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Bad Move
Bad Move

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Irony (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 990
Location: Swink, Colorado
Date: Sep 24, 2003
Aperture: 3.2
ISO: 100
Shutter: 60
Galleries: Humorous, Rural
Date Uploaded: Sep 25, 2003

Came by this while driving this week in a small town in eastern Colorado.

Place: 19 out of 131
Avg (all users): 5.8270
Avg (commenters): 6.9444
Avg (participants): 5.5000
Avg (non-participants): 5.9586
Views since voting: 1500
Votes: 237
Comments: 21
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2003 09:06:01 PM
LOL-- Great Irony
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10/06/2003 10:27:11 AM
The title is a pun, and it works.

Effective use of B&W to help remove any color distractions that exist on a busy image.

DOF - Use a smaller DOF with focus on the OK piece to force our attention to the irony. The small DOF will make things out of focus, which is required with such a busy picture.
Cropping - Should have cropped this just to the left of the man. This would have removed some of the busyness and the vignetting along the corners (notice the image gets darker towards the corners).

I give it a 6.
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10/04/2003 10:32:18 AM
nice colour, reflects mood well
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10/03/2003 08:31:53 PM
Might have been ironic if the slogan on the truck had something to do with safety or promised to take special care of your possesions.
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10/03/2003 06:39:59 PM
I think what makes this photo is the rail road sign hiding in the back. That just adds tremendous impact. (No pun intended.)
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10/03/2003 12:31:47 PM
Good Sepia, good irony.
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10/03/2003 12:24:35 PM
Very well seen.
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10/02/2003 10:56:49 PM
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10/02/2003 09:23:51 PM
Nice oportunity shot,7 from me!
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10/02/2003 06:17:19 PM
Ok, I give out only one 10 per challenge and you have it with this shot. I'm giving you a 9 for now until I see the rest of the entries. Perfect!

PS- Yup, you got my 10 for this challenge.
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10/02/2003 06:28:49 AM
Ouch! Nice sepia toning, I hope no one was hurt.
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10/02/2003 05:13:24 AM
Great idea, but there is just too much going on here to know what to focus on. To make a stronger picture, I think you should have composed the shot focusing on 1 element here. Maybe crop out the entire left half of the shot? I don't think sepia toning works on this picture. Stark black and white would have worked better for me. 6
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10/01/2003 07:18:36 PM
LOL oh no! Oh dude, thats just....wow
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10/01/2003 06:57:31 PM
it's rather busy to me. I have trouble focusing on it personally.
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10/01/2003 05:58:00 PM
Nice subject - good for challenge. How did it look with color - too busy? I wish there were more contrast in the sepia-tone - it is hard to see the line between the truck and sky.
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10/01/2003 05:17:54 PM
base 1: 1/1; challenge: 1/3; technical: 2/3; aesthetics: 1/3; total: 5
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10/01/2003 04:42:42 PM
good ironical photo...I like the color and lighting...
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10/01/2003 12:28:30 PM
For me the image is a little busy. There is a lot to focus on besides the truck. But it does get the point accross. Personally I would liked to have seen the whole truck, and the man be the only subjects in ths shot. I like the idea though.
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10/01/2003 09:00:42 AM
They moved it alright! Not sure about the coloring, think I might have liked it better in black & white but overall good picture
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10/01/2003 08:24:17 AM
nice colors and very crisp , love it
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10/01/2003 01:40:07 AM
I like this a lot. One of the top photos this challenge.
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