats!
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09/20/2006 02:50:03 AM
This is brilliant! Congratulations on the red.
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09/20/2006 12:59:43 AM
hahahaha! you bettah reward your daughter.
cute shot.
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09/20/2006 12:31:55 AM
Originally posted by srdanz:

So Shannon, how long did the cleanup last?!

longer than the shoot ;-)

Originally posted by srdanz:


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09/20/2006 12:31:08 AM
Awesome... I should have known it was yours! Congrats.
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09/20/2006 12:25:28 AM
Geez, Shannon, don't you tell your kids to wash their face from time to time?

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09/20/2006 12:12:02 AM
So Shannon, how long did the cleanup last?!

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/19/2006 11:44:19 PM
make-up on the face is too streaky; it really needs to be a uniform spread to be more realistic. Good job, though.
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09/19/2006 06:16:06 PM
The expression is just priceless and I love the eye expression it really adds character to the whole photography. Hope that wasn't some permanent marker used as cover-up in this shot, hahah. Nicely done, keep it up.
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09/18/2006 09:10:44 AM
This is a hoot! Great portrait, wonderful tones.
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09/18/2006 07:58:03 AM
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09/18/2006 07:11:59 AM
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09/18/2006 06:55:30 AM
:) excellent
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09/18/2006 03:54:57 AM
I think it may be the winner...10
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09/17/2006 11:57:52 PM
Yep, that'd be me! :)
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09/17/2006 11:11:34 PM
Just great!
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09/17/2006 09:43:52 PM
Nice pic and idea. Love the textures and tonal of the pic. Urm, but there's one thing ... I presume this is a post-shot of a experiment gone wrong then went "ka-boom"? But the apparatus still seems so clean and brand new???!! :)
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09/16/2006 07:41:45 PM
Wow! I was waiting for some kind of these "blow up" - shots! And this one really rocks: the hair, the black skin, the smoke and especially the shock and surprise in the eyes - Just wow! I hope this ribbons.
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09/16/2006 03:45:53 PM
OMG this is freaking hilarious! Great job.
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09/16/2006 02:33:44 PM
Absolutely, terrrific photo!!!! What a model!
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09/16/2006 10:49:38 AM
lots of hocus pocus here - well done!!
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09/16/2006 03:18:21 AM
great effort and care taken...excellent choice to go b and w...perhaps lacks a real sharpness around the eyes, but that's neither here nor there...well done and good luck as you could be in ribbon winning stratospheres
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09/16/2006 01:42:52 AM
The look is priceless. 10!
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09/15/2006 09:39:34 PM
Truly shows the mad scientist within us all. Nice use of black and white. Love the smoke.
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09/15/2006 09:38:40 PM
LOL! What a fun shot!
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09/15/2006 09:11:21 PM
By the smudges on her face, you can tell this was done with make-up (which, in this photo, is a bad thing.) But I enjoy the express on her face, and the way she is gestured. Overall, a 8. [:
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09/15/2006 03:29:09 PM
If this doesn't win, I am going to raise a fit. Best by far.
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09/15/2006 02:43:13 PM
Yes, Yes, Yes, this is perfect.
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09/15/2006 04:33:25 AM
great!!! he remember me the Doc Brown in back to the future 10!!!!!!!!!
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09/15/2006 01:44:08 AM
cute - just wish the 'smoke' on the face didnt look so painted on
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09/14/2006 10:25:30 PM
This is funny and well done. Nice fresh twist on a very clinical bunch of entries. 6
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09/14/2006 03:46:35 PM
Absolutely the hands-down winner for humorous entries! ;^) Should see the front page with this one - at least I hope I picked one right. The title is perfect for this.

Nice choice of going B/W with this. Very good attention to details in your composition and lighting. Good clarity and focus. Well done!

I'm still grinning!!! He-he.
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09/14/2006 03:26:17 PM
This is the first image in this challenge i've voted on...lol love this! 10
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09/14/2006 09:48:59 AM
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09/14/2006 08:16:44 AM
A+ for effort. Very Creative and well executed. Love the expression on her face.
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09/14/2006 05:47:52 AM
Great expression.
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09/14/2006 05:20:35 AM
would be even stronger if entire beaker onleft of image were included in image.-9-
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09/14/2006 12:57:11 AM
Great expression. Nice work!
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09/13/2006 11:49:53 PM
Great expression and use of b/w
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09/13/2006 10:49:28 PM
Great job with the make-up and the smoke. 9.
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09/13/2006 08:35:46 PM
This is pretty good. Just missing something. maybe an open mouth partly, or a lighter sweater to help break up the darks.
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09/13/2006 04:18:17 PM
This is my pick for the blue. Excellent shot! 10
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09/13/2006 04:08:06 PM
lost one finger on her left hand?
cool expression
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09/13/2006 12:32:40 PM
Ha...love the eyes. made me laugh! 10
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09/13/2006 12:02:08 PM
A very cool shot.. Definitely a top 10 pic..I refuse to jinx you by calling it a ribboner.. though we know it is :)
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09/13/2006 10:53:02 AM
Sweet - The hair is wonderful! Feels like there is more to the story and I want to know what it is!!! Very nice!
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09/13/2006 10:40:07 AM
I like the b/w rendition. The composition is nice too. The background works. But I feel the makeup is contrived - even for an off-the-cuff humorous photo. Makeup application isn't rocket science! ;-) 7.
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09/13/2006 10:26:46 AM
now this is great! the mad chemist, excellent entry. Good Luck!
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09/13/2006 09:16:34 AM
Shannon, your kids should win some sort of an award -- either for superior acting, or for tolerating your photographic whims :) - 10
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09/13/2006 08:52:06 AM
Very funny. Maybe the face paint could have been a tinsy bit better. The hair is spot on. Good 9
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09/13/2006 07:52:47 AM
A great idea but B&W dosen't work for me - sorry
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09/13/2006 06:59:45 AM
The make-up looks a bit overdone but the expression is worth a couple of extra points. Excellant lighting and composition. Bumping to a 7.
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09/13/2006 06:52:36 AM
Ha! Great eyes and B&W. 7
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09/13/2006 05:00:47 AM
*laugh* Absolutely love it, both photographically and for the look on your amazing model's face! Can't even think how to improve this one. 10 and a ribbon I hope for you!
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09/13/2006 01:20:21 AM

Finally, I was getting so bored of colored liquids on white tables !

A bit unrealistic in the face though, but the rest is perfect, you saved me from complete boredom, thanks !
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09/13/2006 12:53:03 AM
this is great!!!!! 10
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09/13/2006 12:45:11 AM
ROFLMAO This is perfect. BRAVO - I hope you paid that kid some money. 10
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09/13/2006 12:20:14 AM
Cute concept. Were you going for the classis explosion in the face look? :) I think as fas as make up goes, could have been more splotchy to look more like powder and soot.

I also think the photo could use more contrast.
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