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Hey Kid!  Follow Me
Hey Kid! Follow Me

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Flight (Classic Editing)
Camera: Minolta DiMAGE 7i
Location: Altoona, PA
Date: Sep 27, 2003
Aperture: f 3.5
ISO: 100
Shutter: 1/125
Galleries: Humorous, Action
Date Uploaded: Sep 27, 2003

This challenge left me completely uninspired until I saw a preformance by Fred Becker ( //www.fredbecker.com/ ), a magician who is orginally from Altoona, but now preforms his act with his wife all over the world. He has an act where he uses bubbles and glass balls which was simply beautiful and is named after his one daughter. As I sat watching the bubble float around the theater I suddenly had the idea for a photograph of bubbles for the flight challenge.

I must have tried at least 30 photos to get this one and the smaller bubble although slightly out of focus is floating along behind the other one. I couldn't decide between Hey Kid! Follow me and Follow the Leader but the Hey Kid! seemed to have a multitude of possibilites to it.

Place: 48 out of 118
Avg (all users): 5.4304
Avg (commenters): 6.9167
Avg (participants): 5.4103
Avg (non-participants): 5.4500
Views since voting: 1188
Votes: 158
Comments: 14
Favorites: 0

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10/10/2003 08:09:56 PM
Oh look, he said in a slightly sarcastic voice, guess who i get to write a CC for: and I even deliberately left it a little later this week, just to change the chances :-)

Like this shot very much Anna - particularly the world inside the bubble: especially as the rest of the world, the world around and outside it, is completly out of focus. Can't believe the score - thought this must at least have scored a six, but perhaps people don't look closely enough - they just see a couple of bubbles and move on.

I think I would have called it something like 'a floating world' and tried to bring the emphasis more onto the view insude the bubble, rather than highligting the fact of their being two bubbles - that at least is what i find most striking visually and emotionally here.

A couple of other things: the swirl of the trees in the bubble-world almost makes a ying/yang sign, which is also a good touch, and the distortion (like a fish-eye lens) of that scene - a close up of the one bubble might have served as a Nostalgia photo (though again, no-one much here would have appreciated it).

One of your best, in my opinion. Great stuff.
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/01/2003 11:43:54 AM
Pretty and I like the balance provided by second smaller bubble.
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09/30/2003 11:58:42 PM
Another good bubble shot. Nothing I can think of to improve this.
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09/30/2003 12:55:22 PM
A nice quirky shot well executed.
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09/30/2003 05:28:18 AM
Good idea, also original.
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09/30/2003 03:40:12 AM
Very cute! 10
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09/30/2003 12:11:05 AM
I keep wanting to experiment with bubble pictures...
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09/29/2003 11:53:38 PM
Amusing. Whimiscal. Apt. Points for creativity.
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09/29/2003 08:10:29 PM
nice idea...the background is very distracting though
09/29/2003 03:40:09 PM
Hummm, two people shot bubbles....never thought of that. Unique and different idea. Good work.
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09/29/2003 01:37:56 PM
Technically balloons float not fly. ;-) Nice shot noetheless! I don't think that the use of shallow DOF adds anything to the photo. My eye tends to want to see the other balloon in focus as well. 5
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09/29/2003 08:16:16 AM
nice one, the shallow DOF look good. 9
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09/29/2003 01:25:48 AM
I love the reflection you captured in the bubble...that's too cool!
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09/29/2003 12:56:31 AM
I love the title! Good luck!
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