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What a mess...
What a mess...

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Electricity (Basic Editing III)
Camera: Canon EOS-350D Rebel XT
Location: Home
Date: Sep 19, 2006
Date Uploaded: Sep 19, 2006


Place: 70 out of 123
Avg (all users): 5.1730
Avg (commenters): 6.6154
Avg (participants): 4.8125
Avg (non-participants): 5.2646
Views since voting: 588
Views during voting: 309
Votes: 237
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
09/26/2006 05:46:03 PM
0-2 meets challenge = 2
0-3 creativity = 3
0-3 technical merit = 3
0-2 biased wow factor = 0
Total = 8
Ok, when did you sneak into my house and get that?? :)
09/24/2006 04:31:18 PM
Hey I have one or (two) just like this!
Clever idea.
09/24/2006 04:03:05 PM
Yep mine looks just like it. Almost. good pic
09/23/2006 02:50:01 AM
Chaos, Love it.
09/22/2006 11:19:10 AM
Welcome to the digital world! 8o)
09/21/2006 11:16:43 PM
Poor subject, who doesn't have one of these under their computer.
09/21/2006 01:25:51 PM
This make a clear statement. Better than messy overhead wires, that's old technology. This is new technology. The danger tag is a nice touch. Well done.
09/21/2006 11:27:29 AM
This is what electricity means to me as well. Giant mounds of cable.
09/20/2006 12:29:16 PM
i had this idea myself. thats good.
09/20/2006 11:31:14 AM
hahaha, that describes what's under my desk
09/20/2006 09:24:14 AM
LOL I'm glad I'm not the only one who has this mess underneath their desk!! I actually like the composition and light in this shot as well, its always good one a photo makes you smile :o)
09/20/2006 01:51:28 AM
great...looks like my place...
09/20/2006 01:42:47 AM
Who hasn't seen this before? Simply good photo.

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