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Eternal Irony
Eternal Irony

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Irony (Classic Editing)
Camera: Nikon Coolpix 5700
Location: Rose Hill Cemetary, Idaho Falls
Date: Sep 29, 2003
Aperture: 3.5
ISO: Auto
Shutter: 1/12
Galleries: Humorous, Landscape
Date Uploaded: Sep 29, 2003

This was a very difficult shot for me. You can't tell from the picture, but these graves are about 8 feet apart from each other! I struggled with light, focus and detail. Cutting this photo down to 640 pixels without having diagonal pixelations (particularly in the "Ware" headstone) was very tricky. I had to crop the picture alot, then did some hue, saturation, brightness and contrast adjustments to the whole image. I do love the irony though, and couldn't resist trying to capture it!

Place: 7 out of 131
Avg (all users): 6.4286
Avg (commenters): 7.5484
Avg (participants): 6.2394
Avg (non-participants): 6.5090
Views since voting: 2446
Votes: 238
Comments: 34
Favorites: 1 (view)

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10/13/2003 02:15:25 PM
I really appreciate everyone's comments throughout the challenge. I am honored to have placed 7th! This was a tricky photo to take, due to the distance between the headstones. I took the following shot at a different time of day, but you can see the perspective. Take a look below:

Photo showing distance between graves.

Message edited by author 2003-10-13 14:19:00.
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/07/2003 07:34:43 PM
Ware-Wulf...heh, funny!

As for critique, I'm wondering if you used curves (or similar) to adjust the colors of the image. The pine needles seem extremely orange and not real too me. They are colors that fall leaves would typically be; not pine. (not that I've seen anyway!)

Nice catch.
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10/07/2003 11:19:37 AM
Cute. How did you find this? =)
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10/05/2003 08:29:16 PM
Great tone throughout the image, and pretty strong on the topic too. I like the orange/green contrasts especially. -8-
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10/05/2003 05:03:31 PM
Perfect title for a great picture!
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10/05/2003 01:26:22 PM
Kind of cute irony; gorgeous colors and composition.
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10/03/2003 10:36:24 PM
The colors in the background are beautiful but I am not sure I understand the irony.
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10/03/2003 07:55:31 PM
This is great, fits the "irony" theme SO well. Perfect composition and focus along with beautiful color.
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10/03/2003 07:38:14 PM
Excellent work!
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10/03/2003 03:38:12 AM
thats hillarious! I wonder if they knew each other?
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10/02/2003 11:18:43 PM
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10/02/2003 10:29:05 PM
Great colors, great irony.
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10/02/2003 05:18:36 PM
Ok, ok.. so I'm sitting here starring at this and saying I don't get it. But I'm determined to give each and every shot equal chances because I've only seen a few that are Irony and not just staged Oxymorons. Then it hits me- WARE WULF! Duh!!! And I started laughing. That's great! Nicely done! Good colors too!
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10/02/2003 02:31:45 PM
Awesome colors, definitelly very funny.
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10/02/2003 12:49:09 PM
love the subtle irony but the colors seem a bit strained, a bit of a redish cast perhaps...
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10/02/2003 01:20:16 AM
This is awesome!!!! 10
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10/01/2003 10:47:31 PM
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10/01/2003 08:12:16 PM
Ha! One of the few images in the challenge that made me chuckle! Good find, indeed. I might have tried showing more of the "Wulf" stone... something bothers me just a little about the composition. Hard to say whether it would have been possible, but a straight on shot might have been cool, especially with the colorful foliage in the background.
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10/01/2003 07:21:31 PM
I came across this a second time and could have sword I'd voted and commented on it, either I'm going mad, my computer is, or the comments went astry - lost to the void. anyhow, enough stream of conciousness...

I like lifes little conincednces and this is certianlly an amusing one. the focus is bothering me slightly though -the way it's sharp on the background and not the foreground, praps greater depth of field might have aided?
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10/01/2003 07:06:18 PM
Humorous and great composition. Nicely executed:)
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10/01/2003 06:15:04 PM
base 1: 1/1; challenge: 3/3; technical: 3/3; aesthetics: 2/3; total: 9
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10/01/2003 02:19:48 PM
That is funny.
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10/01/2003 12:15:38 PM
I get it, not sure of the irony. I do like the orange dying needles and grays. Nice shot.
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10/01/2003 11:39:24 AM
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10/01/2003 09:57:04 AM
LOL, took me a minute to get this one. Not sure about the irony of the situation but do like the concept.
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10/01/2003 09:54:02 AM
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10/01/2003 09:13:22 AM
perfect irony! Nice color. Great job...congratulations on the find!
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10/01/2003 08:47:29 AM
Hey - closer to irony than most!
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10/01/2003 07:46:47 AM
nice picture - i love the colors
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10/01/2003 06:27:01 AM
Good find, funny! I love the orange/green tones of the trees and grass. They create such a contrast to the gravestones.
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10/01/2003 05:38:31 AM
Nice spotting
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10/01/2003 04:14:16 AM
Very nice photo, great colors, and a good take on the topic
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10/01/2003 01:26:23 AM
heheh very cute.
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10/01/2003 01:14:43 AM
Awesome! This is my favorite so far. To find this in a graveyard! You need to take a photo of this at night!
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