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Foggy Sunday Morning
Foggy Sunday Morning

Photograph Information Photographer's Comments
Challenge: Morning (Advanced Editing IV)
Camera: Konica Minolta Maxxum 5D
Lens: Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX Macro for Minolta
Location: Williamstown, NJ
Date: Oct 15, 2006
Aperture: f/2.80
ISO: 200
Shutter: 1/250
Galleries: Nature, Water
Date Uploaded: Oct 15, 2006

Taken at my friend's house at 7:00 a.m on Sunday morning. Liked the lighting and the fog on the lake.
Post processing: resize, contrast, noise reduction, sharpen

Place: 51 out of 188
Avg (all users): 6.0594
Avg (commenters): 8.0667
Avg (participants): 5.9091
Avg (non-participants): 6.1603
Views since voting: 1051
Views during voting: 381
Votes: 219
Comments: 19
Favorites: 1 (view)

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10/23/2006 09:10:38 AM
Lovely composition. I gave this a 9.
10/23/2006 05:06:45 AM
this was one of my top pics for the challenge (9) I would just love to slide off that and break the silence.
beautifull tones and very calming.
well done
 Comments Made During the Challenge
10/22/2006 08:39:55 PM
Great find! Love composition and colors.
10/22/2006 02:34:15 AM
love this zenlike image.. 9
10/19/2006 08:33:57 PM
Simple and nice
10/19/2006 01:25:23 PM
Love the coloring and reflection.
10/19/2006 12:25:37 PM
Very interesting, indeed! The fog completely obscures the horizon so you can't tell where the water ends. And the silhouetted dock also obscures where its reflection begins. Makes for a facinating picture.
10/18/2006 10:54:58 PM
like the symmetry. I almost would like to see how this would look with a different crop to really emphasize the symmetry.
10/18/2006 04:01:16 PM
I like this photo. Its simple with good contrast and excellent sharpness.
10/17/2006 07:35:22 PM
I like this. It's calming. Nothing more to add I'm afraid.
10/17/2006 01:55:19 PM
As it is now I think the water could use more ripples. I was thinking maybe if you had thrown a big rock out there and waited a few seconds?

If the minimalist look was more what you were going for cropping the reflection out and showing more sky would add to it.

I just noticed something. The bottom side of the slide has a great rustic texture. It would be cool to see that brought out more.
10/17/2006 10:23:02 AM
This is a beautiful photo. I can hear the silence and feel the cool air. It makes me think of the "end of summer" when the water is too cold to swim in and the kids have all gone back to school. This photo also represents a great 'eye' for an image. The lines and shapes here are strong and the time of day along with the conditions nicely isolated the subject and created a really nice mood for the photo... great work :)
10/17/2006 10:14:05 AM
I love this one. It's so still and untouched looking, but the slide shows a past and previous (loud, breaking the stillness) childsplay, which really contrasts with the stillness.
10/16/2006 10:17:47 PM
Nice mirror image! :)
10/16/2006 05:15:37 PM
I think I want to see a little more of the slide, maybe pulling the composition over to the right. Beautiful light and reflection though
10/16/2006 04:49:16 PM
I have looked at this a few times now. This time I see what bothers me. On this screen the pic only shows partially and it is cut off just above the reflection in the water. Without scrolling to see the rest, this portion seems, to me anyway, to have more impact and causes the viewer to create the rest. Much more powerful in my humble opinion. The composition as is is good, but again I think I like a different crop. Well done on the exposure - just the right mood/effect. The ratio of light to dark is very well done. Overall, very nice exposure.
10/16/2006 02:14:35 PM
Meets Challenge - 2
Lighting/Processing - 2
Composition - 2
Overall Impression - 2
"WOW" factor - 1
Score: 9
10/16/2006 12:01:27 PM
Great colors. I feel like I can almost see some fog coming up off of the water.
10/16/2006 03:02:06 AM
6: I like this but I don't know what it is! A bit more space at the right would be better

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