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Pirate Ducks
Pirate Ducks

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Ducky (Advanced Editing IV*)
Camera: Kodak DX4530
Location: Hallway
Date: Oct 6, 2006
Aperture: f/3.5
ISO: 1/45
Shutter: 1/45
Galleries: Humorous, Still Life
Date Uploaded: Oct 6, 2006

I took this picture in our hallway with the overhead light on. They toys are situated on top of my four foot jewlery box. The only editing I done was croppng and resizing.

Place: 161 out of 174
Avg (all users): 4.3410
Avg (commenters): 4.4000
Avg (participants): 4.2308
Avg (non-participants): 4.4029
Views since voting: 1031
Views during voting: 294
Votes: 217
Comments: 10
Favorites: 0

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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/17/2006 06:50:11 AM
Cute idea, but lighting looks a little harsh and it really reminds me of an ebay photo. Try getting eye level with the first row of ducks and angling up towards the stuffed pirate.
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10/16/2006 08:06:35 AM
by simply photographing this against a plain background would have made this picture stand out so much more.
a blank wall, a sheet, a towel, anything.
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10/13/2006 10:27:49 AM
Captain Jack Sparrow's crew has gone all duckie, savvy eh? Cute concept but the composition needs a little work to boost it into an above average shot. First, while focus is sharp in some areas (Jack Sparrow)in other areas it is soft (the crew in the foreground). An aperature of 5.6 or even greater will increase the depth of field and so too the level of detail/sharpness in all elements seen here. If you use an higher aperature & an ISO of 100 or lower you will also want to steady your camera with a tripod or some object to rest so that the image is not blurred from hand shake. Lastly - background. Backgrounds can be an important part of the composition as well. That dull grey wall and table that act as a backdrop does not help invoke the imagery of a pirate ship sailing the seven seas. It detracts. A picture or image of a blue sky with white clouds with the other duckys on a wooden plank (walking the plank)is one suggestion for the background. Perhaps taking the set-up to a dock would be another option.
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10/12/2006 09:40:35 AM
lots of pirate ducks in this challenge and as ive never noticed a pirate duck before these are all so facinating. very cute idea. lighting/flash seems a bit harsh though.
10/11/2006 05:53:40 PM
out of focus?
10/11/2006 03:32:20 PM
Nice idea, but not well executed, imo. The lighting is harsh, you can see a side shadow... Perspective may have helped this photo, and a different background.
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10/11/2006 01:12:45 PM
Creative idea. Would be great with a different background!
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/11/2006 02:43:45 AM
focus seems to be a bit more on the toy in the background then on the ducks
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10/11/2006 01:03:06 AM
Need a bit of sharpening.
  Photographer found comment helpful.
10/11/2006 12:23:33 AM
I envy your collection. I need to get some of those crewmates.

The Other Pirate Ducky Photo

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