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bouncing soul
bouncing soul

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Dreams and Nightmares (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon PowerShot G2
Location: couch
Date: Oct 2, 2003
Aperture: 2.2
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/25
Galleries: Emotive
Date Uploaded: Oct 2, 2003


Place: 112 out of 112
Avg (all users): 3.1364
Avg (commenters): 2.7692
Avg (participants): 2.7179
Avg (non-participants): 3.5658
Views since voting: 1164
Votes: 154
Comments: 13
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/11/2003 11:42:05 PM
you have all ready faced comments about the focus and I am sure people have asked "how does this fit the challenge?" so what can be said constructive? I have come to the conclusion this is someones shoulder.what would have helped to make this a better shot would have been to have seen the top of the shoulder and maybe part of the neck. also a better profile ofthe tattoo. When shooting this close you can cast some strong shadows, I have managed to reduce that effect by using a sheet of white paper to defuse the flash. because the tattoo is solid this also may have worked as a B&W. I hope this helped some:) 4
10/11/2003 06:19:40 AM
The whole image is pixelated and out of focus. I am sure it has a great emotional value to you, but IMO it doesn't have much of an artistic value. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but it is very boring to look at.
10/11/2003 12:22:38 AM
The focus isn't as sharp as it could be. That will hurt ya here. Prolly won't score as low as mine though...lol
10/10/2003 11:29:38 PM
Sorry, Just not a very good picture. Out of focus and no clear idea of how this relates to a nightmare unless it was a bad tatoo job.
10/10/2003 12:01:51 PM
The depth of field is off, drawing the eye to the lower most left part of the arm instead of to the tatoo.
10/09/2003 11:37:59 PM
A little blurry. Don't get the "dream" aspect of this.
10/09/2003 10:09:34 PM
There isn't enough information to know what this is. Is it a pregnant woman, a man's arm or what? It's overprocessed and there is a lot of motion blur.
10/09/2003 01:04:00 AM
I think the focus needs to be redirected here. Also, the stuff on the left is very distracting.
10/08/2003 04:24:56 PM
The tones and colors of this image add to a mysterious, nightmarish mood. I must admit to some confusion over the title and what I'm actually seeing. But then again, I'm pretty dense, sometimes.
10/07/2003 01:14:39 PM
Even with the title I had trouble understanding what this image was supposed to be about.
10/06/2003 08:25:42 PM
????? Took me a moment to realize this was someone's arm, too fuzzy, no definition and the message is unclear
10/06/2003 09:51:47 AM
This would have been much better had you had everything in focus.
10/06/2003 08:27:20 AM
Nice tattoo. The shot is a little out of focus. Very creative. 5.

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