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A Restless Mind
2nd PlaceA Restless Mind

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Dreams and Nightmares (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Lens: Tamron AF 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 for Canon
Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Date: Oct 3, 2003
Aperture: f/19
ISO: 100
Shutter: 10 sec
Galleries: Emotive, Black and White
Date Uploaded: Oct 3, 2003

Taken with a Tamron 19-35mm f/3.5 lens. I exposed the picture at the start with very bright light for about 4 sec while she was laying down. Then turned off the bright lights and exposed the rest of the scene for about 4 sec under less intense light, creating a ghost look.

Hopefully people get that the ghost figures of herself and the robber are dreams in her head.

Place: 2 out of 112
Avg (all users): 6.8301
Avg (commenters): 8.0769
Avg (participants): 6.7308
Avg (non-participants): 6.9333
Views since voting: 8179
Votes: 153
Comments: 40
Favorites: 5 (view)

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09/04/2004 01:14:31 AM
Nice photograph. An art piece. I love it.
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10/14/2003 04:31:34 PM
Good Idea! Well executed! Congrats!
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10/14/2003 01:08:00 PM
You are on quite the roll as of late. I love this picture and all i think about is that crazy dream i keep having with the priest, the minister and the rabbi. Oh well, its too long to write about here, but all i can say is a lot of whores. Borton, you kick butt!
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10/14/2003 12:16:46 AM
Congrats on your ribbon! I knew you were probably doing well with this shot.

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10/13/2003 03:22:36 AM
Congrats on the ribbon. Clever idea this one.
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10/13/2003 02:42:34 AM
Nice work again, congratulations.
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10/13/2003 02:19:52 AM
COngratulations! This is a great shot, very realistic, very good job.
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10/13/2003 01:39:25 AM
thanks to all
10/13/2003 12:37:09 AM
Exciting work! Congratulations!
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10/13/2003 12:27:46 AM
Congrats on the ribbon!!
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/12/2003 11:43:55 PM
Superb!! 10
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10/12/2003 07:54:06 PM
Yeah - this is creative thinking. Nice exposure too with some acting going on. Pretty confincing film noir for me. Could be a winner this. [[9]]
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10/11/2003 08:59:15 AM
I love this photo even though the shadow of the man with the knife is very disturbing. Scary! Do you have any outtakes without the man that would depict an out of body experience? That would be cool. 10
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10/11/2003 04:19:39 AM
Interesting photo. Good triangle composition. Like that it is b&w. The only thing distracting is the tie hanging over the left ghost image. Pretty good shot.
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10/10/2003 11:20:42 PM
Interesting portrayal of a nightmare. I like the double shadow. It adds more to the story than if it just had the lady sitting up. 10
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10/10/2003 10:56:45 AM
Very well done. Good effect. Scary!
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10/09/2003 11:30:01 PM
How did you do this? As far as I know you couldn\'t do a double exposure on digital but I can\'t wait to find out how you did this!

On the shot, if the bed sheets were more tussled, the woman looked more restless I would have given this a 10
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10/09/2003 12:58:57 AM
Very cool! Both exposures of the her sitting up and the guy with a knife are perfect! I would have tried to tweak it a little more somehow to make the lighting different, maybe darker, or the contrast more extreme, etc., not sure. Good job!! 8.
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10/08/2003 10:39:25 PM
I love the idea and the story here....I want a better camera!!! :-P From a picture point of view though, it's a little confusing from the sleeping girls chin to about her hand. It's hard to focus on anything in that area....I do want to know though...did you do this with two exposures in camera or one long one??? Some of the shadows aren't 'right' around the thing hanging by the window (image top left)
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10/08/2003 10:12:21 PM
Great photo. I hope I never have a night like that.
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10/08/2003 07:37:29 PM
Great idea. The relative exposure times of the two shots is just right. The motion blur on the model with the knife is perfect. My only complaint is that the two photos interfere with each other too much. It would be better if the sitting-up face was back a bit so it didn't get bisected by the window frame. But even more, the image would portray "dream" better if the laying-down model wasn't "ghosted" by shooting the attack photo against a black background. I realize that doing that in-camera is a tall challenge!
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10/08/2003 04:31:21 PM
Nice work here. The visual clarity for this technique is impressive!
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10/08/2003 02:05:46 AM
well done. spooky. I know how hard it is to do timed exposer. 9
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10/08/2003 01:50:14 AM
Very clever indeed! I wonder how many shots it took to get the timing just right. I absolutely love it.

I'd be interested in knowing how long the exposure was and an estimate of when she sat up, knife weilding maniac entered the shot etc.

Very cool photo and fits the challenge to perfection!
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10/07/2003 10:53:18 PM
Nicely done. I looked twice before I saw the knife guy in the back! Very scarey. 8.
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10/07/2003 02:09:04 PM
Cool idea but the even lighing makes it look like she sleeps with the light on. Maybe some bright light through a slightly ajar door would add to the realism.
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10/07/2003 01:37:50 PM
Great execution. Seeing the tip of the knife would have improved things even more, probably.
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10/07/2003 11:07:36 AM
Excellent pic for this challenge. Nice work!
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10/07/2003 10:02:00 AM
I vote this photo a perfect 10. I love the double image of the woman sleeping. I also love the nightmare overhead -- and the black and white just seals the deal! Beautifully executed. May you win this challenge hands down!
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10/06/2003 08:44:04 PM
I like this. This image causes your eyes to travel around the entire shot. I notice the girl sitting up first then laying down, and the stalker comes into view after your eyes leave the girl in the bed. The only thing I'm not too keen on is the size of the stalker relative to everything else in the shot.
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10/06/2003 07:10:52 PM
That would definitely freak me out. But this actually leaves me the idea that she did wake up and he is going to be there. What happens!? I want to know!
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10/06/2003 04:11:35 PM
Oh, wow... That's really awesome. Great job. I wonder how many tries it took to get this right.
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10/06/2003 02:42:16 PM
cool idea and well executed (no pun intended)
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10/06/2003 01:24:35 PM
I think I love the photo of just the girl. The sense of startle and fear is there already without the guy with the knife. He's a bit awkward. 8
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10/06/2003 10:50:51 AM
believe it or not I think this would work better without the masked murderer. The look on her face as she wakes up is very good, and it can be left to the viewer's imagination what she was dreaming about. shame about the window frame too, a blank wall that didn't interfere with the facial expression would have helped.
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10/06/2003 10:40:13 AM
Neat capture.....like an out of body experience. Very good, this is a likable shot.
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10/06/2003 09:17:59 AM
Great job in my opinion. Meets the challenge very well and is creative too.
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10/06/2003 05:51:48 AM
I didn't see the guy with the knife at first, it took me a few seconds. This is amazing, and easily my favourite photo for the challenge. This must have cost you a lot of practice shots right? Great, well done and deserves my 10 for sure.
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10/06/2003 01:09:38 AM
good creative photo...I like the effect...good job doing it in b&w.
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10/06/2003 12:34:02 AM
Very cool shot...can't wait to learn how it was done. Only fault I can see is the light on her chin when she is laying down, it is a little distracting (but not much!)
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