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The house of God
The house of God

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Urban Landscapes (Classic Editing)
Camera: Canon EOS-10D
Location: Reykjavík, Iceland
Date: Oct 6, 2003
Aperture: 4.0
ISO: 400
Shutter: 1/4
Galleries: Cityscape, Architecture
Date Uploaded: Oct 6, 2003

A church on a hilltop in Reykjavík city. Taken just minutes before it got completely dark, and the sky was amazing.

Place: 54 out of 279
Avg (all users): 5.9888
Avg (commenters): 7.4167
Avg (participants): 5.8451
Avg (non-participants): 6.1496
Views since voting: 1544
Votes: 269
Comments: 34
Favorites: 0

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10/15/2003 07:01:31 PM
Kópavogskirkja í Reykjavík :s
Síðan hvenær :)
10/15/2003 01:12:20 PM
kópavogskirkja rúlar:) flott mynd
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10/15/2003 10:32:03 AM
þetta er mjög flott mynd ég hef aldrei tekið eftir því þegar ég keiri framhjá. þetta eru magnaðir litir
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 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/14/2003 07:41:02 PM
I thought this was a great contrast of light and dark with a very interesting background color.
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10/14/2003 06:04:30 PM
Great colors in this pic. To me, conveys a sence of 'power'.
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10/14/2003 04:26:34 PM
Flottir litir
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10/13/2003 09:02:50 PM
Hreint út sagt alger snilld. Ef ég kannast við, þá er þetta Kópavogskirkja, sem er ein af fallegri byggingum á Ãslandi. Flott stemmingsmynd.
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10/13/2003 01:35:39 PM
Ãetta er mögnuð mynd! Himininnn er alveg geggjaður
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10/12/2003 07:05:47 PM
Very nice shot! What filter was used?
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10/12/2003 06:42:45 PM
This is a powerful image. I love everything about it - the color of the sky, the arches of the builiding. Super job.
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10/12/2003 11:09:58 AM
I am wondering if you handheld this? There is a blur to this and I don't find it appealing...though I tend to like really crisp photos.
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10/11/2003 12:29:26 PM
Very stunning photo. Fabulous color and lighting!
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10/10/2003 02:54:08 PM
Wonderful use of the blue tones and the silloutte at the bottom. Excellent.
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10/10/2003 08:21:42 AM
Not really what I would consider "urban" (urban=city in my opinion), but this is an excellent photo. I love the blues and the whites. Shapes are interesting too. Even though I don't consider this urban, I'm still going to give it a decent score just because it is a building and it is such a wonderful capture. Good luck.
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10/10/2003 03:03:03 AM
The colours and the unique building make this shot. It almost feels abstract due to the black foreground. It has nice symetry to it, but I would have cropped off more on the left to really balance it.
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10/10/2003 02:55:34 AM
The beauty of the blue hue in the sky frames this shot perfectly. The lighting that you captured is amazing. The contrast brings out the great shadow and shows us the incredible shapes in the church. Wow. "10"
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10/10/2003 01:15:34 AM
Very nice.
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10/09/2003 10:55:18 PM
Love the dark color of the sky again the white illuminated church...nice work! ..9
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10/09/2003 10:30:32 PM
wow, that sky looks amazing
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10/09/2003 03:49:17 PM
Beautiful. Slightly soft focus, but I'm fine with that.
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10/09/2003 01:59:59 PM
Striking shapes and colour. A bit non-urban but it's good. Lights are overexposed and contrast is somewhat harsh too.
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10/09/2003 01:26:58 PM
The dark and deep blue background makes the stark white color of the church stand out. The jet black foreground at the bottom of the frame works good here.
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10/09/2003 11:20:52 AM
Nice, but too heavy retouching of the sky
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10/08/2003 10:07:09 PM
Nice colour contrast.
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10/08/2003 07:51:09 PM
Nice church, almost looks like a mirror image, if the clouds weren't different I would wonder, LOL! As for meeting the challange, it doesn't convey a sense of urban to me, as for the picture itself, the church seems a bit out of focus and the sky is so forbidding and the top of the church almost gets lost in it.
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10/08/2003 06:45:32 PM
Flott mynd, gaman að sjá himininn svona súrrealiskt bláan. Notaði Kópavogskirkju sjálfur í "Fill the frame" fyrir einhverjum mánuðum.
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10/08/2003 06:45:11 PM
though in my opinion it doesn' t quite fit the "urban" theme perfectly, it's a very beautiful photo.
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10/08/2003 05:48:56 PM
Nice Colors and strong, Go Iceland?
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10/08/2003 04:40:49 PM
Awesome sky. Truly awesome. Did that require a lot of photoshop tuning or is that the way it looked?
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10/08/2003 02:58:14 PM
For me the whites are too hot. But I like the contrast and the color of the sky.
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10/08/2003 01:19:09 PM
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10/08/2003 01:53:06 AM
base 1: 1/1; challenge: 3/3; technical: 2/3; aesthetics: 3/3; total: 9
Walls slightly blown out, but otherwise great.
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10/08/2003 01:39:38 AM
Awesome sky! Is there no detail in the light areas?
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10/08/2003 01:23:24 AM
Awesome colors! Great sky! Good framing.
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