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Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Something Old (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon Digital IXUS v2
Location: 10 KMS from Home
Date: Aug 3, 2002
Aperture: 3.5
Shutter: 1/160
Date Uploaded: Aug 3, 2002


Place: 53 out of 180
Avg (all users): 5.6654
Avg (commenters): 6.7647
Avg (participants): 5.6667
Avg (non-participants): 5.6641
Views since voting: 1205
Votes: 263
Comments: 18
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
08/11/2002 02:02:00 PM
this is a wonderful subject. I like the color contrast between the warm rust and bricks and the cool grass. you might want to try to tone down the sky. if you made the whole image a little darker, it might enhance the abandoned feeling of the building and keep the sky from bleeding like that. nice shot.
08/10/2002 07:24:00 PM
Something old. Use your photographic technique to emphasize the age of your subject.
Composition - good. I'd like to see it without the metal roof in foreground
Technical Aspects - quite good
Meets Challenge - probably. Might look unkempt, not old.
Visual Impact / Originality - good
08/10/2002 03:38:00 PM
Foreground (corrigated tin) image detracts from building. =5 in my humble opinion - syamjonimi
08/10/2002 12:45:00 AM
nice title :) I like the "DOF" - as it is commonly refered to on this site...
08/09/2002 02:43:00 PM
Wonderful subject. Slightly overexposed. I would crank the EV down 2/3 to 1 stop
08/09/2002 08:00:00 AM
Nice use of the old roofing to get something into the foreground.
08/06/2002 06:14:00 PM
very nice example of 'rustic' :) I think the top portion of this image is slightly over exposed.. .maybe a neutral density or polarizing filter would remedy this one. Good shot :) - jmsetzler
08/06/2002 03:41:00 PM
great composure and exposure. basicaly perfect.
08/06/2002 10:51:00 AM
Good job of conveying the subject. I like the contrasting colors of bright greens and brown/red rust. The amount of new growth over and around the structure and the metal help define your subject. Great framing too.
08/06/2002 10:38:00 AM
Very nice composition of the picture. The corrugated metal in the front is a real eye-catcher and the vanishing of the colours towards the back are great! Congratulations
08/06/2002 09:07:00 AM
What is derelict? The building? The wall? The corrugated iron sheet? Nice focus, colour and contrast but the picture lacks direction. Where are we supposed to be looking?
08/06/2002 07:18:00 AM
Good composition
08/06/2002 12:54:00 AM
very moody and soft. lovely color and textures. couldn't change a thing. ~mcmurma
Meets Challenge...8
08/05/2002 08:53:00 PM
I'd have been tempted to focus on the rusty iron in front and leave the house out.
08/05/2002 12:22:00 PM
The sky washes out the top of the building and tree bark.Otherwise really nice composition,you were standing in exactly the right place.
08/05/2002 10:52:00 AM
I like this photo very much, especially the foreground interest leading the eye back into the bakground. Very well done.
08/05/2002 05:59:00 AM
I love the composition and the colours in this photo. Very well done.
08/05/2002 04:53:00 AM
The low saturation in the rooftop's colors and the white space above takes away from what could have been a stronger composition. I think a bit of saturation would have definitely helped.

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