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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Far Side: Gary Larson Tribute (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Nikon D2X
Lens: Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 17-55mm f/2.8G IF-ED
Location: Los Angeles
Date: Sep 13, 2006
Aperture: 3.2
ISO: 640
Shutter: 1/15
Galleries: Animals
Date Uploaded: Sep 14, 2006

Thanks for all the comments guys - It's very exciting when people start telling you good things about your snaps!
I wish I could hold some of the joy of making this happen but I am afraid it was someone else's genius - I just happened to take a few snaps from a different angle and add a silly caption! Was lucky enough to get the picture published in the Daily Mail , Guardian , Independent and The Sun to name but a few which was also very nice!
As a busy photographer it's always hard to be able to go out and take pictures just for the challenge - Sometime a subject just happens to fit perfectly with what you are doing that week!. Well done to all that enetered.
Love this site

Place: 4 out of 80
Avg (all users): 7.1856
Avg (commenters): 8.6800
Avg (participants): 6.9194
Avg (non-participants): 7.2576
Views since voting: 9591
Views during voting: 838
Votes: 291
Comments: 44
Favorites: 4 (view)

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06/02/2007 04:14:21 PM
How could this not have won...and with room to spare. Nice work.
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01/31/2007 06:29:20 PM
cool shot!
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01/23/2007 01:11:03 AM
this is one of my favs of yours and I can't believe that I haven't comment on it as yet....I love it!!!!
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09/24/2006 01:31:40 AM
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09/23/2006 12:44:15 PM
Congrats on your 4th place and newspaper publication! Looks like you are off to a great start here at DPC! This image confounded me and got my imagination going as I tried to figure out exactly how and what you did. After seeing the story about it on Yahoo, I saw your profile and realized that you are in LA; and figured it must be yours. I'm not real crazy about the idea of painting animals and making them stand inside for hours like that; but that's not your doing, and I didn't hold it against you in the scoring. You got an 8 from me.
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09/22/2006 07:00:35 PM
This also made it on CNN saw it on one of their Web Video news casts.
Nice shot.
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09/22/2006 12:43:51 PM
Just checked out your website. It's awesome. Look forward to seeing more from you.
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09/22/2006 11:04:03 AM
Thanks for all the comments guys - It's very exciting when people start telling you good things about your snaps!
I wish I could hold some of the joy of making this happen but I am afraid it was someone else's genius - I just happened to take a few snaps from a different angle and add a silly caption! Was lucky enough to get the picture published in the Daily Mail , Guardian , Independent and The Sun to name but a few which was also very nice!
As a busy photographer it's always hard to be able to go out and take pictures just for the challenge - Sometime a subject just happens to fit perfectly with what you are doing that week!. Well done to all that enetered.
Love this site

09/22/2006 12:35:51 AM
I saw a small b&w picture of that elephant in the (Japanese) newspaper yesterday. I guess it's the same one. It was up for auction or something. (Edit: Oh, so the something was an art installation ...)
Grats on the top 5 finish.

Message edited by author 2006-09-22 00:49:23.
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09/22/2006 12:16:29 AM
Congrats! Well done and right in Laron's spirit.

You have to tell us how you did it, though!
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09/22/2006 12:13:51 AM
Very well presented with an outstanding delivery line. Congratulations on your 4th place finish.
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09/22/2006 12:07:23 AM
Congrats on the fourth place...well done
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/21/2006 11:57:31 PM
Love the model.
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09/21/2006 03:10:06 PM
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09/20/2006 05:43:05 PM
Ha haaaaaaaaa! Nicely done - how did you map that pattern to the ele so well? I'm really impressed! It's surreal and it incorporates animals in a cosy home setting... all Larson standards!
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09/20/2006 03:57:24 AM
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09/19/2006 04:08:26 PM
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! WHAT AN AWESOME PICTURE! Please tell me you rented the elephant had it painted with that pattern and then caught him perfectly opening his mouth that way.
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09/19/2006 11:22:39 AM
This is the genius of Banksy, but you added your own joke to it. Good! 9
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09/19/2006 08:40:32 AM
I'm not going to ask where you found an obliging elephant, like it.
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09/18/2006 09:54:11 PM
This is classic Far Side. good job!
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09/18/2006 09:44:13 AM
This is great. Must be a doll house, otherwise you're out a LOT of paint. And I have to say, I'm a fan of the UFOs in the painting. 10
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09/17/2006 10:01:09 PM
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09/17/2006 04:03:03 PM
Excellent original humor. - 10
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09/17/2006 01:45:22 PM
I'm surprised they let you photograph this exhibit... There are definitely copyright issues here, but what the heck :-) You've gotten away with it thus far, and it's a heck of a shot. Talk about having the right subject fall into your lap :-)
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09/17/2006 01:38:58 PM
I was wondering how this was done...

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09/17/2006 09:36:49 AM
This is awesome! My fav for this challenge! Please tell my you did not have to paint the elephant!
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09/16/2006 10:23:26 PM
ok how did you get an ele in the living room???

Ahhh the bansky exhibit!!
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09/16/2006 05:24:39 PM
how did you manage to paint an elephant? WOW
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09/15/2006 10:24:40 PM
Ummm... I don't get it. Where is Mary? Where's the party? ;) Interesting set up I'm not even going to bother asking about. 8 - good luck in the challenge!
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09/15/2006 08:54:25 PM
Wow how the heck did that work out?

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09/15/2006 08:18:38 PM
Very very funny! Good job!
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09/15/2006 08:06:41 PM
I get the overwhelming sense that their is an elephant in the room:-) A very humorous and, of course, warped sense of humor that is Larson's style. Compositionally, the photo portion is really good with just one little flaw. The angle includes the roof line thus breaking up the scene of 'Mary' totally blending into the wallpapered room. Had the elephant been totally 'immersed' in the wallpapered portions of the room then the 'horror' of her 'mistake' would be even stronger. The other critique I have, and it is a small one, is that the text font is too cursive - it is not similiar in style to most of the Far Side's typical fonts or rather his writing.
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09/15/2006 05:49:49 PM
How the h**l did you do this!!! Perfect, just perfect!
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09/15/2006 03:06:23 PM
Nice work. The flying saucer painting is cool, too!
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09/15/2006 12:36:35 PM
Great job. Good luck. I vote a 9.
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09/15/2006 11:00:47 AM
Whoa! I know there was some serious Photoshop work involved here, but I am SERIOUSLY impressed! :D I can't wait to see how you did this! 10 for the shear vision of it! ;)
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09/15/2006 10:59:47 AM
Coming back to comment... Very well executed! This is one of my 3 10's.
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09/15/2006 05:37:49 AM
ah.. banksy.. is it art imitating life or is that an elephant in my lounge?
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09/15/2006 04:21:41 AM
well done, only the bright unsharp lamp in the foreground is quite distracting
09/15/2006 02:01:49 AM
Wow, How, Holy Cow. This is noteworthy and I have got to up this to a 10. Let me know how you pulled this one off.
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09/15/2006 01:35:43 AM
just came back for a second look at this and noticed the ufo's. This had better ribbon! the only downer for me is that lamp does add depth to the image but because its out of focus its a bit distracting. Otherwise AWESOME job, cant wait to find out how you did this.

good luck

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09/15/2006 12:52:50 AM
Is that a real room. I like the spaceship painting.
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09/15/2006 12:24:32 AM
Very, very good job! I love it!
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09/15/2006 12:10:16 AM
lol-- great one--
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